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Canada's Competitiveness -- Strengths ... At micro level, a firm is said to be competitive if it is profitable and ... This is an enigma that we have to solve. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Canada

Canadas Competitiveness-- Strengths and
Challenges Presentation to the Industry
Canada / ITAC Whiteboard Session on
Competitiveness Indicators, November 5, 2007by
Someshwar RaoMicro Economic Policy Analysis
BranchIndustry Canada
  • November, 2007

1. What is Competitiveness
The concept of competitiveness
  • At micro level, a firm is said to be competitive
    if it is profitable and maintains or gains market
    share in a world of fair and free markets with
    intense domestic and international competition
  • Measures of competitiveness are often calculated
    at industry level as data on individual forms are
  • At macro level, according to OECD, a nation's
    competitiveness is the degree to which a country
    can, under free and fair market conditions,
    produce goods and services which meet the test of
    international markets, while simultaneously
    maintain and expand the real incomes of its
    people over the long term

The drivers of competitiveness
  • Productivity, which measures efficiency of
    resources used to produce goods and services, is
    the long-term driver of competitiveness
  • Only growth in productivity will allow firms to
    compete internationally and maintain and improve
    real income
  • New investments in education and skills,
    machinery and equipment (including ICTs),
    physical and technological infrastructure and
    innovation (including commercialization) will all
    contribute to improvements in productivity,
    competitiveness and prosperity
  • However, in the short run, cost structure (unit
    labour, capital and energy cost) and relative
    output price will have significant impact on
    firms trade and output performance and hence
    their ability to compete in international markets
  • Movements in exchange rates also will impact the
    cost structure and relative output price in the
    short- to medium-term

2. Canadas Strengths
The Canadian economy has performed very well in
the last ten years
  • Over the 1997-2006 period, Canada experienced the
    fastest growth in real GDP among G-7 countries.
  • Over the same period, Canadas real GDP per
    capita grew at an average annual rate of 2.4,
    the second best growth rate in the G7 countries.
  • Canadas superior performance in employment
    growth largely contributed to the stronger growth
    in per capita real income.
  • Employment in Canada increased at 2.0 per year
    since 1997, compared to an average rate of 0.9
    in other G-7 countries.
  • Canada was the only G-7 country with a government
    budget surplus during the 2000-2005 period.

Economic Growth in G-7 Countries, 1997-2006
Real GDP Growth Real GDP per Capita Growth Employment Growth
Canada 3.4 2.4 2.0
U.S. 3.0 1.9 1.0
UK 2.7 2.5 0.9
France 2.3 1.9 1.1
Italy 1.2 1.2 1.3
Germany 1.4 1.3 0.5
Japan 1.0 1.0 -0.3
Source Statistics Canada, U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, and OECD Economic Outlook, 2007.
Canadas standard of living is among highest in
OECD countries,
Global Perspective on Living Standards (Relative
GDP per capita, 2005, U.S.100)
  • A significant component of our quality of life is
    represented by our standard of living, our GDP
    per head.
  • Canadas GDP per capita is 2rd highest in the
    G-7, and 10th among the wealthy OECD nations.
  • Canadas living standard was 19 percent below the
    U.S. in 2005.

G-7 countries
Other OECD countries
Source OECD Productivity database, 2006
as well as in terms of national income per capita
Global Perspective on Living Standards (Relative
GNP per capita, 2005, U.S.100)
  • Canadas GNP or income per capita is 2rd place in
    the G-7, and 9th among the wealthy OECD nations.
  • In 2005, Canadas per capita GNP was about 21
    percent below the U.S. level.
  • The GNP-based rank changed significantly from the
    GDP-based one for some countries. The biggest
    change in rankings is for Ireland, whose position
    falls from 4th richest country in terms of GDP to
    only 8th richest in terms of GNP.

G-7 countries
Other OECD countries
Source OECD estimates for 2005 and Penn World
Tables Note The data on GDP per capita in 2005
were converted to GNP per capita using the ratio
of GNP to GDP in 2000.
Macro-economic framework in Canada is sound and
  • Sound fiscal and monetary policies establish the
    foundation for Canadians to invest in physical,
    human and knowledge capital.
  • Low and stable inflation, coupled with sound
    fiscal policy lead to low interest rates and
    boost investment in innovation.
  • Canada has established a sound macro-economic
  • The appreciation of the real exchange rate can
    also increase the motivation for investing in
    knowledge capital.
  • Squeezed margins from foreign sales can require
    firms to upgrade their products, services and
    production techniques.
  • Increased competition on domestic sales can
    provide the urge to firms to differentiate their
    products and undertake research and development.

Long-Term Bond Yields
Government 10 year bond yields Source
Statistics Canada
Canadas trade policy supports access and
exposure to world markets
Openness to trade in G-7 Countries and Australia
  • Canadas trade policy is built on a series of
    successful bilateral and multilateral trade
    agreements making Canada a very outward oriented
  • Trade exposure and foreign direct investment
    stimulate competition and innovation, and
    increase productivity.
  • Sectors most liberalized under FTA/NAFTA
    experienced the greatest productivity gains in
  • Yet, Canadas barriers to trade and investment
    remain higher than most other industrialized
    countries, particularly in some services
    industries like transportation,
    telecommunications and finance.

Openness is defined as sum of merchandise
exports plus merchandise imports divided by GDP
and then multiplied by 100.Source World Bank
Barriers to Trade and Investment
Note The scale of the indicator is 0-6 from less
to highly restrictive. Source OECD, 2004,
Product Market Regulation in OECD Countries, 1998
and 2003 (rev.).
Product market regulations are among the lower
Product Market Regulations
  • Marketplace framework policy establishes the
    market incentives for firms and individuals to
    invest in physical and human capital and to
    compete and innovate.
  • Product market regulations can reduce the
    potential gains of introducing new and innovative
    products and the incentives to invest in
    knowledge and to commercialize innovation.
  • Much of Canadas higher product market
    regulations are the result of higher barriers to
    trade and foreign direct investment.

