Title: We received 617 completed surveys effective response rate 53'0%
1Physician attitudes toward regionalization of
adult critical care results of a national survey
Jeremy M. Kahn MD MS, Rebecca J. Asch BA,
Theodore J. Iwashyna MD PhD, Kevin Haynes PharmD
MSCE, Gordon D. Rubenfeld MD MS, Derek C. Angus
MD MPH, David A. Asch MD MBA
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy Critical Care,
Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics,
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia PA Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care, University of Michigan School of
Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI Sunnybrook Health
Sciences Centre, Toronto ON Department of
Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh PA
- We received 617 completed surveys (effective
response rate 53.0) - Respondents reporting no clinical care time were
dropped (Eligible respondents 569) - Perceived role under a regionalized system
- 59 mainly receive patients
- 30 mainly send patients
- More likely to agree that regionalization will
improve survival - Anesthesiologists (68) and surgeons (53)
compared to internists (48), pulmonologists
(45) and emergency (43) p lt0.001 - Physicians in urban areas (71) compared to rural
areas (56) plt0.001
Table 2. Rankings of barriers to regionalization
and potential solutions
Table 1. Physician attitudes toward
regionalization of adult critical care
Percent responding agree or strongly agree
P lt 0.001 for all comparisons
Funding Society of Critical Care Medicine Vision