- Student Success Assessment Summit
- June 23, 2009
2 - Intro Prior Learning Assessment
- Learning From Experience
- CAEL Standards
- PLA in Ohio
- Deeper into PLA
- Adopting PLA
- Continuing Conversations
3Learning from Experience(different from
experiential learning)
- When learning experiences occur
- and
- when these experiences are purposefully reflected
upon and integrated, they can yield explicit
knowledge and skills.
4 What is PLA?
- Prior Learning Assessment is a purposeful
process between a learner and an institution. - Within this process learners take responsibility
for providing evidence of acquired knowledge and
5 . . . continued
- Institutions provide information and resources
that assist learners prepare and/or provide
evidence. Institutions determine if the evidence
provided matches college course outcome
proficiencies. - If a learners skills and knowledge match these
expected proficiencies, institutions grant
college credit.
6 Determining Acquired Knowledge and Proficiencies
- Proficiency or Challenge Exams (ACE)
- Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education
Support (DANTES) - College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Advanced Placement Programs (AP)
- Portfolio Assessment and Portfolio courses
- Transcript Analysis
- Demonstrations, performance, videos
7 Common Methods Used in Ohio to Measure K S
8From an Ohio survey (3/09)
- 21 Institutions offer PLA programs/services
- AA, BA, MA, PhD, JD programs certificates
- Positioned in academic affairs, colleges,
academic departments and units, adult/continuing
education - 71 of institutions, department/units accept
credits granted via prior learning assessment
from other institutions, 29 do not. - Variety of disciplines math, IT, urban affairs,
engineering and engineering tech, social science,
tech based AA, nursing, and degree completion
9 Who are PLA learners?
- CEO of major organization with 4 year degree (not
accredited, however) - Bookkeeper with 30 years experience wanting a
degree - Manufacturing worker with on the job experience
in auto industryknows GPS systems in and out
has worked informally with two cities and GIS
tracking - Displaced homemakers, laid off workers
- Nurses, and more
10 Adopting PLA
- Helpful in accreditation (HLC, AQIP)
- Welcoming to adults who want degrees values
uniqueness and knowledge - Lessens time and costs to matriculation
- Legitimizes many ways to learn / to assess
- Must create outcomes - based course/degree
expectations - Portfolio assessment/courses
- Unacceptable for some disciplines accreditation
- Challenges traditional classroom norms
- Quality assurance issues
- The need to develop outcomes assessments
- Administrative support/adequate resources/extra
time - Transcripting
- Tradition
11 In National Studies
- PLA students often enroll for more (not fewer)
courses than those with no PLA credits. - -- 2001 Simpson College study (ALSO 75
retention with PLA vs. 38 for those without PLA) - PLA students show better complex problem-solving
skills than classroom students. - -- 2002 University of Connecticut study in the
Journal of Continuing Higher Education
12 continued . . .
- Portfolio PLA students tend to show higher
cumulative GPAs. - Â Â Â Â -- Studies in 1992 _at_ UMUC, and in 2003 among
1600 students in 4 Illinois public universities - A recent College Board study of 1500 adults rated
credit for prior learning policy as more
important than small class size or
availability of financial aid.
13 CAEL National Standards(handout)
- 5 Standards for the credit-bearing assessment
processes and - 5 Standards for quality assurance for the
administrative aspects of Prior Learning
Assessment activities and programs.
14 Resources
- CAEL http//www.cael.org/pla.htm
- http//www.acenet.edu/AM/Template.cfm?SectionSea
rchtemplate/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfmContentID21961 - Antioch University McGregor
- http//www.mcgregor.edu/us/transferprilearncredit
.html - Lorain County Community College
- http//www.lorainccc.edu/FacultyandStaff/Center
lio.htm - Sinclair Community College
- http//www.sinclair.edu/about/administrative/vpi/
trs/ - The Union Institute and University
- httpwww/myunion.edu
- Thomas Edison College
- http//www.tesc.edu/698.php
15 Dorinda Smith Associate Professor Coordinator of
Public Administration, Political Science, Urban
Studies, Geographic Information Systems,
Archeology  Lorain County Community
College dsmith_at_lorainccc.edu 440-366-7237 Patty
Brewer Dean, Pre-Cohort Ph.D. ProgramUnion
Institute and Universitypatricia.brewer_at_myunion.e
du 513-487-1182 Sheryl Hansen Director,
Professional Development Programs Ohio Learning
Network shansen_at_oln.org 614-995-3240