T U R T L E S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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T U R T L E S – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: T U R T L E S

Introduction, evolution, biodiversity, and
Presentation Plan
  • Two Wordy Slides on Life-History
  • (Further notes on life-history will be
    interwoven, and possible discussion questions
    will be indicated in red.)
  • Evolutionary origins of turtles.
  • Turtles shells.
  • Respiration.
  • Locomotion
  • Terrestrial turtles.
  • Marine turtles.
  • Reproduction and demography.
  • Phylogeny Family-by-Family review.

Boring Generalizations (mostly true!) about
Turtle Life Histories
All turtles reproduce sexually, and all lay
eggs. Typically, 1 clutch is laid per year, but
many species produce gt 1 clutch annually.
Species that multi-clutch often skip one or more
years between reproductive seasons. In most
species, gender is determined by incubation
temperatures (females are the hot gender), but
in a few it is determined genetically. Incubation
period varies greatly (lt 2mo - gt 1yr). A baby
turtle looks like a smaller adult, but underneath
its keratin scutes, its bony shell is not fully
developed. Hatchlings receive no care from their
parents though in 1-2 species a mother will guard
her nest of eggs. In some temperate species,
hatchlings over-winter in the nest. Compared to
most mammals, all baby turtles grow slowly in
some species sexual maturity is reached as early
as 2 years in others it may be delayed for gt 35.
Average may be 6-10 years.
More Generalizations
In all turtle species the young suffer heavy
mortality, and in all species adult mortality is
much lower (in some it is very, very much lower),
so all species produce some adults that live a
long time. In some species older turtles undergo
apparent senescence in other species they do not
in so far as we know). Maximum longevity in a
few species is known to exceed 100 years. Adult
turtles range in size from about 10cm (and lt
500g) to gt 2m (and gt 500kg). Some species eat
nothing but plants some eat nothing but animals
many are in between. In quite a few species the
diet changes with age, often becoming more nearly
vegetarian. In all species calcium is an
important nutrient, particularly for hatchlings
and for reproducing females. Turtles inhabit 6
of 7 continents and all warm oceans. The region
richest in species was S.E. Asia but is now S.E.
North America. Many turtle species are
endangered because their demographic patterns are
not conducive to sustained-yield exploitation by
Evolutionary origins
  • They appeared c. 230 million years before present
    (MYBP) as recognizable, fully-formed turtles.
  • By 210 MYBP all major living ( many extinct)
    turtle lineages existed.
  • Ancient turtles
  • Some had teeth (no modern turtles do).
  • None could fully withdraw head into shell.
  • As we shall see (next slide), a debate about
    relationships persists
  • Are turtles the earliest reptile (even earliest
    amniote) branch?
  • Are they relatives of snakes and lizards?
  • Or are they relatives of crocs and birds?

Earliest known turtle (Proganochelys) photo of
fossil artists rendition. (from
Disputes about Evolutionary Connections(The
molecular dudes gonna save us all???)
Why do ideas on turtle phylogeny change so much?
Of course the shell makes the turtle!
  • Shell is living tissue and therefore grows with
    turtle. (And most species have indeterminate
  • To produce shell, a turtle needs much calcium,
    limited phosphorus, some Vitamin D, and plenty of
  • Topics for next shell-slides
  • Positioning of girdles
  • Embryological construction of the shell.
  • Scute patterns.
  • Further shell-based meditations.

Note how pectoral and pelvic girdles are within
the shell. Turtles are the only vertebrates that
can withdraw both head and legs into the shell.
Rib Vertebra
  • Turtles are unique among vertebrates because
    their pectoral and pelvic girdles are within
    their rib cages.
  • During embryological development the girdles do
    not move into the rib cage (though that's where
    their position ends up) instead, the developing
    ribs grow laterally to cover the girdles. (The
    next slide tells how.)

