Title: Timaru Eniwa
Mr Steve Lyttle
President of the South Canterbury Chamber of
2Economic Exchange
- Timaru, New Zealand
- and
- Eniwa, Japan
3Newest Sister City Relationship
- Signing of Formal Sister City relationship
between Eniwa and Timaru - 13 February 2008 - Delegation from Timaru to visit Eniwa in June for
counter signing - Economic exchange formalised in 2006
4How it all begin
- First contact in 2001 - JETRO sponsored Timaru
Mayor to Eniwa Flower Show - Contact established with Eniwa Chamber during
Mayors visit - President of South Canterbury (Timaru) Chamber of
Commerce visited Eniwa
5Aoraki Development Trust
- Aoraki Development Trust (ADT) became involved
- ADT is Timaru Districts Business Development
Agency - ADT provides Management Services to Timaru
Chamber of Commerce
6Chamber to Chamber Relationship Established
- Timaru Chamber President visits Eniwa Chamber
relationship established. - Chambers with similar values
- Strong Community values
- Strong National values
- Strong International values
7Growing the relationship
- Chambers keen to strengthen ties
- Eniwa Chamber/Business delegation visits Timaru
- Timaru Chamber/Business delegation visits Eniwa
- Scene set to expand relationship
8Student exchange visits
- Chambers fosters Student exchange
- Students from Eniwa visit Timaru
- Students from Timaru visit Eniwa
- Student exchange very successful
- Emphasis on schools, families and community
during student exchange
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10People to People
- Strong personal friendships established
- Commitment to building on the personal
relationship. - People to People relationship foundation for
11Potential for Economic Exchange
- Strong goodwill between Chambers
- Strong friendships between Chamber members.
- As the relationship grew more people developed
personal friendships
12Growing The Relationship
- Timaru and Eniwa Chambers had a desire to expand
relationship - Timaru Chamber and ADT Business delegation visits
Eniwa - Eniwa Chamber and Business delegation visit
Timaru - Eniwa staff member works in Timaru at Chamber/ADT
13Establishing Economic Exchange
- How could the Chambers foster Economic Exchange
- Could reciprocal shops be established in each
city - Was there potential to expand trade beyond the
two cities
14Business Exchange Visits
- Reciprocal visits to discuss establishment of
Shops - Agreement reached
- Product expo held in Timaru for Eniwa delegation
to select products - Emphasis on local products and crafts
15Timaru Shop in Eniwa
- Mayor Janie Annear - Mayoral and business
delegation to Eniwa - Mayor Janie and City officials have formal
meeting with Eniwa Mayor - Discussion about formal Sister City relationship.
16Planning Eniwa Shop in Timaru
- Timaru Chamber and ADT look for location for
Eniwa Shop - Initial sight chosen in June 2006
- Planning begins
- Product selection is initiated.
17Export Agent Appointed
- Honey Valley New Zealand Ltd appointed export
agent for goods sent to Eniwa - Initial order received from Eniwa
- Honey Valley orders, consolidates and ships goods
18Export documentation
- Honey Valley responsible documentation
- Honey Valley receives payment from Eniwa Chamber
- Honey Valley pays various suppliers in New
19Building the Eniwa Shop
- Building of Timaru shop in Eniwa completed
September 2006 - Stock arrives in Eniwa October 2006
- Shop completed and stocked October 2006
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21Timaru Shop in Eniwa Opens
- October 2006 Timaru Shop opens in Eniwa.
- Timaru Deputy Mayor Ian Bowan Represents Timaru
District Council - Timaru Chamber President Steve Lyttle represent
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23Initial Products Sent to Eniwa
- Wine
- Juice
- Honey
- Jam
- New Zealand themed souvenir items
- Decorative plates
24Product Selection Eniwa Shop
- Product information received from Eniwa
- Product selection proves difficult
- ADT Staff member visits Eniwa to assist product
25Eniwa Product Expo
- Eniwa Chamber in conjunction with ADT staff
arrange product expo in Eniwa - Timaru Chamber President travels to Eniwa for
expo - Sample products and pricing taken back to Timaru
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27Eniwa Shop Sight in Timaru
- Sight initially selected no longer available
- New shop sight chosen at local Information Centre
- Products from Eniwa product expo submitted to
Shop Manager - Most Items reject as not suitable
28New Products for Eniwa Shop
- Chamber President in conjunction with Shop
Manager and ATD compile list of potential
products - Product information sent to Eniwa
- Eniwa Chamber sends photos of new items along
with pricing details - Shop Manager in Timaru selects products
29Eniwa Shop in Timaru
- Eniwa delegation led by Deputy Mayor visits
Timaru for official opening - The Eniwa Shop in Timaru opened in May 2007
- Main items are souvenirs
- Product range needs to be expanded
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31Freight Consolidation
- Items need be consolidated, packed and shipped
through one company - Minimum quantities keep freight rates low
- Order lead times established
- Adequate time to assemble items for shipment.
- Adequate time for sea freight
32Selecting Products
- Formal process for ongoing selection of items for
shops needs to be established - Product shelf life minimum two years
- Perishable items purchased from existing importers
33Creating Commercial Trade Opportunities
- Participation at trade shows
- Look for potential importers through Chamber
network - Involve Government Trade organisations
- Direct marketing
- Internet marketing
34Commercial Realities
- Not going to be easy to expand trade
- Be patient
- Try different marketing techniques
- Be prepared to try different products
- Accept reality that some products not commercial
viable - Try, Try and Try again
35Present Situation Timaru Shop In Eniwa
- Trade is steady
- Successful products limited
- Best products food items
- Honey, Wine, Juice and Jam
- Sales of other items limited
- Perishable products not easy
36Present Situation Eniwa Shop in Timaru
- Trade very poor after nine months trading. 899
individual items imported only 89 sold - Product selection not appropriate
- Difficulty finding suitable products
- Lack of population
- Location not best
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38Eniwa and Timaru Shops Future
- Eniwa shop in Timaru cant be sustained in
present format. - Discussion underway to find better business model
- All options to be considered
39Future Opportunities
- How do we build on the existing commercial
relationship - Work exchange opportunities
- Potential to use shops for commercial display.
- Tourism
- The existing relation built through the goodwill
of people from Eniwa and Timaru - With continued goodwill we can improve the
commercial relationship - Be open to fresh ideas
- Work together to achieve positive outcomes for
41Thank you for the opportunity to make todays