Title: LCS Rock Drill Scenarios
1NAVY ERP 1.1 Single Supply SolutionFunctionality
Overview Brief
Ready. Resourceful. Responsive!
2Single Supply Solution Vision
Order Fulfillment
The visual map above shows how the five main
scenarios of the supply chain--Planning,
Allowancing, Procurement, Repairables, and Order
Fulfillment--are interrelated into a Single
Supply Solution.
Built upon the foundation of Navy ERP 1.0
3Planning Visual Roadmap
4Planning Functionality Overview
- Streamlines Order Processing
- Integrates Wholesale and Retail
- Centralizes Planning and Order Fulfillment
- Enables Total Asset Visibility
- Contains Advanced Planning functionality
- CFO compliant
Planning functionality optimally matches
demand with supply and recommends repairs,
purchases and stock movements for approval. The
two core components of SAP logic in the planning
engine Demand Forecasting and Supply Planning
will result in improved forecasts and supply
5Procurement Visual Roadmap
6Procurement Functionally Overview
- Cradle to grave linkage of financial
accountability and procurement / delivery efforts - Integrated processes for executing new buys or
repair actions - 3-way match between purchasing, goods receipt,
and invoice verification - Posting Logic aligned with Treasury Financial
Guidance - Direct method of inventory valuation using Moving
Average Cost (MAC)
The Procurement process for the single supply
solution represents the procurement of class 9 ,
repairable materials. The process includes key
system to system interfaces from ERP to widely
known legacy systems. Procurement goes through
the entire lifecycle from commitment to
obligation and then through the receipt and
- Visibility of End-to-End process
- Supports both commercial and organic repair
processor - Supports customer follow-up requirements
- Reflects asset position and finacial value
- Supports Retrograde Management
Repairables Management determines the
requirement, executes the award, and keeps track
of the money . Maintenance functionality is not
in the ERP 1.1. The Repairables process covers
the movement of depot level Repairables, not the
execution of the repair. The material being
repaired is owned by the Navy and is accountable
and tracked in the ERP system.
10Allowancing Overview
- Forecast and rates determined within Navy ERP
- Allowance determination computed in
REMAD/Readiness Suite as Bolt-On Applications - Allowance Product Distribution through
established channels for both Maritime and
Aviation - Navy ERP establishes Planned Requirements and
Customer Levels
The majority of actual computational
functionality within the Allowancing process is
not being done in ERP. The computational piece
the math modules, the algorithms are done in
systems that the Navy uses today and now are
being modified in order to bolt onto ERP.
11Order Fulfillment
12Order Fulfillment Overview
- Automated back order release functionality
- Repair contractors can direct ship to fulfill
backorder - Robust Planning portal for working customer
orders - Site specific asset rationing capability
- Utilize CRIF for sourcing mobile customer orders
- Centralized part number process
- Variable sourcing sequence logic within and
between FISC regions
- Single Supply Solution
- Process Driven
- Built upon Financial backbone
- Incorporates key supply chain processes of
Planning, Procurement, Repairables, Allowancing,
and Order Fulfillment - Replaces core legacy IT systems
Navy ERP the Cornerstone of Delivering Future