Note The scale of indicators is 0-6 from least
to most restrictive of competition Source OECD
Indicators of Product Market Regulation, 2003
barriers to entrepreneurship are the lowest
among G-7 economies
Barriers to Entrepreneurship
  • Barriers to entrepreneurship decrease market
    opportunities for firms and individuals to
    innovate and compete.
  • Barriers to entrepreneurship are decreasing in
    Canada and are the lowest compared to other G-7
  • Canada tops the G-7 in terms of low regulatory
    cost of business -- the least number of
    procedures and processing time.

Note The scale of indicators is 0-6 from least
to most restrictive of competition Source OECD
(2004), Indicators of Product Market Regulation,
1998-2003 (rev.)
Days Required to Establish a New Business
High income OECD countries. Source Doing
Business in 2006 - The World Bank Group
and labour market regulations are also among
the least restrictive
  • Employment protection legislation tends to impede
    adjustments in the labour market.
  • The U.S., followed by the U.K. and Canada have
    the most liberal employment protection
  • Other G7 economies have significantly more
    restrictive labour market regimes.
  • Still, a gap persists between Canada and the U.S.
  • According to the OECD, the employment protection
    legislation for permanent employees is more
    stringent in Canada than in U.S. and U.K.
    (regulations on procedural requirements notice
    and severance pay and the prevailing standards
    and penalties for unfair dismissals)
  • The same is true for temporary employment
    contracts (maximum number for successive
    renewals maximum cumulated duration of the
    contracts and allowed reasons for which a
    fixed-term contract can be offered).

Employment Protection Legislation
Note The scale of indicators is 0-6 from least
to most restrictive of competition. Source
Nicoletti, Scarpetta Boylaud, OECD Working
Paper 226, (2000), Table A3.11.
3. Challenges Facing Canada
Canada lags several OECD countries in
productivity level
The Sources of GDP per Capita with Respect to the
United States, 2005
Effect of labour utilization (U.S.0)
GDP per capita (U.S.100)
GDP per hour (U.S.100)
  • In 2005, Canadas labour productivity, not labour
    utilization, was the main factor behind our lower
    living standard vis-à-vis the U.S.
  • Estimates vary, but most recent OECD
    calculations suggest a gap of 24 percent between
    Canada and the U.S.
  • Canadas productivity level was 5th out of G-7
    countries in 2005.

Note Labour utilization equals total hours
worked per capita. Source OECD Productivity
database, 2006.
and in trend productivity growth
Labour Productivity in Selected OECD Countries
(1985-2004, 1985100)
  • Labour productivity and MFP growth have been
    lower in Canada than in many other advanced
  • MFP performance has been worse than the
    productivity of labour suggesting overall poor
    efficiency gains in production, lagging
    technology adoption and sub-optimal production
  • During 1985-2002, MFP in Canada grew at an annual
    average rate of 0.5 percent, compared to an
    average of 1.2 percent per year for Australia,
    France, Japan, Italy, UK, and U.S.

Multifactor Productivity in Selected OECD
Countries (1985-2004, 1985100)
Note MFP is based on harmonized price indexes
for ICT capital goods. Source OECD, Productivity
Productivity and working-age population are key
sources of growth in living standards in Canada
over the past two decades
Sources of Income per capita growth in Canada
1981-2006 (percent)
  • Real income (GNP adjusted for terms of trade) per
    capita grew at an annual average rate of 2.1
    percent over the period 1981 to 2006.
  • About 60 percent of that growth corresponds to
    improvements in labour productivity.
  • Multifactor productivity growth accounted for 33
    percentage points (56 percent of the labour
    productivity growth). Physical capital deepening
    accounted for the remaining growth.
  • The improvement in terms of trade accounted for
    17 percent of the increase in real income per
    capita. Most of the gain took place over the
    period 2002-2006.
  • The growth in the share of working-age population
    in total population and growth in employment rate
    accounted for 12 and 9 percent of the income per
    capita growth.

Labour productivity Multifactor productivity Capital deepening 59.6 33.4 26.2
Working-age Population 11.8
Employment Rate 9.3
Hours Worked per Worker -2.8
Net Foreign Income 5.1
Terms of Trade 17.0
Total 100
Income is GNP corrected for terms of
trade Working-age population population 15 years
and over. Source Industry Canada computation
based on data from Statistics Canada
Slower growth and aging of the population will
reduce our capacity to grow
Growth of Working-Age Population and Labour
Force, Canada, 1951-56 to 2016-21
  • Demographic trends will reduce the growth of the
    working-age population (15-64) and of the labour
  • Starting around 2010, the falling share of the
    working-age population (wp/p) and declining
    participation rate (I/wp) will both make a
    negative contribution to the growth of our
    standard of living.
  • It means that Canada needs to depend more and
    more on productivity growth to raise our standard
    of living and our quality of life.

Source Statistics Canada
Components of Growth in GDP Per Capita
Source Statistics Canada and projections using
COPS demographic projections
and increased competitive pressures from
globalization is adding to the urgency of
improving our productivity performance
Share in World Exports of Goods and Services
Other Emerging Economies
  • The globalization of trade and investment is
    accelerating growth rates rose sharply in the
    1990s with the emergence of China as an economic
  • Technology has been a key enabler and driver of
    globalization and of the offshoring of services
    to low cost countries.
  • Globalization will intensify further as trade and
    investment barriers continue to fall and
    communications become ever cheaper and easier.
  • Economies will continue to blend into an
    integrated world economy, with an increasingly
    global specialization and worldwide product
    supply chains.

