Title: Computational Geometry and Geometric Shape Matching
1Computational Geometry and Geometric Shape
2What is Computational Geometry?
- Algorithms for geometric objects
3Convex Hull
- Given a set of pins on a pinboard
- And a rubber band around them
- How does the rubber band look when it snaps
4Convex Hull
- Given a set of pins on a pinboard
- And a rubber band around them
- How does the rubber band look when it snaps
5Voronoi Diagram
- Given all post offices in San Antonio
- Find a subdivision of San Antonio into cells
such that points in a cell are all closest to
one post office
6Voronoi Diagram
- Given all post offices in San Antonio
- Find a subdivision of San Antonio into cells
such that points in a cell are all closest to
one post office
7Security Art Gallery
- Given an art gallery
- How many guards do you need to guard the whole
gallery? Where should they be located?
8Data bases
- Given a set of points (data sets) in high
dimensional space - Preprocess them such that orthogonal range
queries can be answered efficiently.
9Geometric Shape Matching
- Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a
number of basic objects
10Geometric Shape Matching
- Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a
number of basic objects such as
11Geometric Shape Matching
- Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a
number of basic objects such as
line segments
12Geometric Shape Matching
- Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a
number of basic objects such as
line segments
13Geometric Shape Matching
- Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a
number of basic objects such as
line segments
- How similar are two geometric shapes?
14Geometric Shape Matching
- Consider geometric shapes to be composed of a
number of basic objects such as
line segments
- How similar are two geometric shapes?
- Choice of distance measure
- Full or partial matching
- Exact or approximate matching
- Transformations (translations, rotations,
15Computer-Aided Neurosurgery
FU Berlin, Functional Imaging Technologies GmbH
and the medical school Benjamin Franklin at FU
- Computer assisted neuro surgery (esp. brain
tumor surgery)
- Computer assisted neuro surgery (esp. brain
tumor surgery)
- Before Surgery
- Functional MR scan of the brain
- 3D model of the brain
- Computer assisted neuro surgery (esp. brain
tumor surgery)
- Before Surgery
- Functional MR scan of the brain
- 3D model of the brain
During Surgery
- Computer assisted neuro surgery (esp. brain
tumor surgery)
- Before Surgery
- Functional MR scan of the brain
- 3D model of the brain
- During Surgery
- Electromagnetic pointing device
- Display positions in 3D model
- Computer assisted neuro surgery (esp. brain
tumor surgery)
- Before Surgery
- Functional MR scan of the brain
- 3D model of the brain
- During Surgery
- Electromagnetic pointing device
- Display positions in 3D model
Navigation aid mapping positions in the brain to
a prerecorded 3D MR image of the brain
21Landmark Registration
- Set of markers attached to patients head
3D model
during surgery
- Small but very noisy point sets
- Find nearly rigid motion that maps image markers
to world markers
22Rigid Point Matching
- Pp1,p2,,pn Qq1,q2,,qm point sets in R3
23Rigid Point Matching
- Pp1,p2,,pn Qq1,q2,,qm point sets in R3
- Rigid matching maps edges with same length onto
each other
24Rigid Point Matching
- Pp1,p2,,pn Qq1,q2,,qm point sets in R3
- Rigid matching maps edges with same length onto
each other
- Nearly rigid matching maps edges with similar
lengths onto each other
25 Scoring Table
- Edges with similar lengths indicate
a possible matching of and
or vice versa
- For each pair of similar edges, increase the
score of all pairs of involved endpoints
26 Scoring Table
- Edges with similar lengths indicate
a possible matching of and
or vice versa
- Maintain score for each pair
indicating the quality of matching those two
p1 pi pj pn q1 qu qv qm
- For each pair of similar edges, increase the
score of all pairs of involved endpoints
27Finding a Transformation
- Extract combinatorial matching
- from scoring table
- Least-Squares Approximation
- Find affine transformation A that minimizes the
sum of the squared distances between
corresponding points - Test if A is nearly rigid (check determinant,
unit vector images, etc.)
28Computer-Aided Neurosurgery Summary
- Direct linear algebra approaches were
numerically very unstable - Geometric approach of splitting the problem into
- finding the combinatorial matching and
then - computing the nearly rigid
transformation is very easy to implement and
proved to be very robust. - The algorithm is integrated into a commercial
product and used in practice.
29Protein Gel Matching
FU Berlin, UofA, German Heart Center Berlin
302D Gel Electrophoresis
- Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis (2DE) is
- an important method in proteome research
- a high resolution technique which is capable to
separate thousands of proteins from a tissue
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
332D Gel Electrophoresis
342D Gel Electrophoresis
- Proteins are concentrated in so called spots
of (axis- parallel) elliptic shape
352D Gel Electrophoresis
- Proteins are concentrated in so called spots
of (axis- parallel) elliptic shape - Protein analysis by mass spectrometry
362D Gel Electrophoresis
372D Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Matching Protein identification by gel image
comparison is faster and not expensive
38The Algorithmic Approach
Make use of ideas and methods from Computational
- Spot detection
- Assign to each spot the coordinates of its
center point and its intensity
- Point pattern matching
- Consider a gel as a point pattern. Then the
problem reduces to a partial approximate point
pattern matching.
39GPS Curve Location
FU Berlin and UofA and UTSA
40Finding a Curve in a Map
- Given
- A geometric graph G (embedded in R2 with line
segments) - A polygonal curve a
- Task
- Find a path p in G that
- is the most similar to a
41Finding a Curve in a Map
- Given
- A geometric graph G (embedded in R2 with line
segments) - A polygonal curve a
- Task
- Find a path p in G that
- is the most similar to a
42Application Map Construction
- Consider
- A given roadmap, and
- a sequence of GPS positions obtained from a
person travelling on some of the roads while
recording her positioning information using a GPS
receiver polygonal curve - Problem
- The noise of the GPS receiver distorts the
polygonal curve inherently - Task
- Find the roads in the roadmap that have been