Title: LIS 605
1LIS 605
- Review of first session of Fall 2008
donna Bair-Mundy
2Resources for descriptive cataloging in MARC
Content AACR2 gives the rules for description
and access points
- Fields MARC 21 gives information regarding the
fields and subfields in which the data is encoded
3Areas of description
- Title statement of responsibility
- Edition
- Material format (not for books)
- Publication, distribution, etc.
- Physical description
- Series
- Note
- Standard number and terms of availability
4Areas in cataloging card
Area 1 Title statement of responsibility
The mystery of Edwin Drood / by Charles
Dickens with twelve illustrations by Luke
Fildes and two by Charles Collins and an
introduction by S.C. Roberts. -- Oxford New
York Oxford University Press, 1956. xi, 278
p. ill. 19 cm. -- (The Oxford illustrated
Dickens) Prior to 1966 the series had the title
The illustrated Dickens. ISBN 0-19-254516-7
Area 8 Standard number
5Areas in MARC record
- 020 ISBN
- 245 Title statement of responsibility
- 250 Edition statement
- 260 Publication, distribution, etc.
- Physical description
- 4XX Series
- 500 Note
Area 8 Area 1 Area 2 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7
6MARC fields for description
245 1 0 a Harry Potter and the prisoner of
Azkaban / c by J.K. Rowling illustrations by
Mary Grandpré. 250 B B a 1st American
ed. 260 B B a New York b Arthur A. Levine
Books, c 1999. 300 B B a ix, 435 p. b ill.
c 24 cm. 500 B B a Sequel to Harry Potter
and the Chamber of Secrets.
7MARC field coding
245 1 0 a Harry Potter and the prisoner of
Azkaban / c by J.K. Rowling illustrations by
Mary Grandpré.
245 Tag indicating field
1 0 Indicators
a Beginning of subfield
8Punctuation for title and statement of
Space colon space precedes "other title
245 1 0 a Title b other title information
/ c statement of responsibility.
Space slash space precedes first statement of
9AACR2 Rules for punctuation
1.0C. Punctuation
Extra spacing
No extra spacing