Title: Building Blocks to Best Practice: People Centred Services
1Building Blocks to Best PracticePeople Centred
- Maria Walls
- Director of Research Membership Services
2Co-Presenter Mary OConnor Early Services
Development Manager St. Michaels House, Dublin
3Early Intervention Services
- Linking
- Experience
- Theory
- Practice
- Levels
- Child Family
- Teenager Family
- Adult
- Family
- At
- Individual
- Service
- Organisation
4National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Providing
Services to People with Intellectual Disability
- Formed as Network in 1972
- Secretariat established in 1998
- 60 Members
- 22,000 Service Users
- In excess of 14,000 staff
- 80 of services to people with Intellectual
Disability - Equivalent in size to two Health Boards
- 1946 World Health Organisation (WHO) Constitution
- Health is a complete state of physical, mental
social well being and not merely the absence of
disease and infirmity - 1986 WHO Ottawa Charter embraces this broader
practice positive definition and adds Assisting
the individual to increase control over and
improve health, focusing on completeness and full
functioning - Social Model of Disability
- Implications for Disability Services
- Whole life Focus
- OBrien principles
- Increase in the number of Departments funding
services - Mainstreaming Agenda
6Quality and Fairness
4 Principles
Quality of Care
People Centred
7People Centred
The key principles to guide Person Centred
Services are
- The right to equal citizenship/rights based
approach - Social Inclusion and Integration
- Promoting informed choice/equity
- Respect for individual choice and respecting
8This requires that
- All the resources and activities of the agency
are directed at supporting what really matters to
the service user. - The organisation has a reliable system of asking
services users what supports they require and
identifying their priority needs. - The organisation measures the extent to which it
is responding to each individuals needs and
priorities - The principles which direct service activities
span the entire spectrum of services which an
agency provides directly or in conjunction with
other agencies.
9Delivery of People Centred Services Requires
- Management Commitment
- Promotion of Leadership at all Levels
- Partnership with Service Users and Staff
- Innovation and Creativity
- Effective Service Co-ordination/Teamwork
- Accountability to Service Users and Funders
10(No Transcript)
11Building Blocks of the Child Family Centred
Rights Based Perspective
Inclusive Community
Social Model
Services closer to families
Implementing Reviewing Evaluation
Outcomes Focused Approach
Inter-disciplinary/ Trans-disciplinary Teams
Individual Family Service Plans
123 Core Values
Rights Based Perspective
Inclusive Community
Social Model
13Building Blocks of the Child Family Centred
8 Key Elements
Services closer to Families
Outcomes Focused Approach
Implementing Reviewing Evaluation
Inter-disciplinary/ Trans-disciplinary Teams
Individual Family Service Plans
14Child and Family Centred Services
- Key issues
- Parents as partners and decision makers in the
early intervention process - Family in centre - Services as collaborator
- Not just receiving information from parents
asking to do therapy at home but acting in all
parts of the process - Adaptation Process
- Capacity Building
- Evidence
- Provision for siblings
- Home visits
- Involvement in all parts of assessment process in
defining the issues, and devising solutions - Meeting parents together
- Timing of visits
- Video of intervention for father
- Key worker
15Working in Collaborative Partnership
- Key Issues
- Dunst, Trivette and Johanson 1994 requires
abdication of paternalistic approaches to helping
relationships and adoption of empowerment,
participatory involvement and competency
enhancement approaches to help giving - Success intervention on quality of provider -
family relationship - Dale 1996 propose Negotiated Model that parent
and professionals have separate but highly
valuable contributions to make
- Evidence
- Parents being asked about the level and nature of
their involvement - Asking where involvement should take place
- Using a problem solving format
- Committing resources to enable parent involvement
in advisory programmes - Facilitating parent to parent contact
- Using evaluation and parent satisfaction surveys
- Consulting on the planning and development of
services - Family directed service
16Multi-disciplinary Teamwork
17Inter/Trans-Disciplinary Teamwork
18Inter-Transdisciplinary Teams
- Key Issues
- Team is the mechanism that makes the intervention
work - Tuchman 1996 - Model of Teaming
- Inter-disciplinary share common goals, are
committed to communicating and work through
planned interaction, parental involvement, better
co-ordination of tasks between members. - Trans-disciplinary share common goals,
plan together using systematic process or sharing
roles and crossing disciplinary boundaries.
Family participation and concerns on decision
making are crucial. - Tuchman TD best service to families as they
integrate the principles of co-ordination and
family centred service
- Evidence
- Dedicated Teams
- Plan on needs of the child family
- Joint assessments
- Joint planning - families seeing fewer therapists
- Natural Environment Work - greater involvement of
wider team in childs life - Child based filing system
- Parent always member of the team
19Policy Change SummaryParadigm Shifts
- Charity
- Disabling
- Medical
- Expert
- Prescriptive
- Professional Driven
- Segregated
- Group
- Therapy
- Multidisciplinary
- Discipline Focused
- Standards
- Centre based assessment
- Deficit
- Rights
- Empowering
- Social model
- Child and family centred
- Collaborative consultation
- Consumer driven
- Mainstream/Inclusive
- Individual
- Whole life
- Inter/trans disciplinary
- Age group programme based
- Outcomes
- Integrated real environment assessment
- Strengths based
20Implementation Issues Raised
- Structure dedicated
- Leadership and Co-ordination
- Understanding Change
- Teamwork and Time
- Getting Parents involved
- Move from uni-dimensional to multi-dimensional
approach - Its Complex
- Charles Handy 1988 in Understanding Voluntary
Organisations says that - to change the culture of an organisation from
role to task based culture is one of the most
difficult changes to make.
22Case Study
Mary OConnor Early Services Development
Manager St. Michaels House, Dublin
23- Moving from child centred to child family
centred services in early intervention
24The Client
- Older models
- Child
- Individual
- Encapsulated
- Handicapped
- Newer models
- Family
- Family system
- Ecological
- Universal
- Wasik, 1990
25The Role of the Helper
- Older models
- Expert
- Problem solver
- Decision maker
- Newer models
- Collaborator
- Facilitator
- Negotiator
- Wasik, 1990
26Individual Programme PlansOlder ways
- Developmental domains
- Motor development
- Communication
- Cognitive development
- Social and emotional development
- Self-help skills
27Individual Plans - Newer Ways
- Goal James will use his hands to play
- How will this goal be supported
- (who, when, where?) Physio and OT will do two
joint home visits to show Lucy how to position
James in his standing frame and in his chair.
They will lend Lucy appropriate toys to try.
Lucy will decide on when and how often she will
be able to position James. Link worker and Laura
(Jamess granny) will also be shown how to
position James to use his hands. Physio and OT
will visit on dates arranged with Laura (6 visits
each in three months). Review.
28Individual plans - newer ways
- Goal Lucy will be able to go out for one
evening per week with her husband - How will this goal be supported
- (who, when,where?) Key worker will work with
Lucy to support a family member to learn key
skills for managing James care in the evening
29Making the Transition Using Outcomes for Families
- Families are informed
- Families choose child development goals
- Families choose their goals
- Families choose services and supports
30Providing Services in a New Way
- Information giving
- Key workers/co-ordination
- Teams that comprise staff relevant to child and
family needs as described by the family - Collaborative work/working in trans-disciplinary
31The Challenge
- The progressive and inevitable ambiguity of
disciplinary boundaries represents one of the
central challenges facing the field of early
childhood intervention