Title: Resolving attendance tracking issues
1Resolving attendance tracking issues
Whats in this lesson? This lesson explains how
to identify and resolve attendance tracking
issues in pay periods that have and have not been
signed off. What do I need to know before I
begin? You should already know how to -
Identify time data discrepancies in timecards -
Perform timecard edits, including pay code
edits and comments - Identify exceptions -
Access Genies - Communicate with e-mail or
k-mail - Understand what sign off is - Resolve
punch issues Depending on your organization, you
may need to be familiar with performing
historical timecard edits.
Lesson Menu
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Analyzing the attendance tracking issue
Resolve the issue If timecard has not been
signed off
About resolving attendance issues when timecards
have not been signed off
Show Me Resolving attendance issues when
timecards have not been signed off
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when timecards
have been signed off (No impact on pay or
Show Me Manually delete an attendance event
About resolving attendance issues when timecards
have been signed off (pay impact)
Return to Villanova Kronos Training Web
About resolving attendance issues when timecards
have been signed off (accruals impact)
2Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Depending on your role, you may need to be able
to interpret an employees attendance data as
displayed in Workforce Attendance. In the past
you may have used paper timecards or spreadsheets
to manually track employee infractions you may
have used abbreviations for certain infractions
(such as S for Sick) To access employee
attendance records in Workforce Attendance, you
use the Attendance Editor. This is where all of
the employees attendance data is stored (much
like the Timecard Editor is where the employees
timecard data is stored.) This topic introduces
you to the Attendance Editor and takes a close
look at the tabs youre likely to work with when
analyzing attendance issues - Summary tab -
Incidents tab
3Resolving attendance tracking issues
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Attendance (Continued)
Use the Summary tab for an overview of the
employees attendance record.
Processed through. Displays the date up to which
employee attendance information is current,
including attendance events that have been
manually edited.
Balances. Displays information about the
balances, which may be based on points,
occurrences or time. If an attendance policy is
set up with more than one type of balance (for
example, one balance is for reward points and one
balance is for disciplinary points), two rows
appear in the Balances table - one for each
balance type that is used in attendance policies
that are assigned to the employee.
Perfect Attendance. Displays read-only
information that identifies whether the employee
met criteria that has violated your
organizations perfect attendance policy. If the
status is Yes, this means that the employee has
violated perfect attendance rules. For details
about the rules, click the Perfect Attendance
Definition and Source Policy definition.
4Resolving attendance tracking issues
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Attendance (Continued)
Actions. Displays information about actions
incurred by the employee for the specified time
period. Click an Action to access the Edit
Attendance Action workspace. You can enter a date
in the Completed Date column to indicate when the
attendance action was completed. If the Completed
Date column is blank, the Current Status field
indicates that the attendance action is initiated
but not completed. Villanova has configured the
system so that if an action is set up to be
recognized on the completion date, it will only
be visible on the Incidents and Summary tabs
after the action is completed in the employee's
Discipline Levels. Displays information about any
discipline level changes that an employee has
incurred for the specified time
period. Villanova has progressive discipline
policies and if an employee has exhibited poor
attendance behavior, multiple discipline levels
may appear in the discipline level table.
5Resolving attendance tracking issues
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Attendance (Continued)
Use the Incidents tab for a detailed list of
attendance events. Notice that some events
appear in blue font color, for example, FT
Absence. In Workforce Attendance, these are
called basic events.
6Resolving attendance tracking issues
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Attendance (Continued)
Basic events that have similar characteristics
such as the same point value can be grouped
together as a combined event. Combined events
are simply multiple items in Villanovas
attendance policy being triggered and applied on
the same day. You should be able to distinguish
basic events from combined events so that if
employees have questions about their attendance
records, you can correctly interpret the
information and explain it to them.
7Resolving attendance tracking issues
Analyze the attendance tracking issue
Interpreting attendance data in Workforce
Attendance (Continued)
The following table explains the fields on the
Incidents tab.
Field Name Description
Date The date on which the employee incurred the event, pattern or action..
Event/Pattern/Action The attendance event, attendance pattern or attendance action that the employee incurred. Example Tardy lt 60
Discipline Level. Represents the progressive discipline level status that the employee is currently at. Example Step 1
Actual Amount The amount of time that the employee was early or tardy. Example 010
Balance Change The number of points, occurrences that the employee incurred as a result of the attendance event, pattern or action.. Example 0.50
Total The current total of the point balance. In this example, the balance is based on points. Balances may also be based on occurrences, or time (such as missed time.) Example 3.5
Balance Type The type of units that represent what the balance is tracking. Balances may be based on points, occurrences, or time (such as missed time.) Example Points
Shift Start Time The employees scheduled shift start time. Example 9a.
