Title: River Hill High School Parent Teacher Student Association
1River Hill High School Parent Teacher Student
- An advocacy organization whose primary role is
to speak on behalf of children and youth, to
people organizations that make decisions
affecting our students. - We speak for every child with one voice.
- We assist parents to develop the skills they need
to raise and protect their children . - Encourage family involvement in our school.
- We support the mission of River Hill
administrators and teachers.
2PTSA Membership Counts
- 100 of staff are members
- Goal is to have 1,200 members by October. Cost
is only 12 for 1 parent, 20 for 2 parents, 5
per student - Your membership helps fund our programs
services - Join at the PTSA table in the lobby tonight!
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
3Student Directory
- Provided FREE of charge to ALL students.
- Delivery date is dependent on YOU, but our goal
is end of September. - www.riverhill.org click on Directory
- No internet? Forms available in lobby
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
- PTSA is working collaboratively with parent and
student groups to provide you with current
information. - Our focus will be all extra-curricular activities
with links to important information - PTSA announcements and Newsletters will be
delivered electronically this year on Wednesdays. - Must be enrolled with hcpssnews.com
- Archive copies of newsletters will be on PTSA
website. Go to www.riverhill.org/ptsa
5Summary of Parent Programs 2008 -2009
- Coffee with Guidance
- Principals Coffee
- October Fall College Night, Testing
Information Night, Study Skills Night - November Refugee Awareness Night, Flu Shot
Clinic - January College Night for Juniors, Preparing
for Senior Week at Ocean City
Sponsored by RHHS Guidance
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
6Summary of Parent Programs2008-2009
- February Writing Skills Seminar
- March Evening with Susan Reimer How to Talk to
Your Kids about Sex - June Student Life Expo
Sponsored by RHHS Guidance
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
7Student Programs
- SAT Prep classes Most Classes Ever Held
- Academic recognition, Senior Portfolio Awards,
Scholarships - Work with SGA student groups to support
initiatives Safe School Ambassadors, Leadership
Council, speakers, etc.
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
8Student Programs
- National PTA Reflections Arts Recognition
- Serve as grant coordinator for Special Programs
Technology Lab - Host AMAZING Post Prom Party (P3) ensuring safety
of our kids on Prom Night April, 2009
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
9Teacher Staff Support
- Help to fund TeacherWeb TeacherEase
- Provide staff luncheons throughout year
- Coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week the first
week in May
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
10New Programs for 2009-2010
- September Seminar on Lymes Disease
- January Mythbusters about Teen Drug and
Alcohol Use sponsored by the HC Drug Free Council - Ongoing Safe Home Pledge campaign to keep
our teens safe - Post Prom Party Plans in the works to provide
the best P3 event ever. - New website format Making information readily
available to you.
- Our PTSA is outstanding because YOU care and
volunteer! - Please help us become better -- we can always use
your help and feedback. - Volunteer Forms on PTSA table in lobby and on the
website under PTSA Volunteers.
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
12Other Ways to Support RHHS
- Grocery Store Target designation programs
- Scrip monthly gift cards riverhillmusic.org
- Restaurant Nights
- Market Day
- Verizon Velocity
- Boosters Dinner Dance (Feb 2009)
- Products, Merchant Discount Cards, Magazines,
spirit wear, etc. offered by sport teams
student clubs - Donations to philanthropic collections
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
132008-2009 Financial Review
- INCOME BUDGET 75,006.00
- Membership Dues
9,277.00 - Post Prom Party 21,497.67
- Program Offerings (SAT) 42,760.00
- Special Programs Grant (Art Lab) 8,500.00
- Balance Brought Forward 5,919.45
- Other ( Market Day, Flu Clinic)
1,708.78 - Â
- Organizational Expenses
4,062.75 - Operating Expenses 408.85
- SAT Course Offering 20,249.80
- Special Programs (Art Lab) 8,500.00
- PTSA Objectives 30,968.72
- (Classrooms support, P3, Scholarships,
Teachers, Parent Programs, etc.) -
142009-10 Proposed Budget
INCOME Membership Dues _at_ 1160
9,300 Post Prom Party
12,000 Program Offerings (SAT, etc)
22,200 Special Programs Grant
10,000 Balance Brought Forward
25,473 TOTAL INCOME 79,973
152009-10 Proposed Budget
- Organizational Expenses 3,890
- Operating Expenses 625
- SAT Course Offering 21,000
- Special Programs 10,000
- Student Support 25,900
- Community Support 1,500
- Staff Support 10,878
- Carryover Reserve 6,130
162009-10 Budget
94 of Budget goes directly to Students,
Staff, And Parents
www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or
17VOTE on Budget
- Thank you for supporting PTSA!
Regular PTSA Board meetings are the 2nd Monday of
each month. 7pm in the Information Center