Title: National Science Foundation Directorate for Biological Sciences
1National Science FoundationDirectorate for
Biological Sciences
Susan J. Lolle, Program Director Developmental
Systems Cluster, Division of Integrative
Organismal Biology slolle_at_nsf.gov
2Understanding the NSF
- How does the NSF relate to you?
- How do you relate to the NSF?
- Common misconceptions
3Understanding the NSF
- How does the NSF relate to you?
4Understanding the NSF
- How do most PIs relate to the NSF?
5Understanding the NSF
- Common misconceptions
- What drives the future direction of scientific
research funded by the NSF? - The community the NSF serves!
6Funding Opportunities
- Understanding the NSF
- Overview of the Bio Directorate
- Where to send your proposal Who funds what?
- Some specifics
- Supplemental funding Broadening Participation
- How to find out more
- What does a Program Officer do and why should you
7Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) Mary
E. Clutter, Assistant Director Joann P. Roskoski,
Executive Officer Sonya E. Mallinoff, Planning
and Budget Officer Tel (703) 292-8400 Fax
(703) 292-9154
Information and Automation Resources
Unit (IAR) Joanne G. Rodewald, Information
Management Officer Tel (703) 292-8406 Fax
(703) 292-9155
Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) Michael
R. Willig, Division Director Penelope Firth,
Acting Deputy Director Tel (703) 292-8480 Fax
(703) 292-9064
Division of Integrative Organismal
Biology (IOB) Thomas Brady, Division
Director Judith Verbeke, Deputy Director Tel
(703) 292-8420 Fax (703) 292-9153
Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) Machi
F. Dilworth, Division Director Muriel E. Poston,
Acting Deputy Director Tel (703) 292-8470 Fax
(703) 292-9063
Division of Molecular and Cellular
Biosciences (MCB) Maryanna Henkart, Division
Director Jerry Cohen, Deputy Director Tel
(703) 292-8440 Fax (703) 292-9061
Ecological Biology
Human Resources
Biomolecular Systems
Behavioral Systems
Ecosystem Science
Research Resources
Cellular Systems
Developmental Systems
Genes and Genome Systems
Population and EvolutionaryProcesses
Environmental and Structural Systems
Plant Genome Research Program
Systematic Biology and Biodiversity Inventories
Functional andRegulatory Systems
Emerging Frontiers (EF)
Effective October 2004
8Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
- Supports research and related activities that
contribute to a fundamental understanding of life
processes at the molecular, subcellular, and
cellular levels - Biomolecular Systems
- Cellular Systems
- Genes and Genome Systems
9Division of Integrative Organismal Biology (IOB)
- Supports research aimed at understanding the
living organism -- plant, animal, microbe --as a
unit of biological organization - Behavioral Systems
- Developmental Systems
- Environmental and Structural Systems
- Functional and Regulatory Systems
10Division of Environmental Biology (DEB)
- Supports fundamental research on the origins,
functions, relationships, interactions, and
evolutionary history of populations, species,
communities, and ecosystems - Ecological Biology
- Ecosystems Science
- Population and Evolutionary Processes
- Systematic Biology and Biodiversity Inventories
11Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI)
- Supports activities that provide the
infrastructure for contemporary research in
biology - Human Resources
- Research Resources
- Plant Genome Research Program
12IOB is IBN Reorganized
- IBN had 14 programs and 3 clusters (Developmental
Mechanisms, Neuroscience and Physiology and
Ethology clusters) - IOB has 4 Clusters but no programs
- Concept of the Organism as an Integrator
- Panels are less constrained scientifically
- More funding opportunities for Neuroscience
13Directorate of Biological Sciences
14Where to send your proposal?
- What is the focus of your research?
- What is the question you are asking?
15Directorate of Biological Sciences
16Some specifics
- Dates
- Note to beginning investigators
- Structure within a cluster
17Target Dates
- July 12, 2005
- January 12, 2006
- Not deadlines..
18Are you a Beginning Investigator?
- A beginning investigator is defined as
- Individuals who have not been a PI or co-PI on a
Federally funded award with the exception of
doctoral dissertation, postdoctoral fellows or
research planning grants - If you qualify you can submit duplicates!
19Developmental Systems Cluster
- Plant and Microbial Development
- Animal Development
- Developmental Neuroscience
- Evolution of Developmental Mechanisms
20Developmental Systems Cluster
- Approximately 15-20 of submitted proposals are
funded - Most awards recommended for 3 yrs of funding
- Range 120K-200K per year
- Goal to increase award size and duration
21Other Funding Opportunities
- Across the Foundation
- Supplements to existing awards
22Funding Opportunities for Biological Sciences
Research and Education at NSF
- International Programs
- Education Programs
23Award Supplement Opportunities
- Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Research Opportunity Awards (ROA)
- Research Assistantships for Minority High School
- Students (RAMHSS)
- Informal Science Education Supplements
- International Research and Education Supplements
- Facilitation Award for Scientists and Engineers
with Disabilities
24How to find out more!
25NSF Custom News Servicehttp//www.nsf.gov/home/cn
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32What is the role of the Program Director?
- Program directors are a source of information
- Before you submit a proposal
- Issues related to existing awards
- Understanding why a particular recommendation was
made (award/decline) - Supplemental funding
33What is the role of the Program Director?
- Program directors make funding recommendations
- Verify that proposals are appropriate for review
by their program - Identify reviewers and solicit ad hoc reviews
- Identify potential panelists and form an advisory
panel (review proposals and rank them) - Arrive at award recommendations
34Your Participation is Needed
- As ad hoc reviewers
- As panelists
- As Program Officers
- 50 of Program Officers are rotators
35What makes a good review?
- Evaluate the proposal
- What are the strengths and weaknesses?
- Is the project feasible?
- Is the science novel and original?
- Would you fund it?
36Thank you for your attention!