Source Policy Link that provides information on the attendance policy rule that generated the attendance event, pattern or action when attendance rules were applied.
(Topic End)
8Analyzing the attendance tracking issue
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has not been
signed off
- When an attendance tracking issue comes to your
attention, the first question to answer is Has
the employees timecard been signed off? - - if the timecard has not been signed off, you
edit the timecard remember to use Villanovas
timecard editing guidelines so that edits that
affect attendance tracking are accurate. - if the timecard has been signed off and there is
no pay or accrual impact, then manually edit the
attendance infraction. - if the timecard has been signed off and there is
a pay or accrual impact, you may need to perform
a historical timecard edit, then manually edit
the attendance infraction.
Edit approvetimecards
Applyattendancepolicy rules
Is timecardsigned off?
Performhistoricaltimecard edit
Edit attendanceevent apply rules
(Topic End)
9About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has not been signed off
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has not been
signed off
Edit approvetimecards
If the timecard has not been signed off, edit the
timecard, apply attendance rules (or let the
attendance processor automatically apply rules),
then verify that the attendance tracking issue
has been corrected.
Applyattendancepolicy rules
Is timecardsigned off?
10Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has not been
signed off
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has not been signed off (Continued)
To resolve an attendance tracking issue when the
timecard has not been signed off, take the
following steps.
Step Action
1. Use Villanovas guidelines for making timecard edits that affect attendance, edit the employees timecard and save your changes.
2. If you dont have the ability to manually apply attendance rules, wait until Workforce Attendance processor runs. If you have the ability to manually apply attendance rules, click the More quick link and select Attendance. The Attendance Editor appears.
3. From the Incidents tab, click Apply Rules. The Apply Rules dialog appears.
4. To accept the Default Start Date, click OK.
5. After a few seconds, click Refresh.
(Topic End)
11SHOW ME Resolve the attendance tracking issue
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has not been
signed off
Click the icon to see how to resolve an
attendance tracking issue when the employees
timecard has not been signed off
(Topic End)
12About resolving issues when the timecard has been
signed off (no impact on pay or accruals)
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
Edit approvetimecards
If the timecard has been signed off and there is
no pay or accruals impact, then manually edit the
attendance infraction
Applyattendancepolicy rules
Is timecardsigned off?
Edit attendanceevent apply rules
13Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (no impact on
accruals or pay) (Continued)
To manually edit an attendance infraction, take
the following steps.
Step Action
1. To access the Attendance Editor from the employees timecard, click the More quick link and select Attendance. To access the Attendance Editor from a Genie, click to highlight an employee row(s) then select Attendance gt Attendance Editor.
2. To delete an infraction, click the check box on the row that represents the infraction. Then click Delete. To edit an infraction, click the check box on the row that represents the infraction. Then click Edit, make the change and click Save and Return.
3. To update the employees attendance information, click Apply Rules. The Apply Rules dialog appears.
4. To accept the Default Start Date, click OK.
5. After a few seconds, click Refresh.
(Topic End)
14SHOW ME Manually delete an attendance event
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
Click the icon to see how to manually delete an
attendance event
(Topic End)
15About resolving issues when the timecard has been
signed off (pay impact)
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
Edit approvetimecards
If the timecard has been signed off and there is
a pay or accrual impact, you may need to perform
a historical timecard edit and then manually edit
the attendance infraction. Whether you make a
historical timecard edit depends on your business
processes. These processes will be determined by
your manager.
Applyattendancepolicy rules
Is timecardsigned off?
Performhistoricaltimecard edit
Edit attendanceevent apply rules
16Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (pay impact)
If the historical edit impacts pay, use Add
Historical Amount. For example, an employee is
tardy and leaves early, resulting in 1.5 points.
The timecard is signed off. Later, the employee
clarifies that they were working and should
receive adjusted pay (they were not paid for 30
minutes) and no disciplinary points. To adjust
the pay, use the Add Historical option.
17Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (pay impact)
The Add Historical Amount dialog contains the
following fields.
Field Description
Historical Date Specify the date in the past to which you want to add the hours or money amount. This date must be in a signed off pay period.
