Title: Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation
1Funding Opportunities at the National Science
Catherine Mavriplis Applied and Computational
Mathematics Tenth Copper Mountain Conference on
Multigrid Methods April 4th, 2001
- for all announcements, solicitations, deadlines
- http//www.nsf.gov/mps/dms
- Catherine Mavriplis cmavripl_at_nsf.gov
703-292-4859 - Thomas Fogwell tfogwell_at_nsf.gov 703-292-8104
- David Kopriva dkopriva_at_nsf.gov 703-292-4879
- Michael Steuerwalt msteuerw_at_nsf.gov 703-292-4860
3Directorate forMathematical and Physical Sciences
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Division of Chemistry
Division of Materials Research
Division of Mathematical Sciences
Division of Physics
Division of Astronomical Sciences
Office of Multidisciplinary Activities
CTS, CMS, ...
Algebra Number Theory
Applied Math
Computational Math
Geom. Analysis / Top. / Found.
Statistics Probability
Advanced Scientific Computing
5Individual Grants
VIGRE postdoc
Regular proposal
REU supplements
Group Grants
Research Institutes
REU Sites
NSF-Wide Federal Initiatives Investments
Nanoscale Science Eng.
Information Technology
6- Funding Opportunities
- Faculty Early Career Development Program
(CAREER) (Deadline July 2001) - Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research
Fellowships (MSPRF) (Deadline October) - VIGRE Postdocs (recruited by institution)
- Regular research proposal target dates
- November 15th Applied Math
- December 15th Computational Math
7- NSF and Federal Initiatives
- FY 2001
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering
- Biocomplexity in the Environment
- Information Technology Research
- 21st Century Workforce
8- Nanoscale Science and Engineering
- Focus on five interrelated areas of nanoscale
science and engineering - Multi-scale, multi-phenomena modeling and
simulation at the nanoscale - Biosystems at the nanoscale
- Nanoscale structures, novel phenomena and quantum
control - Device and system architecture
- Nanoscale processes in the environment
9 Mathematical Sciences
Investments (MSI) Insuring Our
Nations Future in Science and Technology
10- Why is the MSI important?
- Advances in mathematics and statistics
accelerate the pace of discovery and progress in
science and engineering at an unprecedented pace. - Advances in fundamental mathematics and
statistics are at the core of that process. - The need for mathematical and statistical skills
is increasing, while the educational achievements
in mathematics and science lag.
11Storing and identifying the digitized version of
millions of fingerprints is an almost
inconceivably enormous task. Uncompressed, the
FBIs current fingerprint files would consist of
200 terabytes. A new piece of mathematics,
wavelets, makes data compression fast, relatively
routine, and much less expensive so that storage
is feasible and retrieval is fast.
12Algorithmic Moores Law
13Math is Broadly and Deeply Needed
- Modeling and simulation physical virtual
- Organizing complexity biology, nuclear phys
finance - Representing extreme scales sub-atomic
galactic - Dealing with uncertainty health, educn, social
sc - Managing Large Systems transp., env., climate
14Why the MSI now? Assessment I (Odom
report) Senior Assessment Panel of the
International Assessment of the U.S. Mathematical
Sciences, March 1998, at the NSF. The panels
conclusion Based on present trends, it is
unlikely that the U.S. will be able to maintain
its world leadership in the mathematical
15- Assessment II
- Experiments in International Benchmarking of U.S.
Research Fields, April 2000, COSEPUP, NRC. - The key issue is one of human resources,
particularly the reliance on foreign talent. - The quality of U.S. mathematics research will
be affected detrimentally by the sharp falloff in
numbers of American students pursuing
graduate-level mathematics.
16- Mathematical Sciences in the U.S.
