Title: Changes in Energy Sources Throughout History
1Changes in Energy Sources Throughout History
2Benchmark 1
- Some historians believe that coal was first used
commercially in China. - There are reports that a mine in northeastern
China provided coal for smelting copper around
1000 BC. - The improvement of the steam engine by James
Watt, patented in 1769, was largely responsible
for the growth in coal use. - Coal was used to produce gas for gas lights in
many cities. - This process of coal gasification saw the growth
in gas lights across metropolitan areas at the
beginning of the 19th century, particularly in
London. - The use of coal gas in street lighting was
eventually replaced with the emergence of the
modern electric era.
4Continued History
- With the development of electric power in the
19th century, coals future became closely tied
to electricity generation. - The first practical coal-fired electric
generating station, developed by Thomas Edison,
which went into operation in New York City in
1882, supplied electricity for household lights. - With the huge rise in transportation, oil finally
overtook coal as the largest source of primary
energy in the 1960s. Â
- In the 1300s, Native Americans used coal for
cooking, making clay pots, and heating. - Wood charcoal had long been used to provide fuel
in England, but in the 18th century it was
discovered that coal burned cleaner and hotter. - Coal was used during the Industrial Revolution,
when demands for energy sources increased. - Coal was used to fuel steam-powered trains and in
the production of weapons during the American
Civil War - About one hundred years ago in the US, it was
used for heating homes, generating electricity,
powering railroads and boats, and fueling
factories. - Coal production has increased by more than 70
since 1970.
6uses continued
- Coal provided 25 of global energy needs in 2005
and 40 of the worlds electricity - 9 of 10 tons of coal mined in the US is used to
generate electricity. - About 56 of the electricity is coal-generated
electricity. - Industries use coal to make chemicals, cement,
paper, and metal products, - Methanol and ethylene, made from coal gas, are
used to make products such as plastics,
medicines, fertilizers, and tar.
7Coal Output
- World reserves of coal are very large and will
last for 200 years at current rates of
consumption - The reserves are spread more equitably across the
world than those of oil - Coal has a low cost, relative to oil and natural
- Energy costs per million British thermal units
- Coal1.20Â Â
- Oil4.45
- Natural gas4.30Â
9Coal Reserves
- Coal produces more carbon dioxide than any other
generation method, making it a leading cause of
global warming - The methods of mining coal can be very
destructive to the land - Large quantities of ash have to be disposed of
and a lot of smoke is produced
- Some coal contains significant amounts of sulfur
which later changes to sulfur dioxide and
eventually sulfuric acid - During wartime, for maximum efficiency,
coal-fired power stations must be big becoming a
desirable target for enemy attack
- Oil is a non renewable energy source.
- Oil was formed from tiny sea plants and animals
that died and were buried on the ocean floor. - Over time, they were covered by layers of silt
and sand. - The enormous heat and pressure turned them into
oil and gas. - Over 1/4 of crude oil produced in the U.S. is
produced offshore in the gulf of Mexico. - The amount of crude-oil produced in the U.S. has
become smaller each year but the products made
from crude oil has grown making it necessary to
bring more oil from other countries. - About 59.5 of the crude oil and petroleum
products used in the U.S. come from other
12Continued History
- Crude oil is a yellow to black liquid that is
usually found in underground reservoirs. - Scientists and engineers explore a chosen area by
studying rock samples from the earth. - After measurements are taken the drilling
begins. - Above the hole a structure called a derrick is
built to house the tools and pipes going into the
wells. - When finished, the drilled well will bring a
steady flow of oil to the surface.
13Top Crude Oil Producers
- Top crude oil
- producing states are
- 1) Texas
- 2) Alaska
- 3) California
- 4) Louisiana
- 5) Oklahoma
- The worlds top crude oil
- producing countries are
- 1) Saudi Arabia
- 2) Russia
- 3) United States
- 4) Iran
- 5) China
14Top Producing States
www. eia. doe. gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/
non-renewable/oil. Html
16Oil uses
- The Chinese constructed extensive bamboo
pipelines drawing from the wells in order to
transport oil and natural gas, which was used for
lighting. - The Romans used flaming containers of oil as
weapons of war. - During the 13th century in the Persia inhabitants
dug shallow pits to facilitate the collecting of
oil. They are considered primitive oil wells - In 1650, Romania was the site of Europe's first
commercial oil reservoir. - More than 200 years later, Romania became the
site of the world's first oil refinery - Electricity can be generated from the combustion
of oils through a steam-powered generator.
17Oil uses continued
- Oils are used as fuels for heating, lighting
(e.g. kerosene lamp), and powering combustion
engines - Many oils have higher boiling points than water
and are electrical insulators, making them useful
for liquid cooling systems, especially where
electricity is used. - Due to their non-polarity, oils do not easily
adhere to other substances making oil useful as
lubricant for various engineering purposes. - Mineral oils are more suitable than biological
oils, which degrade rapidly in most environmental
conditions. - Crude oil can be processed into plastics and
other substances.
- Oil helps us fuel our airplanes, cars, trucks,
boats, and heat our homes - It also helps make products like medicines and
plastics - Products that are made from petroleum include
ink, crayons, bubble gum, dishwashing liquids,
deodorant, eye glasses, records, tires, ammonia,
heart valves
- Over the years, new technologies and laws have
helped reduce problems related to petroleum
products. - Oil is very important to our economy.