Source World Bank
Other emerging economy includes Brazil, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Mexico, Korea, Malaysia, the
Philippines and Thailand. It excludes Singapore,
as the data for Singapore on exports of goods and
services in this series were not available.
Commercial Services Trade as Percentage of GDP,
U .S.
Data for 2004 are only available for a few
countries. Trade Imports Exports Source
World Development Indicators (WDI) database World
4. Canada under-invests in key areas
Canadian investment performance is weak in
several areas
  • Adoption and diffusion of new technologies
  • ME Investment
  • ICT Investment
  • Research and Development
  • Total expenditure in RD
  • Business expenditure in RD
  • Commercialization of new knowledge
  • Public Infrastructure
  • Highly skilled labour
  • Proportion of highly skilled workers across
  • Output of highly skilled labour from universities

Canada lags many OECD countries in ME investment
  • Physical capital deepening (capital per unit of
    labour input) contributes to improvements in
    labour productivity and living standards.
  • Physical capital deepening, especially ME
    capital, is associated with the adoption and
    diffusion of new state-of-the-art technologies.
  • Canadas ME investment, as a percentage of GDP,
    was the lowest in the 1980s and the 1990s among
    the G-7 countries, and most other OECD countries.
  • Canadas weak performance in ME investment did
    not improve over the period of 2000-2004. Its
    ME investment as a percentage of GDP was still
    the lowest among G-7 countries.
  • The ME investment gap between Canada and the
    U.S. increased in the 1990s as well as during the
    2000-2004 period.
  • Over the 2000-2004 period, Canadas ME
    investment, as percentage of GDP, was 8.2
    percent, compared to 9.1 percent in the U.S.

Machinery and Equipment Investment as a
Percentage of GDP (Percent)
Source OECD National Accounts
The Canada-U.S. ME capital gap is large and
increased in the 1990s
  • The Canada-U.S. ME capital intensity gap in the
    business sector increased from 39 percent in 1992
    to 44 percent in 2004.
  • ICT contributed about 34 percent to the ME
    capital gap in 2003.
  • The increase in the ME capital gap was more
    dramatic in the manufacturing sector. It
    increased from around 21 percent in 1992 to over
    46 percent in 2004.
  • ICT contributed about 24 percent to the ME
    capital gap in 2003.
  • The differences in industrial structure in the
    two countries did not contribute significantly to
    the ME capital gaps.

Relative ME Capital Intensity in Canada,
1987-2004 U.S.100
Manufacturing Sector
Business Sector
ME capital stock per worker (specific sector
ME investment PPP based). Data for other
countries are not available. Source Statistics
Canada and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
across most industries
Relative ME Capital Intensity in Canadian
Industries, 1997 and 2004 (Capital stock per
worker US 1)
  • Canadian industries are generally less ME
    capital intensive than their U.S. counterparts.
  • In 26 out of 29 industries, the ME capital
    intensity in Canada was lower than in the U.S. in
  • The ME capital gap increased in 19 industries
    between 1997 and 2004.

Source Statistics Canada and U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis
The importance of ICT in ME capital increased
across all industries
ICT Capital Stock as a Percentage of Total ME
Capital Stock in Canada 1987 and 2003 (per cent)
  • Between 1987and 2003, the share of ICT capital in
    total ME capital increased in all industries,
    except transportation equipment and professional
  • ICT capital, as a percentage of total ME
    capital, in the Canadian business sector
    increased from 14 percent in 1987 to 20 percent
    in 2003.
  • In general, ICTs are more important in service
    industries than in other industries.

Source Statistics Canada and U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis.
Canada also lags some OECD countries in ICT
ICT Investment in Selected OECD Countries,
1985-2004 (As a Percentage of Non-residential
Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Total Economy)
  • ICT investment as a percentage of total
    investment rose rapidly in the 1990s in most
    developed countries.
  • In 2004, the share of ICT investment in Canada
    was higher than that in France, Germany, Italy or
    Japan, but lower than that in UK and the U.S.

2002 for Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Norway
and Spain, 2004 for Canada, Germany, Korea and
the United Kingdom, 2003 for all other
countries. Note Estimates of ICT investment are
not yet fully standardised across countries,
mainly due to differences in the capitalisation
of software in different countries. See Ahmad
(2003). Source OECD, Productivity Database,
March 2006.
Canadas RD investments are increasing
  • Investment in innovation leads to higher labour
    productivity and income growth.
  • Research indicates that Investment in innovation
    is important to countries at or close to the
    technology frontier such as Canada.
  • R D expenditure is a widely used proxy for
    investment in innovations.
  • R D investment is also thought to be important
    for firms to absorb advanced technologies from
    other countries.
  • RD expenditures as a percentage of GDP increased
    over the past two decades.
  • Business RD intensity increased from 0.6 percent
    in 1981 to 1.3 percent in 2001 and declined to
    1.0 percent in 2004.
  • Gross RD expenditures, including government and
    other non-business RD activities, also trended

RD Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP in
Canada, 1981-2004 (percent)
BERD Business Expenditures on RD GERD Gross
Expenditures on RD. Source OECD, Main Science
and Technology Indicators, 2005-2
but concentrated in a few industries
BERD as a percentage of value added in Canada
1987 and 2001 (percent)
  • The improvement in RD investment over the past
    two decades is concentrated in two industry
  • machinery and equipment and
  • pharmaceuticals.
  • Why arent we seeing improvements all over the
    industry spectrum?

