PML and Master Slave Boundary Conditions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PML and Master Slave Boundary Conditions


PML and Master Slave Boundary Conditions Advanced Boundary Conditions This section looks at two different types of advanced boundary conditions available in HFSS ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PML and Master Slave Boundary Conditions

PML and Master Slave Boundary Conditions
Advanced Boundary Conditions
  • This section looks at two different types of
    advanced boundary conditions available in HFSS
  • Perfectly Matched Layers (PMLs)
  • Periodic boundary conditions Master and Slave

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • What are Perfectly Matched Layers?
  • Perfectly Matched Layers (PMLs) are fictitious
    materials that fully absorb the electromagnetic
    fields acting upon them.
  • There are two types of PML applications free
    space termination and reflection-free
    termination of guided waves.
  • In free space termination, all PML objects must
    be included in a surface that radiates into free
    space equally in every direction. PMLs can be
    superior to radiation boundaries in this case
    because PMLs enable radiation surfaces to be
    located closer to radiating objects, reducing the
    problem domain. Any homogenous isotropic
    material, including lossy materials such as ocean
    water, can surround the model.
  • In reflection-free termination of guided waves,
    the structure continues uniformly to infinity.
    The termination surface of the structure radiates
    in the direction in which the wave is guided.
    Reflection-free PMLs are superior to free space
    or radiation boundary terminations in this kind
    of application. Reflection-free PMLs are also
    superior for simulating phased array antennas
    because the antenna radiates in a certain

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Implementation in HFSS
  • HFSS uses an adaptive PML
  • In classic implementation, one needs several
    layers, one over the other, to achieve desired
  • With adaptive PML, one layer is enough.
  • Adaptive meshing takes care of the rest.
  • Advantages
  • Easier implementation.
  • More robust.
  • Smaller mesh.
  • HFSS contains a PML setup wizard for
  • Perfectly Matched Layer object creation.
  • Material creation and assignment.
  • PML boundaries can also be set-up manually.
  • HFSS automatically identifies PML objects by a
    naming convention
  • Any object with a name beginning with the letters
    PML is identified as a PML and is subject to
  • special adaptive meshing.
  • incident-wave treatment.
  • user-defined radiation surfaces during post

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Radiation boundary versus PML
  • Radiation Boundary Condition
  • Sensitive to the incident angle, less accurate
    for non-normal incidence.
  • Fully automatic.
  • Easy to use.
  • Radiation boundaries need to be placed around l/4
    away from radiating objects.
  • Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Accurate, boundary has zero reflection.
  • A fictitious biaxial anisotropic material.
  • Reasonably automatic to create using PML setup
  • More accurate for calculating radiation
  • PMLs can be brought much closer to radiating
    objects (as close as l/10), resulting in a
    smaller problem space and smaller mesh.

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Automatic PML creation
  • Three basic steps
  • Create device objects.
  • Select surfaces for PML objects to be created on.
    (note you may want to create a face list at this
    point for post processing later on. This can be
    done using 3D Modeler gt List gt Create gt Face

Here radiation is allowed through three
faces.Two other faces will later be assigned
symmetry boundaries.
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Automatic PML creation, continued.
  • PML setup wizard has a two step process, firstly
    creating the PML cover objects

Specify layer thicknesses normally set this to
be ?/4 of the lowest frequency to be solved for
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Automatic PML creation, continued.
  • PML cover is added to the box on all radiation

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Automatic PML creation, continued.
  • Secondly defining the PML material properties
  • Note for this problem the fields radiate equally
    in free space in all directions hence PML
    Objects Accept Free Radiation is selected.

Set minimum frequency to be solved in problem
Minimum radiating distance is the minimum
distance between the boundary and any radiating
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • The PML setup wizard
  • Automatically creates PML materials.
  • Automatically calculates PML material matrices.
  • PML material properties are automatically
    assigned to the cover objects using default

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Open-ended waveguide results
  • Magnitude of S11 of an open-ended waveguide.
  • Note that the boundary PML is closer to aperture
    than the radiation boundary and requires fewer
    tetrahedra for better accuracy.

PML d/l0.15, 1782 tetrahedra ABC d/l0.32,
6736 tetrahedra
  • Mesh of an open-ended waveguide
  • The non-uniform PML mesh is evident.

