Title: Geant4 in Atlas
1Geant4 in Atlas
- Entering the production phase
See also A.D. talk _at_CHEP01, Beijing A.Rimoldi
s talk _at_G4 users meeting, SLAC 02 C.Leggetts
talk _at_G4 users meeting, SLAC 02
Andrea DellAcqua CERN EP/SFT dellacqu_at_mail.cern.c
2Atlas simulation in a nutshell
- The most complicated detector ever conceived
- The most politicized collaboration ever gathered
in HEP - The most ambitious detector simulation program
ever written - At the last count we had 27M volumes in our G3
simulation - Need to accommodate (under the same umbrella)
- Testbeam studies
- Physics studies
- Fast/semi-fast simulation
3The main actors
- Athena
- Atlas chosen software framework
- Based on Gaudi
- Provides SW environment, services, access to
persistency - GOOFY
- Simulation framework
- Completely based on G4
- G4Svc
- Gaudi service provides the link
4Goofys Design principles
- Scalability
- The simulation package must be able to accept
- the simplest testbeam simulation
- the complete detector simulation
- Clear separation between core software and user
implementation - the framework
- does not depend on what the users want to do
- provides maximum flexibility and freedom to the
user who wants to implement his/her own code - must be light
- Implement some middleware on top of G4 for
extending its functionality - Dynamic loading plug-in techniques for
connecting users code - Action on demand to avoid wasting memory
5The simulation program
- has no geometry
- Users build it interactively at initialization
time - has no physics
- Users choose from a catalog, depending on what
they want to do - ..or implement their own, and add it to the
catalog - has no kinematics
- See above
- is an empty box
- The standard G4 framework is too static for our
purpose we try and get rid of it by maintaining
full compatibility with G4 - no UserDetectorConstruction, no UserPhysicsList
- Provide a set of services that users can refer to
- MaterialManager
- DetectorFacility
- PhysicsListCatalog
- VisCenter
- Use the Geant4 (G)UI facilities for re-creating
all connections - Make sure that users can build their application
(factorization) - Save memory, as much as one can, use proxies and
lightweight objects (memory has a price, after
7Geometry organization
- Geometry is naturally split into Detectors
- A DetectorFacility class is provided for this
- Users must inherit from DF and (in principle)
just implement a BuildGeometry() method - There is no predefined detector organization,
users build their experiment at run time - Atlas logically contains the Atlas IDET, but you
can make it such that the IDET contains Atlas - Users register their detectors into a catalog by
just adding one line of code (plug-in)
static DetectorFacilityEntryltTileSectiongt
8Geometry Organization
- DetectorFacilities are accessible at run time
through the catalog - and define their own UI directory
- and can be combined together in the way you want
- and then moved around
- OK, eventually you have to decide whos the boss
/control/ReadXML standard_materials.xml /control/R
eadXML pixel_materials.xml /load
DetectorEnvelopes /load Pixels /load
BeamPipe /Geometry/GetFacility AtlasDetector
Atlas /Geometry/GetFacility InnerDetector
Idet /Geometry/GetFacility BeamPipe
BPipe /Geometry/GetFacility PixelDetector
Pixel /Atlas/AddDetector Bpipe /Idet/AddDetector
Pixel /Atlas/AddDetector Idet /Atlas/SetAsWorld
/Geometry/GetFacility PixelDetector Pixel
/TileTBeam/GetDescription TILE
/Atlas/AddDetector TileTBeam
/TileTBeam/MoveTo 5 0 2 m
9The Geometry wrapper
- A set of classes (FadsVolume, FadsPhysicalVolume,
FadsRotationMatrix etc..) wrap up the
corresponding G4 classes, extend their
functionality and self-register on creation to a - GeometryManager which keeps a handle to all
geometry objects as organized by detector - At this point one can
- change the visualisation attributes of a volume
interactively - change positions and rotations interactively
- change physics cuts for a certain volume
- assign sensitive detector objects to volumes
interactively - remove complete detectors/detector trees
- by removing the plug-in, for instance
- by means of the standard G4 (G)UI
10Sensitive detectors
- Abstract interface
- They are organized as plug-ins, that an user
attaches when they are needed - Assigned interactively to the volumes they must
act upon - A volume can become sensitive at run time
- General purpose SDs can be implemented for
specialized actions - to calculate the thickness in R.L. of a
- Geant4 physics lists are great for physics
customization but generate quite some confusion
in the normal user - hence
- Physics list are proxied
- a Physics list catalog provides a list of the
most common lists to choose from (EM, EMHad) - New physics lists can always be added (dynamic
loading plug-in) - Normal users choose the most appropriate
- Advanced users can define their own...
12Event Generators
- Abstract interface based on the HepMC format
- Generator ? HepMC ? Geant4
- Plug-ins
- Abstract interface for editing/filtering
particles and vertices (plug-ins) - Vertex displacement
- ?/? filtering
- energy/particle type filtering
- Primary event (signal)
- Secondary events from a different generator
- Pile-up at the generator level
13User Actions
- Abstract interface which combines all G4 user
actions (and more) into a single class that users
must inherit from - Plug-ins
- Actions must now be registered interactively
- Several UAs can now be run concurrently
- Priority mechanism in place to decide which comes
first (if needed)
14Frame Facilities and Analysis
- Abstract interface to analysis systems for
implementing some histogramming capabilities - currently implemented
- Hbook
- Root
15Other goodies
- Automatic access to XML
- For materials, colours, detector parameters,
datacards - User-defined XML handlers to be plugged in
on-the-fly - Access to the Atlas NOVA service (MySQL)
- Detector parameters from Geant 3
- Some automatic code generation facilities
- For e.g. DetectorFacilitys or UserActions
- Native persistency scheme built in
- Objectivity early on, now Root
- The three main actors are working happily
together (modulo cmt) - Can use facilities from both systems (e.g. event
generators from Athena and physics from Goofy)
seamlessly - Integrating detector geometries for production at
the end of this year - 80 complete
- Going to a higher level of abstraction for
certain components (e.g. SensitiveDetectors) to
ensure better compatibility - Athena mostly batch-oriented, Goofy mostly
interactive - Some funny batch-interactive mixture possible
17On a less optimistic note
- We are very much based on the G4 UI..
- and that does not fit so well with the Atlas
strategy (if any) - We would certainly be very much behind a full
pythonization of the G4 UI (besides, Messengers
are a real PITA sometimes) - We have not grown a Graphics/Analysis tool of
ours - In the integration phase we are suffering because
of lack of functionality (e.g. 2-D graphics, cut
views, tree inspection) - Borrow CMS Iguana? Bother G4 to death?
- We are right in the middle of a big, Big Bang
style move to Geant4 as the main simulation
engine - The detector will come together at once
- Shifting emphasis from physics to computing for a
while - Are we in for some nasty surprise?
- Memory, performance, initialization time etc. ARE
a concern - We are working hard on parameterising our
calorimeters - GFLASH becoming available, looking forward to
collaborate with other experiments