Title: Computational Topology for Computer Graphics
1Computational Topology for Computer Graphics
Klein bottle
2Talk Outline
- Basic terms in Topology
- Algebraic Topology
- Morse Theory
- Reeb Graph and Application
3Talk Outline
- Basic terms in Topology
- Algebraic Topology
- Morse Theory
- Reeb Graph and Application
4What is Topology?
- The topology of a space is a collection of sets
that include - the space and the empty set
- the union of any of the sets
- the finite intersection of any of the sets
- Topological space is a set with the least
structure necessary to define the concepts of
nearness and continuity
5No, Really - What is Topology?
- The study of shape equivalence classes (under
deformation). - Rules of deformation (homeomorphism)
- Onto (all of A ? all of B)
- 1-1 correspondence (no overlap)
- Bicontinuous (Cant tear, join, poke/seal holes)
6Why Topology?
- What is the boundary of an object?
- Are there holes in the object?
- Is the object hollow?
- If the object is transformed in some way, are the
changes continuous or abrupt? - Is the object bounded, or does it extend
infinitely far?
7Topology in CG
- The study of connectedness
- Understanding
- How connectivity happens?
- Analysis
- How to determine connectivity?
- Articulation
- How to describe connectivity?
- Control
- How to enforce connectivity?
8For Example
- How does connectedness affect
- Morphing
- Texturing
- Compression
- Simplification
9Problem Mesh Reconstruction
- Determines shape from point samples
- Different coordinates, different shapes
10Topological Properties
- To uniquely determine homeomorphism we need to
find out - Surface is open or closed
- Surface is orientable or not
- Genus (number of holes)
- Boundary components
- How to define surface?
- The set of zeroes of a polynomial equation in R3
is a 2D surface x2y2z21 - A surface is a geometric space which locally
looks like a plane!
12General Surfaces Manifolds
- An n-manifold is a topological space that
locally looks like the Rn plane. - A circle is a 1-manifold
- A torus is a 2-manifold
13Open vs. Closed Surfaces
- The points having a neighborhood homeomorphic to
R2 form Int(S) (interior) - The points for which every neighborhood is
homeomorphic to R2?0 form ?S (boundary) - A surface S is said to be closed if its boundary
is empty
- A surface in R3 is called orientable, if it is
possible to distinguish between its two sides
(inside/outside above/below) - A non-orientable surface has a path which brings
a traveler back to his starting point
mirror-reversed (inverse normal)
15Orientation by Triangulation
- A surface is orientable if it has a consistent
CW/CCW normal assignment to its triangulation - If any two triangles sharing an edge have
opposite directions on that edge the surface is
16Genus and holes
- Genus of a surface is the maximal number of
nonintersecting simple closed curves that can be
drawn on the surface without separating it - The genus is equivalent to the number of holes or
handles on the surface - Example
- Genus 0 point, line, sphere
- Genus 1 torus
- Genus 2 the symbol 8
17Euler characteristic function
- Polyhedral decomposition of a surface
- (V vertices, E edges, F faces)
- ?(M) V E F
- If M has g holes and h boundary components
then ?(M) 2 2g h
? 1
18Homeomorphism in R3
- Any orientable closed surface is topologically
equivalent to a sphere with g handles attached to
19Talk Outline
- Basic terms in Topology
- Algebraic Topology
- Morse Theory
- Reeb Graph and Application
20Algebraic Topology
- Homeomorphism gives much too fine a
classification to be useful - Algebraic Topology
- Homotopy equivalence
- Deformation retraction
- Cells
21Homotopy equivalence
- A B ? There is a continuous map between A and
B - Same number of components
- Same number of holes
- Not necessarily the same dimension
22Deformation Retraction
- Function that continuously reduces a set
onto a subset - Any shape is homotopic to any of its deformation
retracts - Skeleton is a deformation retract of the solids
it defines
- Cells are dimensional primitives
24Talk Outline
- Basic terms in Topology
- Algebraic Topology
- Morse Theory
- Reeb Graph and Application
25Hard Problems Dunking a Donut
- Dunk the donut in the coffee!
- Investigate the change in topology of the portion
of the donut immersed in the coffee
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31Solution Morse Theory
- Investigates the topology of a surface by the
critical points of a real function on the surface - Critical point occur where the gradient ??f
(??f/?x, ?f/?y,) 0 - Index of a critical point is of principal
directions where f decreases
32Example Dunking a Donut
- Surface is a torus
- Function f is height
- Investigate topology of f ?? h
- Four critical points
- Index 2 maximum
- Index 1 saddle
- Index 1 saddle
- Index 0 minimum
33Morse function
- f doesnt have to be height any Morse function
would do - f is a Morse function on M if
- f is smooth
- All critical points are isolated
- Critical points are non-degenerate
- det(Hessian(p)) ! 0
34Critical Point Index
- The index of a critical point is the number of
negative eigenvalues of the Hessian - 2 ? maximum
- 1 ? saddle point
- 0 ? minimum
- Intuition the number of independent
directions in which f
35If sweep doesnt pass critical pointMilnor 1963
- Denote Ma p ? M f(p) ? a (the sweep region
up to value a of f ) - If f ?1a, b is compact and doesnt contain
critical points of f Ma is homeomorphic to Mb.
36Sweep passes critical pointMilnor 1963
- If p is critical point of f with index ?, then
Mc? has the same homotopy type as Mc?? with
?-cell attached.
37This is what happened to the doughnut
- Topology describes properties of shape that are
invariant under deformations - Morse theory connects between differential
geometry and topology of surface - We can investigate topology by investigating
critical points of Morse functions - Looking at topology of level sets (sweeps) of a
Morse function, we can learn about its critical
39Talk Outline
- Basic terms in Topology
- Algebraic Topology
- Morse Theory
- Reeb Graph and Application
40Reeb graphs
- Schematic way to present a Morse function
- Vertices of the graph are critical points
- Arcs of the graph are contracted connected
components of the level sets of f,
41Reeb graphs and genus
- The number of loops in the Reeb graph is equal to
the surface genus - To count the loops, simplify the graph by
contracting degree-1 vertices and removing
degree-2 vertices
42Another Reeb graph example
43Reeb graphs for Shape Matching
- Reeb graph encodes the behavior of a Morse
function on the shape - Also tells us about the topology of the shape
- Take a meaningful function and use its Reeb graph
to compare between shapes!
44Choose the right Morse function
- The height function f (p) z is not good enough
not rotational invariant. - Not always a Morse function
45Average geodesic distance
- The idea of Hilaga et al. 01 use geodesic
distance for the Morse function!
46Multi-res Reeb graphs
- Hilaga et al. use multiresolutional Reeb graphs
to compare between shapes - Multiresolution hierarchy by gradual
contraction of vertices
47The End!
48Mesh Partitioning
- Now we get to Zhang et al. 03
- They use almost the same f as Hilaga et al. 01
- Want to find features long protrusions
- Find local maxima of f !
49Region growing
- Start the sweep from global minimum (central
point of the shape) - Add one triangle at a time the one with
smallest f - Record topology changes in the boundary of the
sweep front these are critical points
50Critical points genus-0 surface
- Splitting saddle when the front splits into two
- Maximum when one front boundary component
splitting saddle