Title: Empathy Through Education ETE at Nativity Catholic School
1 Empathy Through Education (ETE)at Nativity
Catholic School
2ETE Mission Goal
- Our mission is to promote an emotionally,
physically and socially safe environment for all
our childrento encourage one anotherso that
together, we can help build up the body of
Christ. - Through education, awareness, sharing/networking
and supporting our children, our faculty and our
parents, our goal is to promote positive
social changes and strengthen relationships
within our school, our families and our community.
3Empathy Through Education
- The ETE committee is dedicated to
- Determining strengths and assets at Nativity
Catholic School - Identifying gaps or needs
- Exploring and implementing services and education
for our students, faculty, parents and community.
Three programs will be implemented this school
year (06-07) the Owning Up Program for
middle school grades, the Steps To Respect
Program for all grades, and the Parent Study
Circles for all parents - Evaluating outcomes of these services and
education and continuously improving
4Empathy Through Education - Summary
- We didnt know that verbal taunting exclusion
could be so damaging and, potentially, have such
long-lasting effects. - Now we do.
- And theres so much we can do, but it takes
patience and commitment. - And, it takes all of us Parents, School
Administration, Teachers, Support Staff
Students working together.
5Empathy Through Education Members
- Administration Dr. Bernadette Kunnen Mr. Ron
Merrill -
- Parents
- DeDe Waldron Donna Rayburn Donna Collins
Susan Fogarty Sue Thatcher Joan
Schmidt - Neal Rickmers
- Together, let us build up the body of Christ.
6ETE Parent Study Circles
Full Esteem Ahead Helping adults help kids, and
one another Understanding Kids Social
7ETE Parent Study Circle Topics
- Whats the Problem with Peer Aggression
- Language and Research
- Friendships
- Cliques/Popularity
- Players Actions in Aggression
- Putting It In Perspective
- Outside Influences
- Change Can Happen
8ETE Parent Study Circle Info
- Fill out the Response Form with your contact
information and your 1st and 2nd choice - AM
(after drop off at 8am) or PM (7pm) and what day
of the week is best for you. Turn it in tonight
or e-mail it to Donna Rayburn. - Groups will decide among themselves how often to
meet and for how long. It is recommended to meet
every 3-4 weeks and for 1-1 ½ hrs each meeting.
There are 8 sessions. - The group also decides on the meeting place. You
can meet at Nativity. An ETE member can schedule
9ETE Parent Study Circle Takeaways
- Bullying amongst kids bypasses physical pain
and goes right to the soul. a concerned mother - Friendship with oneself is all-important,
because without it one cannot be friends with
anyone else in the world. Eleanor Roosevelt
10ETE Parent Study Circle Takeaways
- My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or
wrong that we have the power to stop, and do
nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the
guilt. a man named Wright in Anna Sewell's
Black Beauty - We can teach our children empathy by sharing our
values of empathy and caring.
11ETE Parent Study Circle Info
- The ideal size for each group is about 8 people.
This is big enough to have great discussions,
small enough to make sure every person has a
voice if he/she wants to initiate dialog and each
person can share in facilitating one session. - Once a group is set up, one person will be the
group coordinator and will serve as the liaison
between ETE and his/her parent study group. This
person will ensure that everyone in the group has
a voice, has a chance to facilitate a session if
desired and ensure each person has the schedule
of the meetings.
12ETE Parent Study Circle Info
- Kick Off meeting September 19 at 7 p.m. in Social
Hall D by the Ophelia Project staff for all who
can attend. Groups will begin meeting after that
date. An ETE member will attend your first
meeting to help you get started. We would also
like to attend your last meeting to get your
feedback for future Parent Study Circles. - Parents only pay for the manual which is 45.
- You will get the most out of the literature if
you attend all sessions.