Morphogenesis of a turtles shell
  • Early on, cells of the carapacial ridge (or CR,
    an ectodermal structure analogous to apical
    ectodermal ridge of developing limbs) express
    messenger proteins, which attract migrating
    rib-precursor cells.
  • Thus the ribs (which are endochondral bone) are
    directed laterally by the CR, and they will
    complete their development outside of the
  • The ribs also become signaling centers that
    tell dermal cells between them to build bone
    (i.e., they secrete morphogenetic proteins that
    signal ossification).
  • The cooptation of an existing (Wnt) signaling
    pathway allowed for rapid evolution of the

Above Cross-sections of turtle embryo from
Burke, Amer. Zool., 1991
Expanding edge of CR
Scutes the external covering
Names of scutes
  • In most turtles the bony shell is covered with
    horn-like, keratinous epidermal scales called
    scutes. Typically a thin layer of skin lies
    between the bone and the scutes.
  • The scutes have a different pattern from the bone
    segments that underlie them, and this non-overlap
    of sutures adds to the strength of turtles
  • Relative plastral scute suture-lengths can often
    be helpful in identifying a species
  • Anal gt Abdominal gtGular gt Pectoral gtFemoral
    gt Humeral is the pattern on the plastron at

From theturtlepages.crosswinds.net
Further meditations on the shell
  • Nothing else has a shell like a turtle!
  • Because the shell is so bulky, there are some
    evolutionary pathways closed to turtles.
  • But bulkiness does have advantages
  • Size and herbivory
  • Size and reproduction (more on reproduction
  • Size and longevity
  • Soon well discuss the shell and its relationship
    to turtle respiration. In our research well tie
    this in with thermoregulation.

Turtle respiration
  • Gas exchange is mostly by lungs, but also
  • blood-buffering against CO2
  • myoglobin for additional oxygen storage
  • tolerance of lactic acid
  • reduction of metabolism
  • (in a few species) non-lung surfaces of gas
  • Breathing per se (next slide)
  • A turtle cant move its ribs or expand its chest
  • Muscles and viscera act as a pump by pressing on
  • Moving the pectoral girdle also pumps air.

  • Exhalation. Contraction of transverse abdominus
    draws posterior limiting membrane up forward
    while contraction of pectoralis draws pectoral
    girdle posteriorly. These actions press visceral
    mass against lungs, forcing air out.
  • Inhalation. Contraction of abdominal oblique
    pulls posterior limiting membrane down and back
    contraction of serratus moves pectoral girdle
    forward. These actions (plus gravity) move
    visceral mass to increase lung volume air comes
  • The exact arrangement of these structures varies
    from species to species.

  • On land, turtles gait (next slide) is ponderous,
    but even terrestrial turtles can move a long way
    if you give them enough time.
  • Marine turtles are the swiftest of all living
    reptiles (next slide plus one), and some make
    truly prodigious journeys. (See leatherback
    turtle slide, far below.)
  • Turtle feet were once used extensively in turtle
    taxonomy. But feet are under heavy selective
    pressure from environment and are therefore
    liable to convergence.

Plodding Terrestrial Locomotion
  • The red lines connect feet touching substrate.
  • The blue blobs indicate the center of gravity.
    (In 3 7, the body is supported only by diagonal
    limbs as C.G. shifts.)
  • Note the broad triangles of support.

Locomotion in marine turtles
  • The hydrodynamic forces are shown as if they
    were acting on the center of the hydrofoil. The
    passage of the hydrofoil elicits a hydrodynamic
    reaction force (R), which can be resolved into a
    force acting in the direction opposite to the
    motion at that point, which is drag (D), and a
    force at right angles to D, which is lift (L).
    Lift is inclined forward, indicating that there
    is a forward propulsive component to its action.
    Pough et al., 2001

Cross-section of propulsive ( front!) limb.
Note that its more like flying than like
Generalities of turtle reproduction
  • All turtles lay eggs with
  • 4 extra-embryonic membranes (reptiles, birds,
  • Highly calcified shells (some are brittle, some
  • Most (not all) turtle species have
    temperature-dependent sex determination.
  • Some species can lay gt 1 clutch in a single
    season some species skip a year (or more)
    between clutches.
  • Mortality is usually high among eggs and baby
  • Most turtles mature quite slowlybut typically
    live a very long time if they reach adulthood.
    This general demographic pattern has important
    conservation implications! (See next slide.)

