Title: Developing a Continuous Improvement Process
1Developing a Continuous Improvement Process
- Mapping your Route with Definable and Logical
Directions A Journey, Not a Destination
2The Fire Service
- Who are we?
- How did we get here?
- Where are we going?
3Private Industry vs. Public Sector
4What Motivates Change in Your Department
- Community Needs
- Peer Challenges
- Self-Evaluation of Needs
- Competition
5Total Quality Management Principles
- A philosophy and a set of guiding principles that
represent the foundation of a continuously
improving organization. - The application of methods to improve all the
processes within an organization and exceed
customer needs.
6Six Basic Concepts of TQM
- 1) A committed and involved management team
- 2) An unwavering focus on the customer
- 3) Involvement of the entire work force
- 4) Continuous improvement of business
- 5) Treating suppliers as partners
- 6) Establishing performance measures
7Major TQM Principles
- Leadership
- Customer Satisfaction
- Employee Involvement
- Performance Measures, Benchmarking
- Continuous Improvement Process
8Continuously Improving The Fire Department
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Training
- Response
- Review
- Industry
- Expectations and Guidance
- Fire Department
- Expectations are Standard Operating Procedures
and Policy - Guidance is Training Workers to Successfully
Complete Task(s)
10Written Procedures (SOPs)
Measurable Training
11Customer Satisfaction
- Industry - Performance, Features, Service,
Warranty, Price Reputation - Fire Department - Performance to Standards,
12Defining Your Customer
- Internal
- Inside the Organization - Fire Department and
Others - External
- Citizens and Visitors to Your Community
- Other Emergency Service Departments
13What Are The Customers Expectations of You
- Show Up With a Big Red Truck
- Do What Firefighters Do
14Written Procedures (SOPs)
Measurable Training
Response, Alarm and Other
15Performance Measures
- Establish baselines
- Determine which processes need to be improved
- Indicate process gains and losses
- Compare goals with actual performance
- Information for individual and team evaluation
- Provide information to make informed decisions
Determine the overall performance of the
- Measuring performance against that of
best-in-class organizations, determining how the
best in class achieve those performance levels,
and using the information as the basis for goals,
strategies, and implementation.
- Industry
- Sales, Customer Survey
- Fire Department
- After Action Reviews, Customer Survey
18Written Procedures (SOPs)
Measurable Training
After Action Review
Response, Alarm and Other
19Ongoing Continuous Improvement
- Industry
- Product is Customer and Market Driven
- Fire Department
- Product is driven by After Action Review and
SOP Update
20Written Procedures (SOPs)
Measurable Training
After Action Review
Response, Alarm and Other
21Prevention vs Detection
- Reactive Processes
- Proactive Processes
22Continuous Improvement Process
- Strive to achieve perfection by continuously
improving the business and production process - Combination of people, material, equipment,
method, measurement,and the environment to
produce an outcome such as a product, service or
an input to another process Must have value
added activities and repeatability Must be
effective, efficient, under control and adaptable
23Employee Involvement Successes
- Motivation Recognition and Reward
- Empowerment Invest people with authority
Purpose is to tap creativity and potential
contribution that lies within every worker at
every level
- W. Ray Smith, IV
- Division Chief
- Monroe Fire Department
- (704) 282-4740
Thank You