Title: Travelling Around TASMANIA
1Travelling Around TASMANIA
Starring someone. yay
2Hi peoples! My name is Tomoyo and Im here to
show you really groovy pictures of Tasmania. So
come on guys!
3And here we are at glorious Cradle Mountain.
Brrr.. Its really cold, I think I need my
winter woolie. Lets go and find somewhere warm
4And here we are at Clifton Beach, the most
polular South-Eastern place to go surfing. Hmm
I think Ill go grab my bathers and take a dip.
5Wow look. Its the Tasman Arch at Eagle Hawk
Not that kind of eagle silly!
6This is one of my favourite places in Tasmania,
Richmond. I love feeding the ducks and standing
on the bridge.
7Here are the small boats in the miniature model
of Old Hobart Town. Arent they cute??
8But most of all in Richmond, I LOVE the lolly
10Hmm Id better leave Richmond before I get
11Thats about the end of my photo album, so Ill
see you next time!! Bye. Id love to see you
here soon!
12The End
This film has been a Cassie Lovell Production.
Yes, I have been to these places.