Conservation implications of turtle
demography(or, in the old days most wildlife
managers were trained to be deer biologists)
  • White-Tail Deer
  • First-year survival probably c. 25-50.
  • Sexual maturity is possible _at_ lt 1 year.
  • So, about a quarter to half of all fauns mature.
  • Longevity after maturity is typically 1-4 years.
  • So each adult is not worth a whole lot,
  • More or less typical turtle
  • First-year survival can be lt 1 juvenile
    survival is generally low too.
  • Sexual maturity is usually _at_ about 5-15 years
    (sometimes much later).
  • So, typically, about 0.1 - 10 of hatchlings
  • Longevity after maturity is probably 10-75 years.
  • So each adult is worth a whole lot,

Phylogeny of the turtles
  • Turtles appear about 230MYBP w/developed shell
    thereafter undergo few other obvious changes.
  • During the Triassic (before 210MYBP) turtles had
    split into 2 main branches, distinguished today
    by head-withdrawal mechanisms (see next slide)
  • vertical-plane head withdrawal (hidden-neck)
    turtles today abundant on all warm continents
    except Australia (mechanism developed by
  • horizontal-plane head withdrawal (side-neck)
    turtles today found in Africa, Madagascar, South
    America, and Australia (mechanism developed by
    about 135MYBP).

Head-withdrawal mechanisms
  • Top neck bent in horizontal plane to withdraw
    head (Pleurodira, side-necks).
  • 3 Families
  • Africa, Madagascar, South America, and Australia
  • Bottom neck bent in vertical plane to withdraw
    head. (Cryptodira hidden-necks).
  • 10 Families
  • All warm oceans and all warm continents (marginal
    in Australia).

Possible relationship of turtle families
SIDENECKS 1 Chelidae,The snake-neck Family
  • 11 genera and about 40 species, in South America
    and Australia. (On anatomical grounds, South
    American and Australian species appear closely
    related, but some molecular data suggest
  • The Family includes some species with moderately
    long necks and some with very long necks.
  • Longnecks usually are ambush predators lying on
    shallow bottom, they raise heads for occasional
    breaths. And they snatch passing fish.
  • Shorter-necked (still pretty long!) types are
    usually mobile predators and scavengers.
  • Australian types have been well studied (South
    American types less so).

Chelidae (a snake-necked sideneck)
  • Commonly called mata-mata.
  • Carapace length to c. 50cm.
  • Mata-matas inhabit the ponds and slow streams of
    South American tropics.
  • A well camouflaged ambush predator, the mata-mata
    is an aquatic implosion feeder on small fish and
  • Occasionally mata-matas are active foragers,
    sometimes herding fish into shallow water.

Chelus fimbriatus
A more typical snakeneckof the very-long-neck
Chelodina expansa
  • Longnecks are Australian. Many types are
    drought-resistant, some surviving without water
    for gt 2 years. Most are ambush predators.

SIDENECKS 2 shortnecks
  • Two Families
  • Pelomedusidae (Africa and Madagascar)
  • Podocnemidae (South America and Madagascar)
  • Pelomedusids are small-to-medium, mud-turtle
    convergents. Brown to dark brown, they are oval
    and nondescript.
  • Podocnemids are river turtles, often large. They
    resemble familiar pond turtles. Often
    podocnemids are heavily exploited and endangered.
    Some species are of great potential economic

  • 2 genera, about 18 species.
  • These small to medium-sized turtles are
    omnivorous, but most prefer animal food.
  • Crocodiles constrain the distribution of some
    species consider selective pressures to inhabit
    ephemeral waters (such as isolated ponds) or to
    evolve high-domed shells.
  • Many of these turtles are adapted to a wet-dry
    seasonal environment and survive droughts well.

Pelomedusa subrufa
  • This Family was formerly lumped with the
  • Podocnemids include 3 genera and 8 species.
  • The Malagasy species are not well known.

