Title: The ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
1The ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron
- Hong Ma
- Physics Department, BNL
- RHIC/USATLAS Technology Meeting
- Aug 23, 2004
2Exploring the Energy Frontier
Overview of Experiments at the Large Hadron
ATLAS,CMS Large General Purpose Detectors ALICE
Heavy Ion LHC-B B-physics
3Outline of the presentation
- The Physics Motivations
- The Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- The Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- The ATLAS Experiment
- The Detector
- Physics with the ATLAS Detector
- Analysis and Computing at BNL
- Summary
4Matter and Interactions
- Electromagnetic interactions
- Light, chemistry
- Strong interaction
- Nuclear fission or fusion
- Weak interaction
- Radioactive decays
- Building blocks of ordinary matters up/down
quarks and electrons - The first generation of the elementary particles.
5The Standard Model
6Higgs and particle masses
- Particles in Standard Model would
- have been massless if there is no Higgs.
- But we do have mass
- The particles acquire mass through
- interaction with the Higgs field, a
- Spin 0
- Higgs field has an expectation value even in
vacuum! - The theory does not prediction the mass of Higgs
- There have been extensive experimental tests of
Standard Model, they are all consistent (within
errors) with the theory if there is a Higgs with
mass 114GeV lt MHlt 200GeV - Direct search in ee- collider
MHgt114 GeV - Precision electroweak measurements MHlt 200GeV
7Global fit to precision electroweak data
Constraint to Higgs mass
8Standard Model Higgs
- Higgs production is well predicted by SM
- Production is dominated by gluon fusion, gg ?
Higgs - Decay pattern strongly depends on mass
- This drives the detector design
9Open questions in Particle Physics
- Why there are three generations, and what
determines their masses - Standard Model is not likely to be valid at
higher energy scale - Fine tuning problem, naturalness
- Supersymmetry, extra dimensions ?
- Cosmological Connection
- Dark matter in the universe
- Dark energy?
- CP violation, matter vs antimatter.
- Neutrino Oscillation
10The Large Hadron Collider
- First considered in 1984, approved in 1996.
- Being built in the existing LEP tunnel
- 27 kilometers long
- 7TeV 7TeV proton-proton collision
- 7 times higher than Tevatron at FermiLab
- Two-in-one super-conducting magnets
- One ring in the tunnel
- 1296 15m-long dipoles, B8.36Tesla
- 4000 corrector magnets
- 40,000 tons of cold mass, at T1.9oK
- High luminosity
- gt100 times higher than Tevatron
- stot 100mb, L1034/cm2/sec ? 109
interactions/sec - Scheduled to operate in 2007
11Aerial view of LHC in Geneva
12Dipoles are being installed
Over 260 Dipole magnets are cold-tested
Members of the Installation Coordination group
are seen here in the LHC tunnel with CERNs
Director General, Robert Aymar.
13BNL Magnet Production
Part of the US/Japan collaboration to provide the
LHC Interaction Regions. BNL provides the
specialty dipoles (based on RHIC style coils)
The last series of dipoles (D3s) are in
production 2-in-1 RHIC style cold masses in a LHC
style cryostat
14Collision at LHC
One interesting event in 100,000,000,000,000
background events
15The ATLAS Detector
- 2T central solenoid
- Tracking
- Silicon Pixel
- Silicon strips
- Transition radiation straw tubes
- Calorimeter
- EM LAr accordion
- Hadronic LAr and Steel-Scintillator
- Air core toroid magnets
- BarrelEndcaps
- Muon detectors
- Monitored Drift Tubes
- Cathode Strip Chambers
- Resistive Plate Chambers
- Thin gap chambers
- Overall dimensions length 46 m,
- diameter 25 m, weight 7000 tons
16The ATLAS Collaboration
17The Experimental Area
- 100 meters underground
- 50 meters tall experiment hall
- All surface buildings and underground
engineering are done - ATLAS installation started in spring 2003
18The ATLAS Experiment Hall
April, 2002
April, 2003
Sept, 2003
Aug, 2004
19Barrel Toroid Magnets
20US Contributions
- US-ATLAS has a fixed budget of 163.75M from
DOENSF - a construction project up to Sept, 2005 for
most of our deliverables. - We have major involvement in the following
subsystems - Silicon pixels, strips, readout drivers
- Transition Radiation Tracker Barrel and
