Title: Model Structure and Boundary Conditions
1Particle Simulation of a Micro Bubble Heat Pump
with Parallelized DSMC
2Ping Jiang, Francois Labelle CS267 Final
Project, Spring 2000
3Model Structure and Boundary Conditions
4DSMC Technique and Its Applications
- DSMC Direct Simulation, Monte Carlo
- Representative particles are used
- Particle behavior simulated stochastically based
on Boltzmann Equation - Physical quantities of interest are computed as
averages - Widely used for studying high Kn (l/l) gas
- Several orders of magnitude faster than Molecular
5Steady State Solution
Temperature Profile
Density Profile
6Parallelization Block Decomposition
Processor Assignment (Particles in Proc2 shown)
Next time step Particle transfer needed!
7Parallelization Cyclic Decomposition
Processor Assignment (Particles in Proc2 shown)
Next time step Large particle transfer needed!
8Speedup and Communication Costs
Experimental results for 3 decomposition
strategies on two different architectures
We only do a small number of large memory
transfers, so latency is not an issue, but
transfer rate is.
9Performance Explained Vampir Traces
Cyclic Lots of communication, but naturally load
10Blocked Low communication, but load seriously
Blocked with Load Balancing Best of all!
11Load Balancing