Podocnemis expansa An important South American
  • Very large females can weigh almost 100kg. (An
    extinct relative, Stupendemys, approached 3.5m
    long it might have weighed 2000kg and was
    probably the largest turtle ever.)
  • Colonial nester (48 million eggs were taken from
    one Amazonian beach during one year in the early
    20th century).
  • P. expansa is legally protected, but it plays
    important cultural roles in South American
    society, so many are still eaten.
  • If conserved, this species could be a renewable
    source of protein in a hungry world. (Should the
    eggs or the adults be exploited?)

Sea Turtles Cheloniidae
  • 5 genera, 6-7 species.
  • All warm oceans, w/1 species often extending into
    temperate zone.
  • The front legs are the primary swimming
  • Females return to their natal beaches to nest.
  • All except green turtle (Chelonia mydas, left)
    are animal eaters.
  • Green turtle demographics
  • Prob(egg?adult) ? 0.0005
  • Prob(adult lives another year) ? 0.8
  • Lays c. 300 eggs, 1 out of 2-3yrs.
  • These are the published figures can you do the
    math to see if all can be correct?

Chelonia mydas
More on green turtles(and see next slide for
even more)
  • Green turtle females return from distant foraging
    areas to particular nesting beaches.
  • Hatchlings become pelagic and remain at sea until
    they are about 20-30cm.
  • Then as juveniles they return to shallower
    waters, where they feed on sea-grass beds.
  • Maturation time is not well understood and may
    vary enormously.

Older juvenile foraging in shallow water
Sea turtles oceanic navigation
  • Most sea turtles apparently have sun-compasses
    that interface with time-keeping mechanisms.
    (Displacement experiment Turtles orient, at
    least initially, as if they were in their
    original area.)
  • Most sea turtles apparently have magnetic
    compasses. (Magnetic-field reversal experiment
    Turtles at least initially reverse direction of
  • But eventually at least some sea turtles can
    navigate successfully when either system fails to
    function. (See below for results of an
    experiment that involved disruption of magnetic

Life-cycle of green turtles (Chelonia mydas)
Big questions coming turtles and longevity?
How can some turtles live such a long time?
  • Of course turtles often die quite young.
  • And adults succumb to
  • Depredation, accidents, disease
  • External, erosive, wearing-out
  • Senescence (internal wearing out) in some
  • Still, large adults of some turtle varieties can
    live a very, very long time.
  • As we think about why, lets consider 3 (not
    mutually exclusive) forms of senescence
  • An internal decay of genetic instructions so that
    when some older cells divide they lose constraint
    (cancers, etc)
  • An accumulation over evolutionary time of
    mutations that adversely impact older adults
  • Selective pressures for genes that favor survival
    of young but reduce survival probabilities of
    older individuals (antagonistic pleiotrophy).

In many cultures turtles are symbols of longevity.
Chromosome stability and telomere length
Contrasting mammals vs. long-lived reptiles
Senescence as failure to purge genes that have
deleterious effects in later life
Lineage commitments to life-history strategies
affect selective pressures.
  • Assume that
  • Mastomys natalensis has physiological capacity to
    live 8yrs.
  • M. natalensis matures at 4mo., and 99.99 die of
    extrinsic causes before 6yrs.
  • Mutation O reduces maximum longevity by 25.
  • Selective pressure to purge a population of
    Mutation O would be minimal!
  • Assume that
  • Gopherus polyphemus has physiological capacity to
    live 60yrs.
  • G. polyphemus matures at 15yrs., and annual
    survival thereafter is gt 95.
  • Mutation ? reduces maximum longevity by 25.
  • Selective pressure to purge a population of
    Mutation ? would be substantial.

Selection genes that work antagonistically with
  • Lets invent a turtle-gene that substantially
    increases the rates of calcium uptake and
  • Juveniles would grow shells faster, avoid
    predators better, and reach reproductive maturity
  • Older adults would experience earlier
    calcification of connective tissue in artery
    walls and die younger.
  • What sorts of turtles (with what sorts of life
    histories under what ecological conditions) would
    you expect to express such a gene?