BERD business expenditures on RD. Source OECD,
ANBERD and STAN databases.
Canada performs relatively poorly on gross
expenditure on RD
  • Canada spends less on RD investment than other
    industrialized countries, despite a generous
    fiscal incentive -- the Scientific Research
    Experimental Development (SRED) Tax Credit
  • Canada ranked 12th in the OECD in terms of gross
    expenditures on RD (GERD) as a percent of GDP.
  • In particular, Canada trails the leader by more
    than 2 percentage points and lags the U.S by
    almost ¾ of a percentage point.
  • About 70 percent of the gap with the U.S. was due
    to lower RD intensity at the industry level.
    The remainder was due to differences in the
    industry composition between the two countries.

GERD as a Percentage of GDP, Top OECD Countries,
2003 or nearest year.
Source OECD, Main Science and Technology
Indicators, 2005-2,
due to weak RD investment by business
  • Canada ranks 13th in the OECD in terms of
    Business Expenditure on RD.
  • Several reasons have been advanced to explain
    Canadas lagging performance, including the
    impact of higher foreign ownership.
  • Official RD data, which capture
    domestically-produced RD spending only, may
    therefore underestimate investment in innovation
    by Canadian firms.
  • Recent work by Statistics Canada shows that when
    expenditures for foreign payments for RD
    services and payments for royalties and license
    fees are included, the Canada-U.S. knowledge
    capital gap in 1999 was reduced to 0.40
    percentage point from 0.92 percentage point.

BERD as a percentage of GDP, 2003 or nearest year
2000 for Switzerland Source OECD, Main
Science and Technology Indicators, 2005//2,
and in most high tech sectors
  • Canadas lagging RD performance is also
    apparent when we benchmark our performance
    against other countries in the top five high tech
  • Although we lead in the office machinery and
    computer sector this sector makes up a relatively
    small share of Canadas output.

RD Intensities of High-tech industries as a of
value added, 2002
Source Aleb ab Iorwerth, Canadas Low Business
RD Intensity the Role of Industry Composition,
Finance Canada Working Paper, 2005-03, March 2005.
and government
Government-spending RD as a percentage of GDP
for 2003, selected countries
  • We rank 15th in the OECD in government spending
    on RD, as a proportion of GDP, despite federal
    investment in RD increasing 29 from 1997 to
  • But we do well in RD performed by the Higher
    Education sector, where we lead the G-7.

Source OECD, Main Science and Technology
Indicators 2005-2
Canada has a generous tax support for RD, but
with less direct support
  • Canadas government tax assistance including RD
    tax credits is very generous by international
  • But, it provides less direct support to business
  • Research intensive industries that have long lead
    times to commercialization (e.g., fuel cell,
    biotechnology) are unable to fully benefit from
    accelerated tax deductions and tax credits.
  • Firms in these sectors have gone to public
    capital markets or foreign partners,
    disqualifying themselves from access to the
    refundable tax credits.
  • Accelerated tax deductions and
    non-refundable tax credits only benefit taxable
    (profitable) enterprises.

Government Support for BERD
BERD Financed by Govt
Tax Assistance
Total OECD
United States
United Kingdom
Source Source OECD MSTI Database
2003-2. Warda, Jacek, Extending Access to SRED
Tax Credits, December 2003. Tax assistance is
represented by one less the b-index - higher
numbers higher tax benefits. Note The B-index
is equal to the after tax cost (ATC) of a 1 of
RD expenditure divided by 1 less the corporate
income tax (t) ATC/(1-t).
Canada is also weak in commercialization
  • The World Economic Forum ranks Canada 27th on
    propensity to compete on the basis of unique
    products and processes.
  • Exports of high-tech products as a percent of
    total manufacturing exports commercialization
    in international markets is well off the US
  • Canadas purchases of foreign intellectual
    property for further domestic development
    declined in the last decade to levels well behind
    both Germany and the UK.

Introduced innovations new to Canada or the
world. Source Mohnen and Therrien, How
Innovative are Canadian Firms Compared to Some
European Firms? A Comparative Look at Innovation
Surveys, Merit Research Memorandum, 2001-033,
Maastricht, 2001.
High-Tech Exports(as of Manufacturing Exports)
US 100
Australia Data available until 2001. Source
National Science Foundation, Science and
Engineering Indicators, 2006.
Overall Canada has a low innovation performance
despite favourable innovation framework conditions
Canada Vis-à-Vis Best-Practice Countries in
Individual Policy Areas
  • Innovation performance of Canada (innovation
    activity and technology diffusion) ranked 10th in
    a group of 27 OECD countries, whereas it ranked
    3rd in terms of overall innovation framework
    conditions (along with Finland and the U.S.).
  • The Spider-web indicates where framework
    conditions in Canada differ from the index values
    of the top 4 innovator countries (U.S., Finland,
    Sweden, and Switzerland).
  • Canadas performance is particularly weak in
    public investment in RD, and lags in research
    quality, sufficient knowledge workers, and
    conditions for technology diffusion.
  • This is an enigma that we have to solve. Despite
    the favorable conditions that we offer, we do not
    reap the projected benefits. Why?

Source OECD. 2004. Benchmarking Innovation
Performance and Framework Conditions
Contribution from Denmark and Norway, DSTI/IND
2004/6. Paris.
Canadas public infrastructure capital has
trended down
The real ratio of Public Infrastructure Capital
Stock to GDP in Canada, 1961-2005
  • Research indicates a strong positive relationship
    between public investment in physical
    infrastructure capital, productivity and
  • Public investments in physical infrastructure
    support productive activities by business and
    government, movement of goods and services, and
    communications. In short, investments in physical
    infrastructure reduce operating costs of doing
    business in Canada and improve competitiveness.
  • But, Canadas investments in public
    infrastructure did not keep pace with the
  • The real public infrastructure capital stock/GDP
    ratio trended down over the period 1961-2005.
  • Similarly, public infrastructure capital stock
    per employed person fell from 15.5 thousands in
    1977 to 12.4 thousands in 2005.

