Title: All change The Primary Curriculum Reviews
1All change! The Primary Curriculum Review/s
- 25.9.08
- Soo Sturrock
- PGCE Primary
- Course Leader
2- Primary National Strategy (P.N.S)
- Excellence and enjoyment A
- strategy for primary schools
- Schools should take
- greater ownership of
- the curriculum and be
- more innovative and
- creative about how they
- Teach and run the
- school
- Every Child Matters (ECM)
- A major new approach to
- the well-being of children
- from birth to age 19.
- 5 key aims
- Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic well-being
3Curriculum reform?
- 2007 The Primary Review is a wide-ranging and
independent enquiry into the condition and future
of primary education in England. - Most comprehensive such investigation since the
Plowden Report in 1967.
- Jan 2008 The Primary Curriculum review ..follows
a secondary curriculum review and the
introduction of an early years "foundation stage"
and you shouldn't, as Rose puts it, "just extend
one backwards, the other forwards, tie a knot in
the middle and say that's primary education".
4The Primary Review
- Children and Childhood. What do we know about
young childrens lives in and out of school, and
about the nature of childhood, at the start of
the 21st century? What do children most
fundamentally need from those charged with
providing their primary education? - Culture, Society and the Global Context. In what
kind of society and world are todays children
growing up and being educated? What must be done
in order that todays children, and their
children, have a future worth looking forward to? - Education. To what needs and purposes should it
be chiefly directed over the coming decades? What
values should it espouse? What learning
experiences should it provide? By what means can
its quality be secured and sustained?
5With according probing questions..
- Core themes purposes, content, process and
quality in primary education - Theme 1 - Purposes and Values.
- Theme 2 Learning and teaching.
- Theme 3 - Curriculum and Assessment.
- Theme 4 - Quality and Standards.
- Theme 5 Diversity and Inclusion.
- Theme 6 - Settings and Professionals.
- Contingent themes contexts and conditions for
primary education - Theme 7 - Parenting, Caring and Educating.
- Theme 8 Beyond the school.
- Theme 9 - Structures and Phases.
- Theme 10 - Funding and Governance.
Regular published interim reports (example)
6The Primary Review
- What will happen to the findings?
- What action will be taken?
- Who is listening?
7(No Transcript)
8Why does the curriculum have to change?
- 4 key drivers
- Impact of technology
- New understanding about learning
- Globalisation
- Personalisation
- Worth watching!!
- http//www.teachers.tv/video/17060
The remit for the Primary Curriculum Review has
five core aspects
- Curriculum design and content - creating a broad
and balanced, inclusive curriculum that has the
flexibility to meet the strengths and needs of
every pupil. - Reading, writing and numeracy enabling schools
to strengthen their focus on reading, writing and
mathematics. - Modern foreign languages the Review will
consider how best to introduce languages at Key
Stage 2. - Personal development considering how to create
a simple, coherent framework for the personal
skills that children need to develop during their
primary years. - Transition and progression facilitating smooth
progression from EYFS to primary, and through
into secondary school.
10Primary Curriculum Review
- April 2008 QCA Consultative
- Interim report due in October 08
- Consultation 2009
- 2011 First teaching (on-line
- curriculum)
- Relationship to assessment?
- Making Good Progress pilot
- 450 schools trialling new ways to assess, report
and - Stimulate progress at KS2 and KS3
- AFL Strategy Further invested 150 million over
the - next three years for continuing professional
development - for teachers in assessment for learning.
- Single level tests? http//www.naa.org.uk/naa_1621
12Implications for initial teacher education?
- Subject knowledge
- Core subjects v broad and balanced curriculum
- Whole child development
- Assessment practices
- Increased professionalisation (M level demands)
- OFSTED Our new generation of teachers needs
- to be prepared for teaching in an increasingly
ethnically and - socially diverse society, with growing reliance
on technology as a - means of communication and learning.
- What do beginning teachers really
need to know? - Who do we need to
recruit? -
Who do we need to work with?