The evolutionary choice that constrains the
life-history strategy of many turtles
  • The basic turtle plan is to accept all
    demographic developmental costs of producing a
    very long-lived adult biotype.
  • This semester we want you to think about
  • What macro-evolutionary event is most closely
    associated with this life-history strategy? Why?
  • How does this event elicit a cascade of
    life-history consequences?
  • How does this tie in with thermoregulation and
    ecology? (I.e., why are there no truly
    turtle-like mammals?)

(But wait Turtles are more wonderful than
theories!)Dermochelyidae (leatherback)
  • Maximum size gt 2m (1000kg) usually 1.5m.
  • Operates 22.6m down in water columnand in cold
    water (TB25.5 _at_ TE 7.5).
  • What about temperature?
  • Mammal-type metabolism?
  • Inhabits an eco-niche that is unavailable to
    other marine turtles the leatherbacks major
    food is jellyfish.
  • How does it get enough?
  • How does it deal with the salt (jellyfish are
    approximately iso-osmotic to seawater, which has
    3X osmo-concentration of turtles somatic
  • Can it avoid plastic bags?
  • Physiological ecology of this animal needs study.

More on leatherbacks
  • Large size, dark color, counter-current exchange,
    insulation, enormous food intake, blood-shunting,
    constant activity Scaled for size, leatherback
    metabolism is intermediate between reptile
    mammal. (Convergent w/ Scombroidei.)
  • Growth rate is mammalian Leatherbacks can
    approach maturity in 2 yrs (10-20k size

  • Leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) make
    enormously long oceanic circuits.
  • Probably much transport is by riding currents,
    but these turtles swim almost constantly and
    sometimes progress sub-surface.
  • Movement patterns resemble those of whales
    subsisting on similar foods.

Carettochelyidae New Guinea Pig-Nosed Turtle (1
genus, 1 species)
  • Length to 70cm.
  • Front limbs are hydrofoils. Note convergence
    with sea turtles.
  • Beneath the soft, pitted skin, the bony shell is
    heavy and complete. This is unlike the
    softshells, so does the leathery covering reflect
    shared evolutionary lineage or convergence?

Carettochelyidae (Carettochelys insculpta)
  • Adults are largely vegetarian young eat more
    animal food.
  • Fully developed embryos remain dormant in shells
    until nest floods (at least in Australia).
  • 40MYBP the Family included far more species and
    was distributed across all the northern
  • Note snorkel-type snout and think about softshell
    turtles (next slides) again, does this reflect
    convergence or relationship?

Trionychidae (softshells)
  • About 14 genera, about 25 species.
  • Reduced-bone shells are covered with leathery
    skin, which allows significant gas-exchange.
  • Softshells have long necks, snorkel snouts, and
    fleshy lips.
  • Trionychids are fast, streamlined swimmers, but
    their webbed limbs are paddles, not hydrofoils.

Pictures are Pelodiscus sinensis.
Softshells(Trionyx spinifera is shown below.)
  • Large number of eggs (gt 200/yr for big Florida
    softshells) gender determination is genetic.
  • Eat any available animal of right size snails
    are often a favorite.
  • Florida populations heavily exploited for Asian
    meat trade.
  • Females are much bigger than males maximum sizes
    and longevity are poorly known.

Dermatemydidae(Central American mud or river
  • 1 genus, 1 species (though this is an ancient
    Family, once widely spread).
  • Entirely aquatic, Dermatemys inhabits sluggish
    waters in southern Mexico and Central America.
  • While underwater, most gas exchange is through
    the lining of mouth. (In lab conditions, these
    turtles constantly take water in through the
    mouth and expel it through the nostrils.)

Dermatemydidae(Dermatemys mawii)
  • Large (to c. 75cm).
  • Babies eat mostly animals adults eat mostly
    plants. (This is a common pattern among aquatic
  • Adults rarely leave water except to lay eggs.
  • Throughout their range, these large river turtles
    are heavily exploited for food.

