Title: Chapter 5 Using a Library
1Chapter 5Using a Library
- Goals
- To learn how to find information in a library
- To learn about the types of materials available
in a library - To learn to recognize and find fiction materials
- To learn how to find nonfiction books using the
Dewey Decimal System - To learn how to use the schools online search
2Lesson 1 Whats in a Library?Standard English
Language Arts Standard OneEssential Question(s)
Why Write?Why share personal experiences in
writing?What makes writing worth reading?How do
writers express their thoughts and feelings?Why
do we need grammar? Lesson Objectives Students
will answer questions about what is in a
library.Students will explain the purpose of
different library materials and equipment.
- Warm-Up
- Vocabulary audiovisual catalog, branch, catalog,
database, library catalog, magazine catalog,
microfiche - Read pages 132-137
- Complete Exercise A,B
- Complete Workbook Activity 28
- Activity 31
- Review Lesson 1
3Lesson 2 Fiction and Nonfiction BooksStandard
English Language Arts Standard OneEssential
Question(s) Why Write?Why share personal
experiences in writing?What makes writing worth
reading?How do writers express their thoughts
and feelings?Why do we need grammar? Lesson
Objectives Students will answer questions about
fiction and nonfiction books in a
library.Students will match types of books with
their descriptions.
- Warm-Up
- Vocabulary fiction, nonfiction, novel, short
story, biography, dialog, autobiography,
biographical novel, history book, historical
novel - Read pages 138-143
- Complete Exercise A,B,C
- Complete Workbook Activity 29
- Activity 32
- Review lesson 2
4Lesson 3 The Dewey Decimal SystemStandard
English Language Arts Standard OneEssential
Question(s) Why Write?Why share personal
experiences in writing?What makes writing worth
reading?How do writers express their thoughts
and feelings?Why do we need grammar? Lesson
Objectives Students will classify books
according to the Dewey Decimal System
- Warm-Up
- Vocabulary Dewey Decimal System, call number
- Read pages 144-149
- Complete Exercise A,B
- Complete Workbook Activity 30
- Activity 31,33
- Review lesson 3
5Lesson 4 Periodicals and AudiovisualsStandard
English Language Arts Standard OneEssential
Question(s) Why Write?Why share personal
experiences in writing?What makes writing worth
reading?How do writers express their thoughts
and feelings?Why do we need grammar? Lesson
Objectives Students will identify and find
periodicals and audiovisual materials in the
- Warm-Up
- Vocabulary current issue, back issue
- Read pages 150-155
- Complete Exercise A,B,C,D,E
- Complete Workbook Activity 32
- Activity 34
- Review lesson 4
6Lesson 5 Finding Information in a
LibraryStandard English Language Arts Standard
OneEssential Question(s) Why Write?Why share
personal experiences in writing?What makes
writing worth reading?How do writers express
their thoughts and feelings?Why do we need
grammar? Lesson Objectives Students will
explain in writing how information is organized
in the library catalog.Students will answer
questions about the librarys different catalogs.
- Warm-Up
- Vocabulary circulate, edit, vertical file
- Read pages 156-160
- Complete Exercise A,B,C,D
- Complete Workbook Activity 33
- Activity 35
- Review lesson 5
7Standard English Language Arts Standard
OneEssential Question(s) Why Write?Why share
personal experiences in writing?What makes
writing worth reading?How do writers express
their thoughts and feelings?Why do we need
- Review Chapter 4
- Test on Chapter 4