Real Public Infrastructure Capital Stock per Job
in Canada (000), 1961-2005
Source Industry Canada calculation based on data
from Statistics Canada.
also lags some other G-7 countries
Maintenance and development of infrastructure, G7
countries, 2003
  • According to the World Competitiveness Forum,
    Canadas performance lags behind France, Germany
    and the U.S. in maintaining and developing public
    infrastructure, but is superior to Japan, Italy
    and the U.K.
  • Canada also lags Germany, the U.S. and France in
    the efficient use of public infrastructure.
  • More than 80 percent foreign multinational
    executives surveyed indicated that the poor state
    of public infrastructure adversely affected
    Canada as a destination for foreign direct
  • According to the Conference Board of Canada,
    infrastructure gap in Canada is estimated to be
    between 50 billion and 125 billion, 6 to 10
    times the level of all current government
    infrastructure budgets combined.
  • The infrastructure needs are particularly acute
    in the west coast (B.C.), because of the rapid
    expansion of Canadas commercial links with China
    and other Asian Pacific countries.

Source The World Competitiveness Yearbook,
2003 Note The rating scale ranges from 0 to 10,
with 10 being best.
The efficiency of distribution infrastructure,
G7 countries, 2003
Source The World Competitiveness Yearbook,
2003 Note The rating scale ranges from 0 to 10,
with 10 being best.
Canadas labour force has become more educated
Percentage of the Population 25-64 with a
University Degree or Above in Canada
  • Investment in human capital makes an important
    contribution to increasing our standard of living
  • Rising skill levels are an important source of
    productivity growth
  • An innovative economy requires a highly skilled
  • The capacity to adopt advanced technology depends
    on the level of workforce skills
  • With increasing competition from emerging
    economies in global markets, Canada and other
    advanced economies will increasingly specialize
    in exports with high skills content
  • As workforce growth slows due to population
    aging, increased levels of skill will be required
    to maintain growth in standards of living.
  • Canadians are now more educated than before.
  • The share of the population aged 25-64 with at
    least university education increased from 14
    percent in 1990 to 22 percent in 2004.
  • Skill levels have grown across all Canadian
  • All industries except health services experienced
    an increase in the share of workers with at least
    university education from 1981 to 2003.

Source Statistics Canada
Percentage of Hours Worked by Persons with
University Degree or Above in Canadian Industries
Source Statistics Canada.
making Canada one of the worlds most educated
Percentage of Population 25-64 with Tertiary
Qualification, 2003
  • Canada has one of the highest capacities for
    supplying skilled labour. Among selected OECD
  • Canada ranks first in the proportion of the
    population with tertiary credentials.
  • Canada has the highest proportion of college and
    trades graduates, but trails the US and Norway in
    the proportion of university graduates.
  • Canada ranks second in terms of average years of
    education of the working age population.

Source OECD, Education at a Glance, 2005.
Average Years of Education of 15-64 Year Olds
Across Selected OECD Countries
Source OECD, Bassanini et. al., ECO/WKP(2001) 9,
Wage premiums for university graduates have risen
Men 25-34 Percentage Wage Premium over High
School (1980-2000)
  • From 1980 to 2000, wage premiums for male
    bachelors graduates relative to high school
    graduates rose from 30 to 52. The bachelors
    degree premium for women rose from 51 to 61.
  • Wage premiums increased slightly for other male
    post-secondary graduates, but not for other
    female post-secondary graduates.
  • These increases occurred in spite of rapid
    increase in the percentage of 25-34 year olds
    with a post-secondary credential.

Women 25-34 Percentage Wage Premium over High
School (1980-2000)
Source Boothby and Drewes (2006), Canadian
Public Policy, XXXII(1), Table 6.
University education is important for scientists
and engineers across industries
University Graduates as a Percentage of
Employment in Natural and Applied Science
Professions, by Industry, 2001
  • Professionals in natural and applied sciences are
    the driving force of technology development and
    technology adoption.
  • In the economy as a whole, about 60 percent of
    professionals in natural and applied science have
    a university education.
  • The percentage is much higher in mining,
    utilities, professional services, educational
    services, and manufacturing.

Source Statistics Canada
But Canadas performance in producing new HQP is
University Graduation Rates, 2000
  • University graduation rates benchmark the rate of
    production of skilled knowledge by universities.
    The inflow of university-educated youths into the
    Canadian labour force represents 28 of all
  • Canada lags many OECD countries including the UK
    and the U.S.
  • Canada has also fewer Ph.D. graduates than most
    other G-7 countries and Australia.
  • Canadas lower university graduation rates and
    lower secondary completion rates mean that the
    average years of schooling that new school
    entrants are predicted to complete are lower in
    Canada than in many other OECD countries.

Source OECD, Education at a Glance, 2002.
New PhD Graduates per Million Population, 2000
Source Mario Cervantes, OECD Science and
Technology Policy Division, "Trends
in supply and demand for Human Resources in
Science and Technology",
Presentation at the Joint CNR-OECD Workshop.
and Canada lags the U.S. across industries
Hours Worked by Workers with at Least a
University Degree, 2000 (percent of total hours
  • On average, Canada has fewer workers with
    university education than the U.S.
  • In 2000, the share of hours worked by workers
    with university education was 16.3 percent in
    Canada compared to 26.7 percent in the U.S.
  • Canadas weaker performance is seen in all
    industries except business services.

