Title: Connect2 Shoreham Harbour Bridge Replacement
1Connect2 Shoreham Harbour Bridge Replacement
- Stakeholder Briefing Note No.3
- October 2009
- Introduction
- Progress to Date
- Connect2 Day
- What's Going on Now
- FAQs
- Comments Questions
There has been much work going on in the
background over recent months. If you have been
in the vicinity of the footbridge during the
summer you may have noticed contractors
completing various site surveys. Connect2 Day
took place in July and was marked with a
competition to win a bike. The coming months
will be particularly busy as the process of
recruiting the team to design and build the
bridge moves into full swing. Tony Bathmaker WSCC
Project Manager
4Project Overview
The projects main aim is to replace the existing
footbridge across Shoreham Harbour between
Shoreham Town Centre and Shoreham Beach. The new
bridge will be wider, designed for use by both
pedestrians and cyclists. In addition to
replacing the footbridge, improvements will be
made to the public highway linking the footbridge
to Shoreham-by-Sea railway station and the beach
itself. The highway improvements are also aimed
at improving access for pedestrians and cyclists
to Shoreham Town Centre and Shoreham Beach. It
is intended to complete the project before the
end of March 2013.
5Progress Since Last Brief
The consulting engineer Amey has been carrying
out site technical investigations on the projects
behalf. These comprise a topographical survey
of the existing footbridge including the estuary
immediately adjacent to the footbridge, an
environmental risk assessment and geotechnical
assessment. A number of other elements of work
are also progressing including assessment for
inclusion of micro power generation technology
with the new bridge. The results of this work
feed directly into the procurement documents to
inform potential designers/builders. Informal
workshops have been held with half a dozen
contractors and designers to get a better
understanding of the most appropriate procurement
and contracting options open to the project. The
outcomes from the workshops have informed the
projects procurement strategy. Pre-Qualification
(the first stage of the procurement process)
started on the 7th October and will complete
shortly before Christmas.
6Connect2 Day
The first Connect2 Day took place in July. This
is an event intended to bring all 79 Connect2
schemes together under one banner for a day and
celebrate the positive changes being made to
communities across Britain. This year the
Shoreham Footbridge project celebrated Connect2
Day with a competition for a local youngster to
win a bike and helmet. The competition proved
very popular and was won by Georgia Deacon from
Lancing. Around the country Connect2 Day
celebrations included coffee mornings, bike
rides, walks and community events related to the
various Connect2 Projects. Next year it would be
good if we can have a Connect2 Day event in
Shoreham that gives the local community a greater
opportunity to participate. Your suggestions
would be very much appreciated. If you have an
idea please email me with the email subject shown
as Connect2 Day Suggestions.
7Whats Going On Now?
The first stage of the procurement process
(pre-qualification) is underway and will last
until Christmas. This is a significant
milestone. The process will result in a
shortlist of 6 candidates who will be invited to
tender for demolishing the existing bridge and
designing building the replacement bridge. The
Tender process will start in January leading to
the appointment of a contractor in late
spring/early summer. The design process can then
start in earnest. The local community will be
consulted during the design process. A
stakeholder group has been invited to participate
in developing proposals for the route from the
footbridge to Shoreham-by-sea railway
station. Local stakeholders are also being
consulted with regard to the retractable section
over the navigable channel. There is the option
to build the new bridge with a fixed section. It
is intended to make a decision before Christmas.
- Why are road improvements being made to Shoreham
Town Centre and Shoreham Beach as a part of the
Connect2 project? - The installation of a new bridge suitable for
both pedestrians and cyclists means that this is
the ideal opportunity to make improvements to
both the Town Centre and Shoreham Beach. It is
hoped that by implementing a route that runs from
the beach across the bridge and up to
Shoreham-by-Sea station a lot more people will
want to walk or cycle rather than drive. - Is the new bridge going to open for boats
navigating the river? - A bridge without an opening section may present
significant savings to the project when compared
to a design featuring a section that opens over
the main channel. Similarly the cost of
maintaining the new bridge will probably be
considerably more expensive through the life of
the bridge by comparison to a bridge with a
closed span. The decision has not yet been made
but the design chosen for the new bridge will
need to balance the cost of an opening span
against the needs of the local community as well
as visitors to navigate past it. A significant
number of craft are already able to navigate
under the existing bridge when the opening
section is closed (allowing pedestrians to
cross). Local stakeholders will be consulted
before a decision is made. - How much will the new bridge cost?
- The total project budget is estimated at 5.85m.
In order to maintain control of cost and mitigate
against any potential shortfall in funding the
design and build of the replacement bridge will
have a 4m budget. This includes the demolition
of the existing bridge.
- Will the public be able to get involved with the
project? - The project team plan to keep the public very
much involved. The most direct method of
involvement will be through the consultations
that are being planned into the project
programme. Consultation should cover both the
designs of the town centre/Shoreham Beach cycle
pedestrian improvements and the bridge itself.
Details will be advertised in advance. - Does the Lottery Funding run out soon?
- No. The funding through Sustrans and the Big
Lottery Fund is available until the end of March
2013. It is expected that the new bridge will
open toward the end of 2012. Sustrans are
represented on the board leading the project as
is Adur District Council. - Will the existing footbridge remain open whilst
the new bridge is built. - Inevitably there will be some time during
construction of the replacement bridge when the
crossing will be unavailable. An estimate cannot
easily be given yet and will be determined by
several things including safety, cost and the
design of the new bridge. The project team
including the contractors will work together to
minimise disruption caused during the
construction of the new bridge. - Will a temporary crossing be installed whilst the
Footbridge is closed? - No. It is not practical or affordable to erect a
temporary crossing. It has been agreed that some
form of temporary travel arrangements will be put
in place when the footbridge is closed during the
construction process. The exact details
concerning these arrangements have not yet been
agreed and will be announced nearer the time.
- Will the new bridge be built on the same
alignment as the existing one? - There are two likely alignments for a replacement
bridge the first is on the same alignment as the
existing bridge the second is slightly to the
east. Building on the existing alignment would
simplify the demolition and removal of the
existing bridge from site (the new bridge wont
be in the way) and would present the straightest
alignment. Using the current alignment would
however require the crossing to be closed for the
longest amount of time. A new alignment, to the
east of the existing bridge, may allow the
existing bridge to remain open longer though this
would present complications for using large
machinery on site as well as the obstruction a
new crossing would present as the old bridge is
demolished. - Who is paying for the new bridge?
- Sustrans and the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) are
contributing 770,000, local development funds
300,000, WSCC 2,940,000. Further funding has
been applied for through various 3rd parties. - Will there be a web site following the progress
of the project. - Yes. The website is hosted by WSCC and can be
found by using the following link. It is
intended to keep web pages up to date with
information about the project including copies of
these briefs. - www.westsussex.gov.uk/ccm/content/roads-and-transp
11Comments Questions
Please feel free to contact me with any comments
or questions. I will add questions and responses
to the FAQs for the next brief. Please advise me
if you are aware of any stakeholder who has been
missed from the distribution list. Tony
Bathmaker Countryside Access Capital Projects
Manager Major Projects Group, Room 112, 1st
Floor, Grange Block, County Hall, Chichester,
West Sussex, PO19 1RH. Internal
82227 External 44 (0) 1243-382227 Mobile 075
15 500756 E-mail tony.bathmaker_at_westsussex.gov.u