electronics - Liquid Argon Calorimeter cryostat, feedthroughs,
cryogenics, electronics, forward calorimeter - Tilecal Extended Barrel modules and electronics
- Muon spectrometer Monitored Drift Tube chambers
and electronics, Cathode Strip Chambers and
electronics, alignment - Trigger/DAQ Technical Design Report just
completed, ready for baselining - US has major responsibility in computing and
software. - Framework, Database, Detector Software (LAr
Muon), Analysis, Grid
21BNL in detector construction
- BNL construction responsibilities matched to our
physics interest and technical expertise. - BNL Physics Dept and Instrumentation Division
were pioneers in RD for both LAr calorimeter and
Cathode Strip Chambers. - Liquid Argon Calorimeter
- Cryostat and Cryogenics, LAr electronics readout
- Cathode Strip Chambers for the Muon system
- Focus on overall system, from construction,
electronics, detector software to physics
performance - USATLAS Project Office
- ATLAS Technical Coordination for installation and
22Liquid Argon Calorimeter
Production of Front End Electronics and
integration tests
Barrel Cryostat construction
23Cathode Strip Chambers
- Precision chamber in high rate environment
- Measure charge with Signal/Noise1501 ,
position s60mm
32 Chambers are being built and tested at BNL
24US-ATLAS Computing Tier-1 Center at BNL
- Part of the ATLAS Virtual Offline Computing
Facility - Computing for LHC experiments will reply on GRID
technology Distributed computing resources. - Co-located and operated with RHIC Computing
Facility - Currently operated at 1 of 2008 capacity
- Primary US data repository for ATLAS
- Complete data set on disk at Tier-1
- Software development for data management,
distributed analysis, and grid integration
Barrel Calorimter Installation in progress
26Physics with the ATLAS Detector
- Search for, or exclude the Standard Model Higgs
in the full mass range - Search for physics beyond the Standard Model
- Supersymmetry (SUSY)
- Extra dimensions
- Exotic processes
- Study of Standard Model physics processes
- Top quark, Electroweak physics, B-physics
- Heavy Ion collision (?)
27Reconstructing the Events
- Reconstruct components
- (Isolated) electrons and muons
- High energy photons
- Jets
- tau lepton
- Vertex, secondary vertex
- Missing transverse energy
- Each physics process will have different
signatures, and interesting events will have
special combination of these components
Muon chambers
Hadronic calorimeter
Electromagnetic calorimeter
Inner detector
28Higgs? gg
- Requires excellent photon reconstruction
- Energy, position, direction, shower shape
- Reject jet background
29Search for Higgs in ATLAS
- Discovery potential
- Full mass coverage
- 100GeV to 1000GeV
- Determine the mass
- Measure its decay properties
- More than one decay channel at any mass
- A leading candidate for physics beyond the
Standard Model - Can be a valid theory to very high energy
scale(1019 GeV? ) - Each particle has a super-partner, spin differs
by ½. - Supersymmetry is broken
- super-partners mass is different from
particles mass - General Supersymmetry can have 100 unknown
parameters - Specific SUSY breaking model has 5 parameters
- Experimental challenges
- Find SUSY if it exists
- Identify specific SUSY model
- Many models, large parameter space.
31SUSY and Dark Matter
- The stable massive neutral supersymmetric-particle
is a candidate for cold dark matter. - Given the recent cosmological result on cold dark
matter, and a specific SUSY model, the SUSY
parameters are constrained. - If LHC can find SUSY in the region consistent
with cosmology, then we would find the
explanation for Dark Mattter.
32SUSY Reach
- The cosmologically interesting region of SUSY
search will be covered in the first weeks of LHC
running The mass range up to 2TeV will be
covered within one year at low luminosity. -
- Discovery
- Excess of high mass events
- production of heavy SUSY particles
- The LHC should be able to establish the existence
of SUSY and open many avenues to study masses and
decays of SUSY particles
33 Example Reconstruction Of a SUSY Decay Chain
ATLAS 100 fb-1 LHC Point 5
34Large Extra Dimensions
- There may be 4d dimensions
- A possible extension of SM.