Source Rao, Sharpe and Tang, 2004, Productivity
Growth in Service Industries A
Canadian Success Story, Industry Canada Research
Canada is also showing weakness in retaining HQP
Ratio of Outflow to Inflow From Permanent
Migration Between Canada and the U.S. Managerial
and Selected Professional Occupations, 1990-1997
  • Canada is losing highly skilled people to the
    United States.
  • Canadians who moved to the U.S. were better
    educated than both the Canadian-born population
    and recent immigrants to Canada.
  • 49 percent of Canadian emigrants to the U.S.
    between 1994 and 1999 aged 16 and over had a
    university degree. This compares with 12 percent
    among Canadian-born people and 21 percent among
    immigrants to Canada who arrived during
    the 1990s.
  • Recent post-secondary graduates who moved to the
  • Came disproportionately from higher level
    degrees, especially PhDs
  • Those who moved for work-related reasons cited
    higher salaries and greater availability of jobs
    in the U.S.

Share of Individuals with University Education in
population aged 16 and over in 1990s
Source Statistics Canada Education quarterly
review, May, 2000
Immigrants are highly educated but may lack the
skills required by the Canadian economy
Proportion of Population aged 25 to 44 with
University Education, 2001 Census
  • In 2001, 53 of recent immigrants aged 25 to 44
    had a university education compared to 23 of
  • Despite their higher level of educational
    attainment, recent immigrants with a university
    education earn 58.4 less than their
    Canadian-born counterparts.
  • The earnings differential suggests that the
    skills contribution of university educated
    immigrants to the Canadian economy is less than
    that of Canadian-born university graduates.
  • This could occur because immigrants have lower
    levels of the skills needed in the Canadian
    economy or because their skills are not fully
  • Data from the 2003 literacy survey (IALSS) shows
    that despite immigrants high levels of
    schooling, their literacy skills are lower than
    those of the Canadian-born.

Source From The Changing Diversity of Canada
2001 Census, Statistics Canada. Recent
Immigrants those who arrived 1996-2000.
Average Earnings of Recent Immigrants and
Canadian-Born Workers, 2000
SourceStatistics Canada, Daily October 8, 2003
Recent Immigrants those who arrived 1995-1999.
Canada also lags in training
Participation Rates for Workers 25-54 in
Employer-Sponsored Job-Related Training Across
Selected Countries
  • The existing labour force can acquire skills
    through on-the-job training.
  • Canadas labour force participates less in
    job-related training than in the U.S., the U.K.,
    and many other countries.
  • Average hours per employee spent in training are
    also lower in Canada than for other countries.

Source Employment Outlook, OECD, 1999 Chart 3.1.
5. Possible explanations of under-investment
Possible explanations include
  • Output composition effects - scope (e.g., Canada
    is still a resource-based economy)
  • Scale (e.g., small Canadian market size of
  • Extent of competitive pressure (e.g., barriers to
    foreign competition)
  • Business skills and experience (e.g., less
    educated entrepreneurial and managerial
  • Quality of risk capital (e.g., venture capital)
  • Incentives (e.g., taxes on capital).

Low investment in RD may be partially explained
by the structure of the Canadian economy
GDP share of natural resources industries in the
business sector, 1987-2003
  • The Canadian economy is often described as a
    resource-based economy.
  • In 2004, natural resources and mining represented
    about 7 percent of value added GDP in the
    Canadian business sector and about 3 percent in
    the U.S.
  • Although the evidence suggests that the
    industrial composition of output is not important
    for explaining our gap in RD performance, there
    are reasons to believe that our manufacturing
    sector is more resource-oriented than in most
    innovative economies relying more on primary
    transformation of resources rather than secondary
    or tertiary transformations where innovation
    inputs and commercialization are more important.
  • The diversity of value-added activities in the
    Canadian business sector is more evenly
    distributed than in the US.
  • While diversity can mitigate the risks of
    industry-specific economic fluctuations,
    industrial diversification can also reflect a
    lack of specialization.

Diversity of industrial value-added of the
business sector, 1997-2004
Source Statistics Canada and Bureau of Economic
Analysis (US).
Canadian firms are too small to compete abroad
Average shipment per manufacturing firm, 2002 (in
  • Scale economies and specialization are often seen
    as drivers of industry productivity and firm
  • Manufacturing firms in the U.S. have, on average,
    twice the scale of Canadian firms.
  • In 2002, average shipments per firm across
    manufacturing industries were C58 million in the
    U.S. compared to C24 million in Canada.

Source IC calculations from Statistics Canada
and U.S. Census Bureau data.
Canada has barriers to foreign competition
  • Inward foreign direct investment brings both
    tangible and intangible capital to the host
    country and generates direct and indirect
    economic benefits.
  • An OECD study suggests that Canada has investment
    restrictions in a number of key service sectors
    that are much higher than average and than in
    the U.S.
  • Canadas foreign ownership restrictions are
    confined to a few sectors notably electricity,
    transport, and telecommunications services.
  • The OECD has remarked that foreign ownership
    restrictions. particularly in the
    telecommunication sector, are burdensome for
    Canada and policy objectives should and can be
    achieved through other means, some of which
    already exist.

