Title: Chemistry Modeling Workshop
1Chemistry Modeling Workshop
- No Child Left Behind
- Improving Teacher Quality
- FHSU and ESU
- July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007
- 48 Teachers (Middle and High School)
- Science and/or Mathematics Degree(s)
- 24 Males and 24 Females
- Rural, Urban, Suburban, Inner City
- 48 Schools Served
- 36 Districts Served
3Modeling Instruction Survey
- Rate your workshop (1-10 scale)
- Total of teachers rating 8 or higher
- FHSU 22 (N22), ESU 19 (N23)
- 2 teachers did not reply
- Materials structured into modeling
- Teachers responding very well or excellent
- FHSU 19 (N22), ESU 17 (N23)
- Comments
4Modeling Instruction Survey
- Clarity of modeling instruction workshop
- Teachers responding clear or very clear
- FHSU 18 (N22), ESU 17 (N23)
- Modeling contribute to your teaching
- Teachers responding were already using modeling
- FHSU 7 (N22), ESU 5 (N23)
- Teachers responding would integrate modeling
- FHSU 15 (N22), ESU 18 (N23)
5Modeling Instruction Survey
- Expectations fulfilled
- Teachers responding beyond expectations
- FHSU 18 (N22), ESU 15 (N23)
- Views about teaching chemistry
- Teachers responding enhance teaching
- FHSU 7 (N22), ESU 5 (N23)
- Teachers responding reinforce practices
- FHSU 15 (N22), ESU 18 (N23)
6Modeling Instruction Survey
- Laboratory Activities
- Teachers responding very valuable
- FHSU 11 (N22), ESU 10 (N23)
- Whiteboarding
- Teachers responding very valuable
- FHSU 13 (N22), ESU 14 (N23)
- Printed Materials
- Teachers responding very valuable
- FHSU 11 (N22), ESU 11 (N23)
7Modeling Instruction Survey
- Logger-Pro/Graphical Analysis
- Teachers responding somewhat or very confident
- FHSU 20 (N22), ESU 19 (N23)
- Vernier Lab-Pro/CBL
- Teachers responding somewhat or very confident
- FHSU 17 (N22), ESU 19 (N23)
- Marratech/KanEd
- Teachers responding somewhat or very confident
- FHSU 15 (N22), ESU 7 (N23)
8Modeling Instruction Survey
- Writing/Modifying Materials for Modeling
- Teachers responding very confident
- FHSU 8 (N22), ESU 12 (N23)
- Teachers responding somewhat confident
- FHSU 14 (N22), ESU 11 (N23)
- Comments Workshop Leaders
- Comments or Recommendations
9Increased Student Achievement
- Types of Substances
- Mixtures and Pure Substances
- 1 Gain .35 (M) .30 (F)
- 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
- Compounds and Elements
- 1 Gain .74 (M) .78 (F) .36 (M) .38
(F) - 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain .80 (M) .60 (F) .38 (M) .52 (F)
10Increased Student Achievement
- Transformation of Matter
- Phase Changes
- 1 Gain N/A
- 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
- Solubility
- 1 Gain .77 (M F)
- 2 and 3 Gain .55 (M F)
11Increased Student Achievement
- Energy in Matter Transformation
- Energy in Phase Transformations
- 1 Gain .62 (M) .60 (F)
- 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
- Energy in Chemical Reactions
- 1 Gain .61 (M) .71 (F)
- 2 Gain .40 (M) .66 (F)
- 3 Gain .50 (M) .41 (F)
12Increased Student Achievement
- Periodic Table
- Periodic Trends in Physical Properties
- 1 Gain .53 (M) .40 (F) .48 (M) .40
(F) - 2 Gain .38 (M) .33 (F) .17 (M) .19
(F) - 3 Gain .57 (M) .47 (F)
- Periodic Trends in Chemical Properties
- 1 Gain .40 (M) .53 (F) .40 (M) .53
(F) - 2 Gain .47 (M F) .41 (M) .53
(F) - 3 Gain .41 (M) .53 (F) .71 (M) .74 (F)
13Increased Student Achievement
- Chemical Reactions
- Chemical Reactions vs. Physical Changes
- 1 Gain .33 (M) .28 (F) .27 (M) .26
(F) - 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
- Types of Chemical Reactions
- 1 Gain N/A
- 2 Gain .79 (M) .67 (F) .38 (M) .50
(F) - 3 Gain N/A
14Increased Student Achievement
- Conservation of Energy and Matter
- Conservation of Matter in Chemical Changes
- 1 Gain N/A
- 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
- Conservation of Energy in Transformations
- 1 Gain .61 (M) .58 (F) .17 (M) .20
(F) - 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
15Increased Student Achievement
- Applications of Chemistry
- Chemistry and better health
- 1 Gain .31 (M) .35 (F) .51 (M) .38
(F) - 2 Gain .42 (M) .49 (F) .29 (M) .38
(F) - 3 Gain N/A
- Chemistry and the Environment
- 1 Gain .43 (M) .50 (F)
- 2 Gain .37 (M) .30 (F)
- 3 Gain N/A
16Increased Student Achievement
- Kinematics and Dynamics
- Acceleration
- 1 Gain N/A
- 2 Gain N/A
- 3 Gain N/A
- Newtons Second Law
- 1 Gain .85 (M) .74 (F)
- 2 Gain .75 (M) .84 (F)
- 3 Gain .88 (M) .70 (F) .54 (M) .76 (F)
172007-2008 Implementation Evaluation
- Revised Template-EarthScienceUnitEval
- Each Participant
- Group Number Letter
- Team Member Name
- Grade Taught
- Demographics
- Environment (rural/urban/suburban)
- Ethnic, Cultural, Gender Make-up
- Socio Economic Status (SES)
- Students with Special Needs
182007-2008 Implementation Evaluation
- Revised Template-EarthScienceUnitEval
- Learning Goal and Objectives
- Developed in Modeling Workshop
- A Unit Your Team Developed
- Instructional Design and Implementation
- Developed in Modeling Workshop
- Lesson Planning Part of the Implementation
- Estimate Time of Year Unit Will be Taught
- Possible Visit from Workshop Instructor
192007-2008 Implementation Evaluation
- Analysis of Assessment Procedures
- Each Participant (Your Unit ONLY)
- Reflection and Self-Evaluation
- Successful Activities
- Unsuccessful Activities
- Student Performance on State Assessments
- Professional Development/Personal Goals
202007-2008 Implementation Evaluation
- Implementation Evaluation Submission
- End of Workshop - 1 Document from Group
- Information from Each Participant
- Demographics
- Learning Goals and Objectives
- Instructional Design and Implementation
- By KATS Camp - 1 Document from Group
- Data from Each Participant over Unit Taught
- Analysis of Assessment Procedures
- Reflection and Self-Evaluation
- Email to bwalizer_at_fhsu.edu