Title: Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling, and Decision Making
1Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling, and Decision
- Jennifer Slimowitz
- Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their
Applications - The National Academies
- National Academies and mathematics
- 3 examples of current project areas
- Environmental modeling
- Molecular biology and genomics
- Forensic science
3The National Academies
- Provides independent, objective scientific advice
to the nation. Convenes scientific workshops and
panels of experts who work pro-bono to generate
recommendations. - Chartered by Lincoln in 1863
- Comprised of the
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Academy of Engineering
- Institute of Medicine
- National Research Council
4Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their
Applications (BMSA)
- Mission to support and promote the quality and
health of the mathematical sciences and their
benefits to the nation. To do this, we - Conduct studies and meetings and disseminate
reports and technical assessments on mathematical
sciences topics of national interest and - Inform and cooperate with various governmental,
technical, and public bodies on technical and
policy matters relating to mathematical sciences.
5National Academies
- Scientific boards deal with real-world issues
- Pure Science is paired with policy, law, and
other practical constraints to help address
issues - Scientists play a role in decision-making, but
not the only role
63 Examples of Current Studies
- Mathematical models used by the EPA
- Molecular biology and genomics
- Forensic science
7Mathematical Modeling in the EPA
- EPA Mission to protect human health and the
environment - Uses mathematical models to develop regulatory
standards (e.g. for air and water quality) and to
determine if proposed construction will be in
compliance with regulations - Differential equations, statistics, computational
8Some Questions on the Use of Environmental Models
- What are the underlying assumptions of a given
model? - How do you aggregate models together?
- How do the limitations of the aggregate model
compare with those of its components? - How do you responsibly convey the assumptions,
limitations, and degree of testing of models? - How do you know of your model is applicable in a
certain circumstance?
9Example Community Multi-scale Air Quality
(CMAQ) Model
- Approaches air quality as a whole
- Ground level ozone
- Fine particles
- Visibility degradation
- Multiple pollutants and multiple spatial scales
- Combines chemical, transport, and meteorology
models (technically hard!)
10CMAQ (continued)
- Used regularly for research and regulatory
purposes (mostly ground level ozone) - Involves ODEs and PDEs
- Inputs include grid size, temporal and spatial
wind vectors, and emissions of pollutants (often
coming as outputs from other models) - Outputs include spatial and temporal
concentrations of pollutants - Huge and complicated!
11What steps could the EPA follow to evaluate if a
model is suitable?
- Peer review? Compare to data? Proprietary? Need
some kind of quality assurance. - Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling
(CREM) is developing knowledge data base to
elucidate models that EPA uses. Motto turn the
black box to Plexiglas. - Why is this important to EPA?
12National Academies study in progress
Environmental Decision Making Principles and
Criteria for Models
- Statement of Task includes
- provide advice concerning the development of
guidelines and a vision of the selection and use
of models at the agency - provide a report that will serve as a fundamental
guide for the selection and use of models in the
regulatory process at the EPA.
13Who sits on the committee to give this type of
advice to EPA?
- Experts in
- environmental, chemical, and civil engineering
- decision science and risk analysis and assessment
- biology
- mathematical ecology
- transportation and planning
- history of science
- public policy and law
- biostatistics and spatial statistics
14Molecular Biology and GenomicsBig Question
- Given the genome of a given organism, how can you
predict behavior? - In humans, we can pinpoint the gene which
indicates cystic fibrosis. How comes kids with
CF get sick from microbial infections? - Can a good model help us determine how certain
genetic mutations affect function? -
15Why is this important to policy makers?
- Medical enable the development of new drugs
targeted to people with specific mutations - Energy and Environment engineer or find
organisms to aid in carbon sequestration,
bioremediation, or production of clean energy
16Role of Mathematics in Molecular Biology and
- To identify emergent properties, generate
non-obvious hypotheses, and identify missing
information by - Developing good models (dynamical systems,
differential equations, geometry) - Learning how to analyze massive data sets
(statistics, pattern recognition algorithms)
17Example Statistics involved in gene expression
- Traditionally, statistics deals with a few
independent observations taken from many samples.
In gene expression analysis, we have many
dependent observations taken from only a few
samples. Requires new techniques! - Is it a vanity plate or just a coincidence?
18National Academies Study in Progress
Mathematical Sciences Research for DOEs
Computational Biology
- Statement of Task recommend mathematical
sciences research activities to the Department of
Energy that will enable science to make effective
use of the large amount of existing genomic
information and the much larger and more diverse
collections of structural and functional genomic
information that are being created
19Who sits on the committee to give this type of
- Experts in
- genetics, population genetics, and plant biology
- statistics, computational science, mathematical
ecology, mathematical physiology, and
bioinformatics - neuroscience
- chemical engineering and chemical physics
20- Quote from a committee member
- Relationships between phenotype and genotype
are inherently difficult because of the subtlety
involved. If mechanisms were big and obvious,
organisms with mutations would not survive .
21Forensic Science
- DNA forensic testing (success story!)
- Bullet lead analysis
- False positives vs. False negatives which are
22DNA Forensic Testing
- DNA can be found in samples of saliva, blood,
semen, skin, hair or tears left at crime scenes - Sample is tested at 13 sites which are known to
vary greatly from individual to individual, where
there are different numbers of short tandem
repeat (STR) units
23DNA Forensic Testing (cont)
- Chance of any two individuals having same number
of STRs at any one of the 13 sites is 1/10 - Chance of two individuals matching at all 13
sites is (1/10) 13 less than 1 in a trillion - Typically, close relatives (siblings,
parent/child) will match at 4 or 5 sites.
- At least 138 individuals have been exonerated as
a result of DNA forensic testing - In addition to letting the innocent go free,
DNA forensic testing helps to find the true
criminal - CODIS (Combined DNA Index Systems) is the FBI
database of DNA samples of felons
25Where is mathematics involved?
- Statistics how do we know that the probability
of any two people having the same number of STR
units at any one site is 1/10? - Computational Science given a blood sample,
what algorithms do we use to determine the DNA
contained in it?
26Compositional Analysis of Bullet Lead
- Used to produce circumstantial evidence to
match a crime scene bullet to a bullet from a
suspect - The FBI measures the concentrations of 7 elements
(arsenic, antimony, tin, copper, bismuth, silver,
and cadmium) in the bullet lead alloy
27Where is mathematics involved?
- Given concentrations of a bullet (or set of
bullets) found at crime scene and bullet (or set
of bullets) found on suspect, how does the FBI
determine if they match?
28National Academies Study (2004) Forensic
Analysis Weighing Bullet Lead Evidence
- Statement of Task to assess the validity
of the scientific basis for the use of elemental
composition determination to compare lead
alloy-based items of evidence. The following
three areas will be addressed Analytical
MethodStatistics for ComparisonInterpretation
29Who sits on the committee to give this type of
- Experts in
- chemistry
- physics and materials science
- criminal justice, law, and forensic science
- statistics
- metallurgical engineering
30Major concern of Committee
- Variations among and within lead bullet
manufacturers make any modeling of the general
manufacturing process unreliable and potentially
misleading in CABL comparisons.
31Issues coming to the forefront Mathematics /
Operations Research in Voting
- Touch-screen voting is it as accurate as voting
on a paper ballot? What algorithms will ensure
accountability while protecting anonymity? - Gerrymandering what constitutes fairness in
districting? How could lines be drawn to achieve
fairness? Could the current system of one
representative for each district be improved?