Kinosternidae (Mud and musk turtles)
  • About 4 genera and perhaps 30 species, mostly
    Mexican (but into U.S. South America).
  • All forage mostly by bottom-walking, but
  • Kinosternon moves a lot on land, from water to
  • Sternotherus seldom ventures onto land.
  • The highly aquatic Central American Claudius
    Saurotypus are sometimes listed as a separate

Musk Mud Turtles(Kinosternidae)
  • The non-descript mud and musk turtles are
    typically small, oval, and light to dark brown.
  • Most species tend to be omnivorous.
  • Kinosternids usually lay few eggs at a time and
    produce multiple clutches.
  • Adults live several years but do display
  • The plastron is reduced and/or hinged.
  • This allows for larger heads that can take larger
  • And keeping your mouth open while your head is in
    the shell makes for better defense.

Platysternidae (big-headed turtle)
  • 1 species s. China n. S.E. Asia into southern
  • Its relationship to snappers is unclear, and the
    big-headed turtle is often included in the
  • 15-18cm carapace.
  • Long tail very large head.

Platysternidae(Platysternon megacephalum)
  • This species inhabits rocky, cool (12o -17oC),
    mountain streams.
  • It is active at night buried in stream gravel by
  • Big-headed turtles eat animals, mostly snails but
    also other invertebrates and some vertebrates.
  • The species may hunt on land as well as in water.
  • Platysternon climbs well (for a turtle).

Chelydridae (snapping turtles)
  • 2 genera and 2 species (Family once more
  • Big head, reduced plastron opens mouth w/ head
  • Snappers are in part implosion-feeders.
  • Carapace scutes overlap.
  • These animals tend to walk the bottom (as opposed
    to swimming).

Chelydridae (snappers)
  • Common snapper is an active forager any
    freshwater habitat to c. 25kg.
  • Alligator snapper (see left) is a luring ambush
    predator (can stalk) deep rivers weight can
    exceed 125kg.
  • Both kinds eat almost any animal they can catch,
    but some recent research suggests that they eat a
    good bit of vegetable matter too.

Emydidae (Euro-American pond turtles)
  • C. 12 genera and 40 species.
  • These are the best-known American turtles.
  • Small to medium large (12-60cm), mostly aquatic.
  • Young are mostly carnivorous adults largely
  • Aquatic emydids have stereotypical courtship.
  • Demography not in general well known, but many
    live for a very long time.
  • Many taxonomic issues remain unresolved.

Trachemys scripta
Bataguridae (Asian pond turtles)
  • About 23 genera and 65 species.
  • Relationships entangled w/ emydids (which they
    resemble ecologically) w/ testudinids (which
    are relatives).
  • Mostly S.E. Asian but also south Asian spotty
    elsewhere (e.g., Rhinoclemmys in Central America).

Pyxidea mouhotii
Bataguridae (Example below is Heosemys silvatica
of s.w. India)
  • Most species herbivorous or omnivorous (except
    probably babies).
  • Most life histories very poorly known (but all
    probably live long).
  • Severe conservation crisis in Southeast Asia is
    worth extensive discussion.
  • Human population increase and ecological
    destruction in Southeast Asia
  • Economic development of China.

Testudinidae (tortoises)
  • Terrestrial elephantine hind feet mostly
    high-domed mostly lightened shells. (Pancake
    tortoises are flat, thin, and flexible.)
  • Distributional epicenters are Africa
  • Tortoises are the most vocal of all turtles.
  • Many types very slow to mature adults may live
    very long conservation problems.

Burmese mountain tortoise
  • This is probably the most primitive of all
  • Unique among turtles, it builds and guards an
    above-ground nest.
  • Its conservation status is representative of
    S.E.A. turtles plight.
  • This concludes our turtles PPT. But keep
    tortoises in mind! They are advanced herbivores,
    and the difficult job of plant-eating is a major
    concern of ecology, a sub-discipline of biology
    that will underlie all our semesters topics.
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