Foreign Direct Investment Restrictions by
Industry, Canada and the U.S.
Note The scale of the indicator is 0-1 from no
to complete restriction. Source OECD, 2003,
Policies and International Integration
Influences on Trade and Foreign Direct
and trails the U.S. on Competitive Pressure
Competitive Pressure Factors (Canada versus U.S.)
  • Competition and rivalry forces firms to focus on
    productivity improvement and invest in physical
    capital, knowledge and human capital.
  • Competition is often less intense in Canada than
    in the US, particularly in service-producing
    industries that focus on the smaller Canadian
    market (Conference Board of Canada, 2004).
  • According to the Executive Opinion Survey of the
    World Economic Forum, Canada trails the U.S. in
    17 of the 23 Competitive Pressure factors which
    measure the degree of rivalry that induce firms
    to invest in physical capital, knowledge and
    human capital.

Source The Institute of Competitiveness and
Prosperity, Realizing our prosperity potential,
Third Annual Report, November 2004. (Exhibit 18,
at p. 47).
Canadian production is increasingly concentrated
4-Firm Concentration Ratio, Manufacturing
  • Canadian manufacturing firms are becoming larger
    in order to benefit from scale economies and
    improve their competitiveness in the global
  • On the other hand, increased Canadian
    concentration of domestic production can reduce
    the competitive intensity in domestic markets,
    which could be detrimental to innovation.
  • Production in Canada is more concentrated than in
    the U.S. in all manufacturing industries except
    for the Apparel industry.

Combined production share of the four largest
firms determined by the value of shipments.
Source Statistics Canada,
Industrial Analysis Branch
Canadian business managers are less likely to be
university graduates than their U.S.
counterparts, especially from business programs
Degrees (BA, MA, PhD) Conferred per Thousand
Population (2002/03)
  • Skilled managers and business professionals play
    a vital role in the overall efficiency of firms
    and markets.
  • Overall, Canadian business managers are less
    likely to be university graduates than their U.S.
  • Twice as many managers in the U.S. are university
    graduates from business programs.
  • Could that explain in part why our firms are less
    innovative, perform less RD, etc.?

Source Rebalancing Priorities for Canadas
Prosperity, Institute for Competitiveness and
Prosperity, 2006.
Canadian companies operations and strategies
undervalue innovation, compared to those in most
of other G-7 countries
Company Operations and Strategy Ranking
  • The World Economic Forum ranks Canadian companies
    considerably lower in company operations and
    corporate strategies geared towards improving
    entrepreneurship and productivity.
  • In 2003-2004, Canada ranked 14th among 101
    countries in company operation and strategy an
    integral part of business competitiveness.
  • More Canadian businesses are concerned with
    minimizing cost rather than raising revenues via
    the introduction of new products, services or
    production techniques into the market.
  • In 2001, less than 40 of establishments in
    Canada considered that developing new products or
    production techniques was relatively important,
    very important or crucial in their general
    business strategy while more than 50 thought
    that reducing labor and other operating cost were

The company operations and strategy index
measures the extent to which company strategies
and operating practices are oriented toward
innovation versus other modes of competing.
Canada lags most of its G-7 competitors on this
measure. Source World Economic Forum,
Global Competitiveness Report, 2004-2005
General Business Strategy in Canada, 1999, 2001
Source Employer portion of the Workplace and
Employee Survey, Statistics Canada.
Effective corporate taxes on physical capital are
high in Canada
Effective Tax Rates on Capital for Large and
MediumSized Corporations, Selected Countries,
2005 Average for Manufacturing and Service
Industries ()
  • The business tax regime can have a significant
    effect on investment in physical capital and the
    creation of knowledge and its commercialization.
  • Taxes impact productivity growth and output
    growth through their effects on savings and
    investment, entrepreneurship and risk taking,
    work effort, and net migration, particularly of
    skilled workers. Taxes can also influence
    decisions to upgrade skills.
  • Higher taxes on capital investment, an important
    factor determining the user cost of capital,
    discourage corporate and entrepreneurial
    investment in Canada.
  • Canada has one of the highest effective corporate
    tax rates on capital in the world.
  • In 2005, Canadas tax rate on capital for large-
    and medium-sized firms was the second highest
    behind China.
  • Announced reductions in corporate taxes in Canada
    and the U.S. to date will not close the tax gap

Source Mintz, Jack, et al, C.D. Howe Institute,
e-brief , Attention G-7 Leaders Investment
Taxes Can Harm Your Nations Health. September
20, 2005.
and pervasive across industries
The Effective Corporate Tax Rates in Canada and
the United States, 2002
  • Canadian effective tax rates on capital were
    above the U.S. levels for all non-resource
  • The rate gap with the US is primarily due to
    higher federal and provincial capital taxes in
    Canada, faster CCA rates in the US, and
    provincial sales taxes on business inputs.

Source Chen and Mintz, 2003, How Canadas Tax
System Discourages Investment, C.D. Howe
Institute Backgrounder.
The generous tax-based support for industrial RD
may be offset by high effective tax rates on
Relative Generosity of RD Tax Incentives
  • Canadas Scientific Research Experimental
    Development (SRED) Tax Credit Program is widely
    recognized as providing one of the most generous
    systems of tax-based support for industrial RD.
  • Globally, support for industrial research in
    Canada (direct funding of business RD
    expenditures et fiscal expenditures) is much more
    important (40 to 50) than what is offered in
    the United States.
  • But high marginal effective corporate tax rates
    on capital operate might be discouraging
    corporate and entrepreneurial investment.

Source Warda, Jacek, Rating Canadas RD Tax
Treatment A 2003 Update, December, 2003.
Returns on human capital investment are also
reduced by high taxes
Effective Tax Rates for First University Degree
Graduates, 1997 (percent)
  • Return to education is one of the most important
    driver of human capital accumulation and a factor
    in retaining mobile skilled labour in Canada.
  • Canadas effective tax rate on university
    graduates was on average 15.9 percent, almost
    twice as much as that in the U.S.
  • High personal taxes affect savings and
    investment, entrepreneurship and risk taking,
    work effort, and net migration, particularly for
    skilled workers. They can also influence
    decisions to upgrade skills.
  • The tax wedgethe difference between the gross
    and net of taxes wagesis higher in Canada than
    the U.S. for highly mobile individuals.

