Title: Elaboration Phase
1Elaboration Phase
- Determining the Functionality and Structure of
the Software
- The main two purposes of Elaboration are
- Requirements analysis Determining how
functionality (described during requirements
capture) will operate - However, the system is perceived as a black box
- In other words, we only consider how the system
appears from outside (not inside) - Architecture and Design Determining how
functionality will be implemented - The system is perceived as a white/clear box
- In other words, we will consider the internal
structure of the system
3Requirements Analysis
- Analysts will often create diagrams, and other
artifacts, when analyzing the requirements - Use Case Model
- Use case descriptions
- Use case diagrams
- Use case contracts
- System sequence diagrams (i.e. use case
realizations) - Domain Model
- Class diagrams
4Use Cases
- A use case is a complete use of the system
- Use cases describe the functionality of the
system - There is a simple rule for determining if a
behaviour is a use case - Is the behaviour something that an actor might do
by itself? - If not, then it is part of a larger use case
- Is the behaviour atomic (can it be reduced into
multiple, distinct, behaviours)? - If so, then there is more than one use case
5A Sample Case Study
- Consider an example The First Bank of Nunavut
- The application will manage the banks accounts,
including - In-branch transactions
- ATM transactions
- Web transactions
- Automatic deposit transactions
- The application will facilitate the loan
application and approval process
6Use Case Descriptions
- A use case description is a detailed description
of a use case, including - A list of primary and secondary participants
(actors) - A step-by-step description of the main success
scenario of the use case - Alternative flows (exceptional conditions) that
may occur (and when they could occur) - Much of this information comes from the
requirements document (from requirements capture) - The rest of the information should be obtained
using questionnaires and interviews with the
7A Sample Use Case Description
- Use Case Deposit into Account
- Primary Actor Teller
- Stakeholders and Interests Customers want to
deposit money into their account. The want the
transaction to be completed correctly, as losing
their money would be unacceptable. Customers
also want transactions, such as this, recorded so
they can be viewed later. - Main Success Scenario
- 1. The customer arrives at the teller with some
amount of money (cash or cheque) to deposit, and
provides the account ID of the account they wish
to use - 2. The teller accepts the money and verifies the
account ID - 3. The teller prepares a deposit slip including
the account ID and amount - 4. The customer signs the deposit slip, and keeps
a copy
8A Sample Use Case Description
- 5. The teller files the deposit slip
- 6. The teller updates the balance of the account
with the provided account ID - 7. A transaction record is generated, including
transaction details - Alternative Flows
- 2a. If the account ID is invalid, the teller asks
the customer to verify. If unable to correct the
account ID, the teller returns the money and
cancels the transaction. - 6a. The customer asks for a printout of the
account balance. The teller prints an account
balance summary, and gives it to the customer. - Technical Considerations
- Many customers provide their debit card instead
of their account ID. A card reading device is
used to get the account ID from the debit card.
9Use Case Diagrams
- A use case diagram is a diagram depicting use
cases, the actors involved - In the second iteration of Elaboration, we also
add possible relationships between use cases - Use cases are shown as ellipses with the use case
name inside - Actors are shown as stick figures, with the actor
name underneath - Actors that are non-human may also be shown as
rectangles with the actor name inside, including
the stereotype actor - A non-human actor would be used to represent an
external system (e.g. a credit card company)
10A Sample Use Case Diagram
11A Sample Use Case Diagram
Primary actors go on the left
12A Sample Use Case Diagram
Secondary actors on the right
13A Sample Use Case Diagram
Use cases may be grouped like this
14Elaboration Phase Checkpoint
- This is usually where the first iteration of the
Elaboration phase ends - So far weve started the use case model
- Weve created use case descriptions
- Weve drawn a simple use case diagrams
- The next iteration will involve the improvements
of the use case model - Improvements to the use case diagrams, and the
addition of use case contracts and system
sequence diagrams - We will also create a domain model, which
describes the objects and classes in the
application domain
15Use Case Contracts
- A use case contracts is like any other contract
an agreement between the producer and consumer - In this case, the producer is the use case, and
the consumer is the actor using it - The contract outlines pre-conditions and
post-conditions - Pre-conditions A description of the context
prior to the execution of the use case - Post-conditions A description of the context
after the execution of the use case
16A Sample Use Case Contract
- Use Case Deposit into Account
- Pre-conditions
- The account exists and is active
- Post-conditions
- For a deposit of N dollars, the balance of the
account is increased by N - A transaction record is recorded for
accountability, tracing, and customer information
17Another Format of Use Case Contract
- Use Case Deposit into Account
- Input Account, Amount
- Output transaction successful?
- Pre-conditions
- ValidAccount(Account)
- Post-conditions
- Account.balance Account.balance Amount
- create Transaction(Deposit, Account, Amount)
18A Warning
- The second format is very specific, but is
difficult to read for non-programmers - Analysts are typically not programmers
- It might sound strange, but a good way to
approach this course (and OOAD projects) is to
forget about programming during analysis! - This way you can become an analyst
19Best Practice
- A common theme in analysis and design is to do
what is necessary - Some organizations do not put enough effort into
analysis and design - Inadequate analysis can often lead to unhappy
customers, since the system is not exactly what
they wanted - Inadequate design can often lead to difficult to
maintain software (finding bugs, functional and
performance enhancements, etc.)
20Best Practice
- A common theme in analysis and design is to do
what is necessary - Some organizations will put too much effort into
artifacts like use case contracts - These are not necessary for most use cases
- However, one must always evaluate the cost/gain
relationship - How much benefit do we gain from all that effort?