- Planck energy scale MP in TeV range
- Gravity propagates in all dimensions, other
particlesinteraction in 4-D - Blackhole production
- If EgtMP , black hole can be created
- Decay by Hawking radiation
- ? excess of high energy events
- Excitation by gravitons
- Excess of high energy particle pair production
- Single jet with missing energy
A Black Hole Event with MBH 8TeV
35ATLAS Computing Timeline
36Computing near term goals
- Support of Combined Testbeam
- Continue through Nov 2004
- Support of Data Challenge 2 and validation of
Computing Model - Generation, Simulation, Pile-up, Digitization,
ByteStream Production, Reconstruction and Physics
Analysis - Tier-0 exercise of processing simulated ATLAS raw
events - Support of Physics Studies leading up to Spring
2005 Physics Workshop - Continuous Production, initial detector
configuratioin - Support of High Level Trigger testbed
37Data Challenge II
Software Components Data Flow
- part I production of simulated data (on-going)
- Geant4, digitization and pile-up in Athena, POOL
persistency, 10M Event on GRID - part II test of Tier-0 operation (Oct 2004?)
- reconstruction will run on Tier-0 prototype as if
data were coming from the online system ( at 10
of the rate ) - output (ESDAOD) will be distributed to Tier-1s
in real time for analysis - part III test of distributed analysis on the
Grid ( ? ) - access to event and non-event data from anywhere
in the world both in organized and chaotic ways
38BNLs Leading Roles in Software Physics
- D. Adams
- K. Assamagan
- H. Ma
- F. Paige
- S. Rajagopalan
- T. Wenaus
Distributed Analysis Coordinator Analysis Tools
Coordinator LAr Database Coordinator SUSY Physics
Co-coordinator LAr Software Coordinator Member of
SPMB LCG Application Area Coordinator ATLAS
Database co-coordinator Member of CMB
Omega Group, PAS and ACF will all expand in the
next a few year to get ready for LHC turn-on.
39US ATLAS Analysis Support Group
- Recently formed to help physicists starting using
ATLAS software for analysis - Current members
- D. Costanzo, I. Hinchliffe (LBNL), J. Shank
(Boston), - H. Ma (Leader), F. Paige, S. Rajagopalan (BNL),
- P. Loch (Arizona), F. Luehring (Indiana), F.
Merritt (Chicago) - Near term goal
- Bring more US ATLAS physicists into physics
analysis, participate in DC2, and 2005 ATLAS
Physics Workshop in Rome.
40Scope of the Support Group
- Provide up-to-date information on sub-detector
and software components. Maintain up-to-date
analysis web pages. - Provide analysis software tutorials
- Identify existing (or the lack of) expertise
within U.S. ATLAS, establish a network of
support. - Work with the U.S. physicists to resolve
software, detector or physics problems
encountered in their analyses. - Facilitate communications by holding regular
meetings and providing a forum for technical
discussions - Hosting visitors and visiting U.S. institutions
for informal discussions - Develop and follow-up analysis plans with U.S.
institutes. Assign an ASG member to follow
closely with specific analysis activity. - Provide advisory role for students and post-docs.
- ASG also has presence at CERN to provide support
to U.S. activities. - ASG communicates effectively to make analysis in
US a success.
41Atlas Physics Analysis Center at BNL
- Goal to establish a center for ATLAS physics
analysis in US - Physics analysis of an experiment as complex as
ATLAS requires extensive understanding of the
detector as well as software tools. We envision a
BNL ATLAS Physics Analysis Center, aimed to
provide US-ATLAS physicists with critical mass
where ATLAS physics analyses will be done. - Support from BNL
- Remote users, in-house visitors, video
conferencing, heavy use of the Tier-1 center. - It is essential that we provide adequate support
for the analysis activities.
- The Large Hadron Collider will be the highest
energy proton accelerator when it starts to
operate in 2007. It will open a new era in HEP.
- The LHC experiments will put the Standard Model
to the ultimate test, and explore the physics
beyond. - BNL has played an important role in ATLAS, and we
look forward to doing a lot of interesting
physics at the ATLAS physics analysis center.