Pay Code From the drop-down list, select the pay code to which you want to add the hours or money.
Amount Enter the amount that you want to add to the hours or money in the selected accrual code. Negative amounts are permitted only if you have the correct access privileges.
Transfer If the amount should be charged to a labor account, work rule, or pay rule other than the employees primary account/default rule, then specify the appropriate account/rule.
Effective Date Specify a date in the current pay period on which you want the edit to be effective.
Include in totals for effective date Select this check box to include the historical edit amount in the totals paid to the employee in the current pay period. The amount will appear on the Totals Schedule tab in addition to the Historical Amounts tab. Clear this check box if you have already issued a manual check for the amount. The edit will appear on the Historical Amounts tab only along with the text (paid).
Impact accruals Select this check box to adjust the employees accrual balances as of the Effective Date based on the selections made in this dialog box.
18Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (pay impact)
- When the historical timecard edit has been
resolved, be sure to manually edit the employees
attendance information. - For example, if the employee received points for
being tardy but was in fact working, you would - make the historical timecard edit to adjust the
employees pay - manually delete the Tardy lt 60 and Leave Early
attendance infractions from the employees
attendance record and then apply attendance
policy rules to adjust the point balance
19Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (pay impact)
To manually edit an attendance infraction, take
the following steps.
Step Action
1. To access the Attendance Editor from the employees timecard, click the More quick link and select Attendance. To access the Attendance Editor from a Genie, click to highlight an employee row(s) then select Attendance gt Attendance Editor.
2. To delete an infraction, click the check box on the row that represents the infraction. Then click Delete. To edit an infraction, click the check box on the row that represents the infraction. Then click Edit, make the change and click Save and Return.
3. To update the employees attendance information, click Apply Rules. The Apply Rules dialog appears.
4. To accept the Default Start Date, click OK.
5. After a few seconds, click Refresh.
(Topic End)
20About resolving issues when the timecard has been
signed off (accruals impact)
Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
If the historical edit impacts accruals, use the
Move Historical option. For example, an employee
is out sick and receives 1.0 points the timecard
is signed off. The employee later clarifies that
they took a vacation day. To adjust 8 hours of
sick to 8 hours of vacation, use Move Historical
21Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (accruals impact)
The Move Historical Amount dialog contains the
following fields.
Field Description
Historical Date Specify the date in the past to which you want to add the hours or money amount. This date must be in a signed off pay period.
Pay Code From the drop-down list, select the pay code to which you want to add the hours or money.
Amount Enter the amount that you want to add to the hours or money in the selected accrual code. Negative amounts are permitted only if you have the correct access privileges.
Transfer If the amount should be charged to a labor account, work rule, or pay rule other than the employees primary account/default rule, then specify the appropriate account/rule.
Effective Date Specify a date in the current pay period on which you want the edit to be effective.
Include in totals for effective date Select this check box to include the historical edit amount in the totals paid to the employee in the current pay period. The amount will appear on the Totals Schedule tab in addition to the Historical Amounts tab. Clear this check box if you have already issued a manual check for the amount. The edit will appear on the Historical Amounts tab only along with the text (paid).
Impact accruals Select this check box to adjust the employees accrual balances as of the Effective Date based on the selections made in this dialog box.
22Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (accruals impact)
- When the historical timecard edit has been
resolved, be sure to manually edit the employees
attendance information. - For example, if the employee received 1.0 points
for calling in sick, but really took a vacation
day, you would - make the historical timecard edit (the employee
should have 8 hours of vacation deducted instead
of 8 hours of sick) - manually delete the Sick with no note attendance
infraction from the employees attendance record
and then apply attendance policy rules to adjust
the point balance
23Resolving attendance tracking issues
Resolve the issue If timecard has been signed
About resolving attendance issues when the
timecard has been signed off (accruals impact)
To manually edit an attendance infraction, take
the following steps.
Step Action
1. To access the Attendance Editor from the employees timecard, click the More quick link and select Attendance. To access the Attendance Editor from a Genie, click to highlight an employee row(s) then select Attendance gt Attendance Editor.
2. To delete an infraction, click the check box on the row that represents the infraction. Then click Delete. To edit an infraction, click the check box on the row that represents the infraction. Then click Edit, make the change and click Save and Return.
3. To update the employees attendance information, click Apply Rules. The Apply Rules dialog appears.
4. To accept the Default Start Date, click OK.
5. After a few seconds, click Refresh.
(Topic End)