Source Collins and Davies, 2003, Tax Treatment
of Human Capital in Canada and the United States
An Overview and Examination of the Case of
University Graduates, in North American
Linkages Opportunities and Challenges for
Canada, ed., R. Harris, Calgary University of
Income tax plus employees and employers security
contributions, 2004 (as a of labour costs)
Single individual without children at the income
level of the average production worker Source
OECD Taxing wages 2003/2004
On the other hand, favourable tax treatment may
in part explain low returns to venture capital
Before Tax Annual Rate of Return () on Venture
Capital Investment, 1994-2004
  • Risk capital is a vital source of funding for
    innovative businesses.
  • Returns on venture capital investments, a measure
    of the quality of the venture capital industry,
    are much lower in Canada than in the U.S.
  • Overall, the rate of return on venture capital,
    over a 10-year investment period, ending on
    December 31, 2004, was only 3.6 in Canada,
    compared to 26.0 in the U.S.
  • Note many analysts have attributed this
    quality problem to the significant role of
    labour-sponsored venture capital corporations in
    Canada the favourable tax treatment for
    individual investors may reduce the quality of
    management of these funds (less incentive for
    high pre-tax rates of return due to preferential
    tax treatment)

Source Venture Economics/NVCA (U.S.) Macdonald
Associates Limited (Canada).
However, Government debt-GDP ratio in Canada have
declined dramatically since the mid 1990s
General government net financial liability as
percent of GDP
  • Many claims were and are made that governments
    poor fiscal situation, weak (high) Canadian
    dollar and higher corporate taxes are the main
    reasons for hollowing-out.
  • But the available research do not show a
    systematic relationship between hollowing-out and
    the above mentioned variables.
  • Furthermore, the overall business climate in
    Canada has improved dramatically. If
    hollowing-out did not happen when the economic
    fundamentals were not in Canadas favour, there
    is less danger that it will happen now.

Source OECD
the recent corporate tax cuts would give Canada
a competitive edge over other G-7 countries,
Corporate Tax Reductions in Canada ()
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Existing rates 22.12 20.5 20.0 19.0 18.5 18.5
Proposed rates 22.12 19.5 19.0 18.0 16.5 15.0
  • Based on the Economic Statement announced by
    Finance Canada on October 30, 2007, corporate
    income tax rate would be cut from 22 percent in
    2007 to 15 percent in 2012, which will make
    Canada the most competitive tax in the G-7

Corporate Income Tax Rates for G-7 Countries,
2012 ()
Includes capital tax equivalents Source
Economic Statement, Department of Finance,
Canada, 2007
and the value of Canadian dollar vis-à-vis U.S.
currency has increased by over 50 since 2002
Average annual US dollar per Canadian dollar
  • The sharp rise in the value of Canadian dollar
    would stimulate investment in physical, knowledge
    and human capital and improve Canadas
    productivity and competitiveness by
  • increasing competitive pressure
  • lowering the cost of ME investment.

Sources World Bank and Bank of Canada
6. Indicators of ICT industry competitiveness
Canadian ICT sector is relatively smaller than in
other countries...
Share of ICT Sector in the Business Sector Value
Added, 2003 or latest
of total business value added
1995 16th 2003 17th (out of 25)
  • The share of ICT sector in the total business
    sector value added in Canada was 7.6 percent in
    2003, 2.9 percentage points lower than the U.S.
    share and 1.4 percentage points lower than the
    average share of all OECD countries.

Top 5 countries
Source OECD Key Indicators, http//
...and less RD is performed by the Canadian ICT
ICT Sector RD Expenditures, 2003 or latest
Percentage of GDP
  • RD expenditure to GDP ratio in Canadian ICT
    sector is much lower than the U.S. ratio and also
    lower than the OECD average.

Top 5 countries
Source OECD, ANBERD and National accounts
database, October 2006 http//
Canada is loosing market shares in the US...
Import shares of U.S. ICT imports, by country
  • From 1997 to 2005, US ICT imports from the world
    increased from 156 billion to 256 billion, 5.8
    (CAGR). During the same period, US ICT imports
    from Canada decreased from 10.3 billion to 9.5
  • Canadas decreasing share of US ICT imports was
    largely a result of decreasing computer and
    peripheral equipment imports from Canada. From
    1997 to 2005, they declined from 3.4 billion to
    1.6 billion
  • China has become the dominant ICT supplier in
    the US from 1997 to 2005, Chinas share
    increased from 6.6 to 32
  • Chinas increasing share is largely a result of
    increasing US computer and peripheral equipment
    imports from China, up from 4 billion in 1997 to
    40 billion in 2005
  • China is also making gains in the telecom
    market, US telecom imports from China increased
    from 1.7 billion in 1997 to 14.9 billion in 2005

...and in the BRIC countries
Canadas share of BRIC countries ICT imports
  • From 1997 to 2005, Canada lost ICT import market
    share in all BRIC countries, with the exception
    of India
  • In China, due to strong growth in global ICT
    imports, Canada lost import share but Chinese ICT
    imports from Canada tripled between 1997 and 2005
  • In India, Canada maintained its share because
    Indian ICT imports from Canada increased as fast
    (six fold) as global Indian ICT imports
  • In Russia and Brazil, Canadas decreasing ICT
    import share was a result of a decline in imports
    from Canada
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