- In some cases, not much!!
21Best Practice
- For a while a fad in software was to specify
software - This means using mathematical notation to specify
how software would work (using languages such as
Z) - e.g. ??x , ?x ? (A n B)
- This was instead of using diagrams
- Arent you glad this fad didnt stick around?
- This technique is still important in some
technical applications, where proving correctness
is necessary - For example, if a software failure could lead to
physical injury (e.g. robotics, respiratory
machines) - Even in these apps, it is more common to look to
software to verify the correctness of a program,
using proof techniques
22Best Practice
- Do not follow fads in software instead learn the
principles - Even UML can be considered a fad
- Thus, this course should not be considered a
course about UML - UML is merely used to illustrate the principles
- It is common for students to say things like I
dont need to know all this stuff, I know
ASP.NET, and that is what gets me the job - ASP.NET is a technological breakthrough today,
but it will be obsolete in a few years - Are you planning to retire when you are 23?
(lucky you!) - These are the reasons why a University degree
prepares you for your entire career - Even if you dont learn all the technologies and
languages you may need to get your first job
23System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs)
- A system sequence diagram is a diagram showing
how actors and the system interact to complete
the behaviour of a use case - A sequence diagram is a UML diagram depicting
message passing over time - A sequence diagram is perfect for this sort of
modeling, since it shows the passage of time as
the y-axis of the diagram
24A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
25A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
The passage of time goes down
26A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
The primary actor goes on the left
27A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
The system on the right
28A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
These are lifelines
29A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
These are activity blocks
30A Sample SSD
increaseBalance(Account, Amount)
createTransactionRecord(Deposit, Account,
This is a message
31Domain Model
- A domain model is a representation of the classes
in the application domain - The application domain is the area of business
for which the application is intended - For our example, the application domain is
banking - For this model, we use a simple class diagram
- Class diagrams are diagrams showing classes,
attributes, operations, and class relationships - Operations are typically not included in the
domain model class diagrams, however
32Domain Model
- The first step in creating a domain model is
class identification - We look through the requirements document for
nouns - Here are some examples for our bank application
- People Customer, Teller, Loan Manager
- Entities (tangible or conceptual) Account,
33Domain Model
- Next, for each class, we determine the relevant
information (attributes and relationships) - For Account
- Balance (Amount) (e.g. 1000.00)
- Type (Name) (e.g. Chequing, Credit, RRSP)
- Owner (Customer) (e.g. Barb Smith)
- Information that can be represented with atomic
types are attributes - The first two examples above are attributes
- Information that is expressed in terms of other
classes are relationships with those classes - We can call these relationships associations for
34A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
35A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
These are classes
36A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
The name of the class goes in the top box
37A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Attributes go in the second box
38A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Attributes types go on the right
39A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Attribute types are conceptual, not
programming language types
40A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Attributes names go on the left
41A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
withdraw(a Amount) deposit(a Amount)
Operations would go in the third box
42A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Associations are shown as lines
43A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Association role names are also included
44A Partial Domain Class Diagram
balance Amount type Name
Multiplicity can indicate how many objects are
45Other Elaboration Artifacts
- Architects will begin working with the
Architectural Model in Elaboration - Architects will map out the overall system
structure - For distributed systems, they will determine on
which network nodes to deploy which components - They will also break the system into modules,
often using one of the common architectures - e.g. MVC, Layers, Tiers
46Other Elaboration Artifacts
- The designers may also work on the Design Model
in Elaboration - Designers will figure out what classes will be
used to implement a module, and how instances of
these classes will interact to provide behaviour - Often, designers will employ design patterns
(discussed later) and best practices to ensure
they use proven solutions - This ensures that the system will work, since
design pattern solutions and best practices have
been used many times before - Design patterns and best practices are decades
worth of experience, that even novices can employ
47Other Elaboration Artifacts
- Developers will also starting working on the
Implementation Model (code) in Elaboration - Critical system components will be developed
before anything else - These are components that represent core
behaviour that is necessary for the system - Often, a user interface prototype will be
developed next (in Elaboration and continued in
Construction) - This is so the customer can examine the user
interface and make changes as early as possible - Earlier changes have less impact on the
development process as a whole
48Implementation Model Comments
- In UP, the Implementation Model is built around
the functionality of the system - This is similar to the older use case-driven
approach developed by Ivar Jacobson (also one of
the UP developers) - This is quite different than other approaches
- Data-centric design (worst)
- The database (or file system) is designed first
- The software components are built around them,
until the user interface is reached (last) - This often leads to poorly designed user
interfaces, since there is often little
flexibility by the time they are developed - User-centric design (not great)
- The user interface is designed first
- The software components are built around them,
until the database is reached (last) - This might lead to poorly designed databases, as
well as software components which are tightly
coupled to user interface components
49Unified Process A Clarification
- In UP, everything flows using similar rules to
the Waterfall model - Once requirements analysis is done, we can begin
to create an architecture - Architecture allows us to design, then implement
the software - Remember the difference with UP, however
- We do not need to complete the entire
requirements analysis before the architecture and
design can begin - Often we draw an SSD for one use case, it can be
immediately designed and implemented
50Elaboration Checkpoint
- As this point
- The Use Case Model is at 80-90 complete
- The Domain Model is fairly detailed
- The Architectural Model is nearly complete
- The Design Model is at least 60 complete
- The Implementation Model has been started, and
significant progress made (10-20) - This is around where Elaboration leaves off