Title: King County Healthcare System Emergency Response Planning
1King County Healthcare System Emergency Response
Allison Schletzbaum, MSOD King County Regional
Medical Resource Center Project Manager
2Healthcare in King County
- There is no healthcare system
- 23 hospitals 18 w/EDs
- 30 Community Health Clinics
- Unknown number of clinics and private doctors
- 2 tribal clinics
- 1100 long term residential care facilities
- 7000 individuals utilizing home care and home
health services
3Role of Public Health
- Lead for Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF-8)
Health and Medical Support - Neutral party in a competitive healthcare market
- Local health officer has authority based on the
Washington Administrative Code
4Coordinating Countywide Health System Response
- Emergency management system in place for King
County agencies and larger cities - Public Health, hospitals, first responders, EM
partners have been preparing together for years - Strong health care assets including Emergency
Medical System, Hospital Control, Public Health
5Coordinating Countywide Health System Response
- Planning has traditionally been hospital-centric,
not health care system-oriented - Need for a Unified Command approach to manage the
health and medical response - Health care system response capabilities appear
inadequate for large-scale or catastrophic
disasters - Limited capacity in the healthcare system, not
set up for surge in demand
6King County Healthcare Coalition
- The King County Healthcare Coalition is a network
of healthcare organizations and providers that
are committed to coordinating their emergency
preparedness and response activities - The purpose of the Coalition is to develop and
maintain a comprehensive system that assures
coordination, effective communications, and
optimal use of available health resources in
response to emergencies and disaster for all
7(No Transcript)
8Proposed Unified Command Structure ESF-8
Local Health Officer
Healthcare Coalition Executive Council
EMS Medical
Medical Examiner
Unified Command
Medical Advisors
Joint Information Center
Legal Advisors
Public Health EOC Liaison
Operations Section Chief
Planning Section Chief
Logistics Section Chief
Admin Section Chief
9Health Sector Engagement
- Hospitals
- Medical Groups
- Safety Net Providers
- Home Health
- Long Term Care
- Mental Health
- Specialty Providers
- Pediatrics
10Coalition Preparedness Structure
11Regional Medical Resource Center
- Supports the objectives of the Public Health EOC,
the Coalition Executive Council, and Unified
Command - Provides situational awareness for the healthcare
system - Anticipates needs, monitors available resources
and coordinates deployment where needed during
- Acquiring Image Trend Incident Management
Software with ASPR funds to support RMRC
12Current Regional Planning Priorities
- Alternate Care Facilities
- Triggers
- Track patients and staff
- Puget Sound Call Center Coordination
- Distribute standardized guidelines
- Integrate medial and business call centers
- Health Sector Operational Planning
- Communication Protocols
- Public and Private Sector Coordination
13Regional Challenges
- Situation Awareness
- Healthcare Providers
- Vulnerable Populations
- Critical Infrastructure
- Identifying, tracking, and distributing medical
resources - Communications and coordination
- Tracking disaster expenditures
14Questions? Contact Us
- Allison Schletzbaum, MSOD
- RMRC Project Manager
- aschletz_at_u.washington.edu
- (206) 731-6213
- Cynthia Dold, MPP, MPH
- Healthcare Coalition Program Manager
- cynthia.dold_at_metrokc.gov
- (206) 205-0456