- It currently supplies more that 40 of our total
energy demands and more that 90 of the fuel we
use in our cars and trucks.
- Dependence on the middle east for oil
- When petroleum products are burned as fuel, they
give off carbon dioxide, a gas linked to global
- Finding, producing, moving, and using it causes
problems for our environment including air and
water pollution - Drilling for oil may disturb land and ocean
habitats - Oil spills, harmful to aquatic wildlife, usually
come from ships or from leaks that happen when we
use petroleum products on land and get washed up
into the ocean
20Nuclear PowerHistory
- In 1789 Uranium was discovered by Martin
Klaproth. - Nuclear fission first deliberately created in
1932 and studied by Ernico Fermi but results were
improperly interpreted. - When results published numerous scientists around
the world began the study of nuclear fission. - Nuclear powers provides approximately 11 of the
worlds power sources. - Nuclear power was created using nuclear fission,
which was accomplished by the bombardment of
atoms in the nucleus of Uranium, by neutrons.
21Continued History
- Most advancements in the study of nuclear fission
happened in 1939 through 1946. - In 1954 the worlds first power plant was opened
in the USSR. - In light of the new discoveries in nuclear
technology, the worlds scientists gathered at
the Geneva Conference held in 1955.
- The uses of nuclear resources have not greatly
changed over the year. - Nuclear resources have been used as a source of
power in many countries to fuel electricity and
power plants. - In the 1950s nuclear resources were used to
create nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants
where nuclear weapons were created.
23Countries Their Plants
- Nuclear powers use non- expensive materials to
create environmentally safe energy - Large amounts of reliable energy is produced
using little fuel and produces very little waste - Allows for decrease in use of the worlds other
natural resources
- Uranium is a non renewable resource
- The waste that is produced is very toxic and must
be disposed of properly - Nuclear meltdowns and other disasters involving
nuclear plants can lead to devastating effects on
surrounding communities
- Allows for countries to create weapons of mass
26Renewable Sources
27Solar Energy
- Solar energy is a practical alternative source.
- The sun provides a sufficient amount of energy.
- Due to our interchangeable weather, the intensity
of the sun varies from moment to moment. - Solar energy is the conversion of sunlight into
electricity. - This can be done either through the photovoltaic
effect or by heating a transfer fluid to produce
steam to run a generator.
- Solar photovoltaics provided 0.04 of the world's
energy usage in 2004.
Photovoltaic Power Plant
28Wind Energy
- Wind power is the fastest growing of the
renewable energy technologies. - It currently provides less than 0.5 of global
energy. - The wind strength near the Earths surface vary
meaning that wind is not a guaranteed continuous
power. - Wind power does not create greenhouse gases such
as carbon dioxide and methane.
- Wind resources are more powerful offshore
because winds are about 90 faster than on land.
Offshore wind turbines near Copenhagen
29Water Power
- Energy in water can be harnessed and used.
- Since water is about 800 times denser than air,
even a slow flowing stream of water, or moderate
sea swell, can yield considerable amounts of
energy. - Micro hydro systems are hydroelectric power
installations that can produce up to 100 kW of
power. - They are often used in water rich areas.
- There are many of these installations around the
world, including several delivering around 50 kW
in the Solomon Islands. - Hydroelectricity now provides up to 19 of
energy. - Â
- Biofuel is produced by Biomass.
- Biomass is produced from plants after
photosynthesis. - Biomass can be used directly as fuel or it can be
made into biofuel. - Liquid biofuel is a bioalcohol such as ethanol
fuel. - It is also a bio-oil such as biodiesel and
straight vegetable oil. - Biodiesel can be used in modern diesel vehicles
with very little change to the engine. - It can be made from waste, virgin vegetable oil
and animal oil and fats. - Virgin vegetable oils can be used in modified
diesel engines. - It is considered expensive to convert engines to
be able to run on vegetable oils.
31Ethanol Fuel
- Ethanol fuel is produced from sugar cane.
- Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy
program involving ethanol. - Ethanol provides 18 of Brazils fuel for
automobiles. - Ford, Chrysler and GM are selling cars that can
run on fuel that is mixed with gasoline and
ethanol. - The Energy Policy Act of 2005, which calls for
7.5 billion gallons of biofuels to be used
annually by 2012, will also help to expand the
32Works Cited
- Slides 3-10
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal
- http//www.bydesign.com/fossilfuels/links/html/coa
l/coal_history.html - http//www.teachcoal.org/aboutcoal/articles/coalpp
f.html - http//www.geocities.com/daveclarkecb/ElecGenProsC
ons.htmlCoal - http//wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_pros_and_co
ns_of_using_coal - http//fossil.energy.gov/education/energylessons/c
oal/coal_history.html - http//www.worldcoal.org/pages/content/index.asp?P
ageID107 - http//www.planete-energies.com/content/coal/futur
e.html - Slides 11-19
- www. energy. gov/ energy sources/oil. html
- www. eia. doe. gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/
non-renewable/oil. Html - http//en. Wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil
33cites continued
- Slides 20-25
- http//www.uic.com.au/nip50.htm
- http//home.clara.net/darvill/altenerg/nuclear.htm
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_powerHistory
- Slides 26-31
- http//www.envocare.co.uk/alternative_energy.ht
- http//www.envocare.co.uk/solar_energy.htmÂ
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy
- http//www.envocare.co.uk/alternative_energy.htmb