Title: Global fullf gyrokinetic simulations of ITG turbulence
1Global full-f gyrokinetic simulationsof ITG
- Y. Sarazin , V. Grandgirard, P. Angelino, G.
Darmet, - G. Dif-Pradalier, X. Garbet, Ph. Ghendrih
- Association Euratom-CEA, CEA/DSM/DRFC Cadarache,
France - G. Latu
- INRIA Scalapplix, LaBRI, Talence, France
- N. Crouseilles, E. SonnendrĂĽcker
- INRIA Calvi, IRMA, Strasbourg, France
Acknowledgements C. Passeron, G. Falchetto
2Physics of global full-f gyrokinetic models
- Global code (? flux-tube)
- Large scale transport events
- Boundary conditions
- Numerical challenge
- Full-f code (? df )
- Equilibrium Fluctuations no scale separation
assumption - Profile relaxation ? statistical steady state
requires - prescribed driving flux
- Neoclassical theory
- Outline 1. Physics of the gyrokinetic
equilibrium - 2. Transport scaling with r with a global
full-f code - 3. Towards flux-driven model
3GYSELA-5D a GYrokinetic SEmi-LAgrangian code
- Standard gyrokinetic equation F(r,q,j,v//,m,t)
f(r,q,j,t) - Vlasov d/dt F 0
- Quasi-neutrality Se,i ? F d3p 0 (
adiabatic electrons)
Poster P.Angelino et al., "Effects of plasma
elongation on drift wave-zonal flow turbulence"
4Parallelisation is challenging
Poster G. Latu et al., "Parallelization of a
full-f semi Lagrangian code GYSELA"
- Challenging parallelisation in GYSELA
- Eulerian ? domain decomposition
- semi-Lagrangian ? loss of locality due to
interpolation - (domains communicate)
- Much memory per node (10 Go at r2.10-3)
- ? "MPI OpenMP" parallelisation
- Limitating factor communications between procs.
- ? powerful interconnection is essential
5An efficient parallelisation
Poster G. Latu et al., "Parallelization of a
full-f semi Lagrangian code GYSELA"
- Time splitting numerical scheme
- 2 ? 1D advection in v on Dt/2
- 2 ? 1D advection in on j Dt/2
- 1 ? 2D advection in (r,q) on Dt
- Electro-neutrality "Poisson solver"
6Gyrokinetic equilibrium poloidal flows
- Gyrokinetic equilibrium without collisions
- ?F /?t 0 Feq FC(anonical) M(axwellian)
- depends on motion invariants only E, m, Pj
Idomura 03, Angelino 06
7Any local equilibrium maxwellian drives flows
- Starting from Local Maxwellian
Up-down (sin q) electric potential
FL(ocal) M(axwellian) ? FC(anonical)
M(axwellian) d/dt F ? 0 electric potential
f Large scale flow f00 ? r2 t2
Well understood physics Analytical results agree
with simulations
Dif-Pradalier 07
8Reduced transport at early time when Finit ? FCM
- IF Finit FLM ? Turbulent transport delayed
- by large scale sheared flows
- Benchmark OK for canonical equilibrium
9Turbulence scaling with r
- Motivations Empirical scaling law wctE ? ??2.8
- ?ITER ? 2.10?3 not accessible to present day
experiments - Consistent with
- gyroBohm scaling
- H-mode exp. Ions particles gyroBohm
- McKee 01, Petty02, Hennequin 04
10Present status of gyrokinetic r scaling studies
Lin 02
- Transition Bohm ? gyroBohm
- when r decreases
- Lin 02, Waltz 02
- Open issues Transition threshold in r ?
- Physical mechanism of this transition ?