- Between 1992 and 1999, full-time graduate
students in math dropped by 21 U.S. citizens by
27. - In 1997, only 12 of full-time math graduate
students were supported by research
assistantships. - Between 1992 and 1999, upper division math
majors dropped by 23. - In 1997 NSF provided 66.5 of federal academic
research support in math, and approx. 70 in
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20Fundamental Mathematical Sciences
- (Some examples - these are here for illustration)
- Dynamical systems
- - and their role in modeling geological, oceanic,
or atmospheric systems - Advanced statistical methodologies
- - and their application to prediction and risk in
the economic and social sciences - Geometry and topology
- - and their connections to physical, biological
and engineering systems - ...
21- Connections to Other Sciences Engineering
- Initial Emphases
- Mathematical statistical challenges posed by
- large data sets
- Managing and modeling uncertainty
- Modeling complex interacting nonlinear systems
- Increase grant size and duration
- Increase support for graduate students
- and postdocs
- Collaborative research groups and training
- New mathematical sciences institutes
- Interdisciplinary centers
- Educational enhancements to research efforts
23- Focused Research Groups in the Mathematical
Sciences - Will support projects
- with plans for making significant progress in
areas of recognized or emerging importance to the
mathematical sciences and - where the success of the project depends in a
crucial way upon a group effort
24- Focused Research Groups in the Mathematical
Sciences (continued) - Deadlines
- Letter of Intent September 18, 2001
- Full Proposals October 18, 2001
- The solicitation is available online.
- 150,000 lt award amount per year lt 350,000
- FY 2000 12 awards
- FY 2001 approx. 15 awards
- Core components
- graduate traineeships
- postdoctoral fellowships
- undergraduate research experiences
- Optional Components
- curriculum/instructional materials development
- outreach
- 26 projects currently funded
Next deadline July, 2001
- Goals
- students
- broaden
- integrate
26- Interdisciplinary Grants in the Mathematical
Sciences (IGMS) - Allows mathematical scientists to expand
knowledge into other disciplinary areas - PI must physically reside in other (non-math)
department - Provide 50 support up to 100,000
- Anticipated Deadline 2nd Friday in December
27- University-Industry Cooperative Research Programs
in the Mathematical Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
- Senior Research Fellowships
- Graduate Research Assistantships
- Anticipated Deadline mid-November
28- Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)
- Support is provided for researchers at
predominantly undergraduate institutions - Proposals are submitted to disciplinary programs
- Usual merit review procedures used with special
RUI instructions to reviewers - The target dates are the program target dates
29- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Provides research opportunities for
undergraduate students - Two types
- REU Sites separate awards for a group (usually
6-12) of students - REU Supplements supplements to existing awards
for 1-2 students
30- Integrative Graduate Education and Research
Traineeships (IGERT) - Supports innovative, research-based graduate
education and training activities in critical,
emerging areas - Must have multidisciplinary research theme
- Awards Up to 500K/year for up to 5 years
- Preproposal Deadline June 28, 2001
- Full Proposal Deadline January 18, 2002
31- Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes
- A new competition underway
- We seek proposals for institutes that
- will advance research in the mathematical
sciences and/or the interface of the mathematical
sciences and other disciplines, - address diverse challenges and opportunities
facing the nation to which the mathematical
sciences can contribute, and - promote the integration of research and education
32Small Grants for ExploratoryResearch (SGER)
- Novel Untested Ideas New Research Areas Urgency
- Abbreviated Proposal Limited Award Amount
- Expedited Review
33- FastLane
- http//www.fastlane.nsf.gov/
- For list of awards
- abstracts of prior awards
- Requires Password - (obtain from your
office of sponsored research) - proposal submission
- proposal status
- annual and final project
report submission - Requires special PIN from Program Officer
- Proposal Review
34DMS depends on the mathematical sciences
community for its staffing In 2002 DMS will need
new program directors in Analysis Interdisciplin
ary Math (in particular, Math Biology) Applied
Mathematics/Computational Mathematics Statistics
and Probability We are interested in
applications from researchers from all fields.