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Creating PMLs manually
  • The PML setup wizard can only create rectangular
    PML objects. If another shape of PML object is
    required (e.g. to terminate a circular waveguide)
    then PMLs must be created manually

Draw the PML object at the radiation surface, and
then select it.
Give the object a name with the prefix PML.
Object names that start with PML are necessary
for HFSS to recognize them as PMLs.
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Creating PMLs manually, cont.
  • Launch the PML setup wizard.

Select use selected object as PML cover. Choose
the corresponding base object.
Enter the thickness of the PML layer
object. Select the orientation of the PML object
in terms of the direction of outward propagation
in this case radiation would be in the
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Creating PMLs manually, cont
  • As this is a waveguide termination, PML Objects
    Continue Guided Wave option is selected.
  • The propagation constant at the minimum frequency
    must then be entered.
  • The minimum radiating distance is specified as

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Post processing Far Field data with PMLs
  • To insert a far field setup where a PML has been
    used, you need to first create a face list of the
    radiating surfaces (note sometimes it is easier
    to create this when you first select the faces
    for creating the PML objects)

Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Post processing Far Field data with PMLs
  • This list appears in the lists section of the
    model tree.
  • When you create a far field radiation setup,
    under the Radiation Surface tab select Use
    Custom Radiation Surface and select this face
    list from the drop down menu.

Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Master and Slave Boundaries
  • Master and slave boundaries enable you to model
    planes of periodicity where the E-field on one
    surface matches the E-field on another to within
    a phase difference. They force the E-field at
    each point on the slave boundary match the
    E-field to within a phase difference at each
    corresponding point on the master boundary. They
    are useful for simulating devices such as
    infinite arrays.
  • Unlike symmetry boundaries, E does not have to be
    tangential or normal to these boundaries. The
    only condition is that the fields on the two
    boundaries must have the same magnitude and
    direction (or the same magnitude and opposite
  • When creating matching boundaries, keep the
    following points in mind
  • Master and slave boundaries can only be assigned
    to planar surfaces. These may be the faces of 2D
    or 3D objects.
  • The geometry of the surface on one boundary must
    match the geometry on the surface of the other
    boundary. For example, if the master is a
    rectangular surface, the slave must be a
    rectangular surface of the same size.
  • If the mesh on the master boundary does not match
    the mesh on the slave boundary exactly, the
    solution will fail. Normally HFSS automatically
    forces the mesh to match on each boundary
    however, in some cases, the mesh cannot be forced
    to match. To prevent the solution from failing,
    create a virtual object on the slave boundary
    that exactly matches any extra object on the
    master boundary, or create a virtual object on
    the master boundary that exactly matches any
    extra object on the slave boundary.

Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Master and Slave Boundaries
  • To make a surface a master or slave boundary, you
    must specify a coordinate system that defines the
    plane on which the selected surface exists. When
    HFSS attempts to match the two boundaries, the
    two coordinate systems must also match each
    other. If they do not, HFSS will transpose the
    slave boundary to match the master boundary. When
    doing this, the surface to which the slave
    boundary is assigned is also transposed. If,
    after doing this, the two surfaces do not occupy
    the same position relative to their combined
    defined coordinate system, an error message
  • For example, consider the following figure
  • To match the coordinate system of the master
    boundary, the coordinate system on the slave
    boundary must rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
    however, when this is done, you get the
  • The two surfaces do not correspond and thus the
    mesh will not match, causing an error message.
  • The angle between the axes defined by the u point
    and v point must be identical for the master and
    slave boundary.

Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Assigning Master boundary

Ensure plane is set to that of desired face
Select face for master boundary and launch master
boundary assignment
Under Coordinate system select new vector to
assign U
Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Assigning Master boundary

Note reverse direction changes orientation of V
with respect to U
Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Assigning Slave boundary

Ensure plane is set to that of desired face
Select face for slave boundary and launch slave
boundary assignment
Select Master boundary slave is associated with
Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Assigning Slave boundary

Define directions for U and V on slave boundary
remember these must match the Master boundary
Master and Slave Boundary Conditions
  • Assigning Slave boundary
  • You have the option to relate the slave
    boundarys E-fields to the master boundarys
    E-fields in one of the following ways
  • Select Scan Angles, and then enter the f scan
    angle in the Phi box and the q scan angle in the
    Theta box. The phase delay is calculated from the
    scan angles however, if you know the phase
    delay, you may enter it directly in the Phase
    Difference box below.
  • Select Field Radiation, and then enter the phase
    difference, or phase delay, between the
    boundaries E-fields in the Phase Difference box.
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