11Simulating a fraction of torus only
- Lj 2p/p ? modes n0, p, 2p, 3p, , N only
(periodicity) - all m
- Ratio (nb resonant modes / total nb modes) Cst
Top view
- Validity scales with r
- n ? kqri / qr ? Nb unstable modes ? (p r)-1
Small fraction of torus (pgtgt1) all the more valid
since r is small
12Case r1/128 ? OK up to Lj ? 2p / 8
- Case r1/128
- Correlation length/time diffusivity start
deviating for Lj lt 2p / 8
13Transport scaling with r
Snapshots of electric potential cross-section
Lj 2p
Lj 2p / 2
Lj 2p / 4
14lc consistent with Bohm scaling at large r
close to threshold
lc (ari)1/2 ? Bohm (?0) lc ri ? gyroBohm
tc a/cs and
15GyroBohm-like scaling above the threshold
- lc ri above the threshold
- ? consistent with gyroBohm
- Grandgirard '07
16Strategies for driving turbulence
Fixed gradient (scale separation)
Fixed boundaries (thermal bath)
Profile relaxes
- Turbulence / Equilibrium
- decoupled
Most present codes
Equivalent if source term sustains mean profile
at t tE
17Implementing a source term in GYSELA
- Krook operator df /dt -n(f-feq)
- Diffusion in buffer regions df /dt ?r D(r) ?r
f - Profile relaxation is reduced
18Towards a statistical steady-state
n D
- Krook / Diffusion both efficient in maintaining
the profile
- Marginal differences in
- Zonal Flow magnitude
19Similar diffusivity, different dynamics
- D, n ? similar magnitude of diffusivity
- Consistent with CYCLONE benchmark
- Asymmetric PDF of heat flux fluctuations ?Q / ?Q?
20Close to Maxwellian on average
- Issue
- w/o collisions does turbulence enforce
Maxwellian? - Given time position ? significant departure
from Maxwellian - Temporal or toroidal average ? f
Maxwellian-like shape
21Flux driven reduced 3D kinetic model a paradigm
- Reduced gyrokinetic model f(E,y,a,t) Depret 00,
Sarazin 05 - Goal Sustain a statistical steady-state
- Mean Heat source in gyrokinetic equation
- dF /dt S(E,y)
- Bursty ZF-Turbulence predator-prey model
Strong ZF ? Weak turbulence ? Core Temperature ?
22A heat source drives several fluid moments
- Decomposition on ortho-normal Laguerre
polynomials Lk(E)
Lk(E) Fluid description
k0 ? density k1 ? temperature dT k2 ?
... (higher moments)
- Full-f, global, semi-Lagrangian GYSELA code
- Efficient parallelisation 83 on 4096 proc.
- Canonical equilibrium
- Linear non linear benchmarks (R-H theory,
CYCLONE, ORB5) - Large scale sheared flows inherent to FLocal
Maxwell - Evolve like (rt)2 saturate at significant
level - Delay turbulent transport ? makes results
difficult to interpret - Bohm vs. gyroBohm depends on r distance to
threshold - Flux-driven gyrokinetics towards statistical
24Various strategies for gyrokinetic codes
Eulerian Particle-in-Cell (PIC) Dissipation Nois
e ? ? high order scheme df optimized loading
Full-f df
Flux-tube Global small scale structures large
scale events
GS2 code
25GYSELA full-f code for toroidal ITG turbulence
- Standard gyrokinetic equation f(r,q,j,v//,m,t)
Electro- neutrality
- Linear benchmark with other codes (CYCLONE)
after Dimits 00
26ZF linearly undamped in collisionless regime
E-folding decay GAM oscillations Residual
magnitude Consistent with theory Rosenbluth-Hinto
n 98, Sugama-Watanabe '07
Initial poloidal flow (m,n)(0,0) shielded by
finite orbit width effects
Sideband coupling Undamped GAMs
(m,n)(?1,0) component Landau-damping Zonal Flow
27Transport strongly reduced by poloidal flows
- Prescribing f00(r,t)0 ? Vanishing poloidal
flows - zonal (??0) mean (?0) flows
- When poloidal flows are present
- c? reduced by a factor of 3-4
- c? consistent with CYCLONE base case
after Dimits 00
28Poloidal flows significantly reduce lcorr and
- Two point correlation length/time of potential
fluctuations - lcorr increases by about 30
- tcorr doubles
when prescribing f00(r,t)0
29Any local equilibrium maxwellian drives flows
- Starting from local Maxwellian ? electric
potential f - fs10 sinq excited by curvature
- Time evolution recovered analytically
- GAM frequency recovered when accounting for E?B
30Poor statistics for correlation time tc
lc/ri ? r-1/2 ? Bohm (?0) lc/ri
Cst ? gyroBohm (?1)
wctc ? r-1 and
31GyroBohm-like scaling "far" from threshold
Correlation time
32Flux driven reduced 3D kinetic model a paradigm
- Reduced gyrokinetic model f(E,y,a,t) Depret 00,
Sarazin 05 - Goal Sustain a statistical steady-state
- Mean Heat source in gyrokinetic equation
- dF /dt S(E,y)
- Bursty ZF-Turbulence predator-prey model
Darmet 07
33GYSELA-3D Flux driven Trapped Ion Modes
- Complex interplay between ZF and Drift Waves
- Non-gaussian statistics of fluctuations
34Parallel trapping