Title: Number of Participants Study
1Number of Participants Study
- Mike Miller
- Yale University
- 7/19/01
- Motivation
- Optical based Glauber implementation
- Status of current results
- Status of error analysis
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
- Compare Central events to peripheral
- Map Nh- to Npart, Ncoll, b
- 2d-Centrality Selection
- ZDC ?
- No beam-beam counter (until post AA FY2001), only
CTB - ZDCCTB works only for most central bins
- Cannot plot NH- vs. NH-!
- Plot NH- vs. Npart!
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
4Year 1 Centrality Selection
- Do not want to select on Et, Ncharge
- STAR Y1 selection valid only at high centrality
- Large improvement in future centrality selection
- Is plotting Ncharge vs Npart shady?
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
5General Glauber Theory
All as a function of b!
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
6Glauber Results
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
7M.C. Glauber Implementation
- Randomly generate b.
- Look up probability of interaction.
- Use M.C. sampling, decide if interaction takes
- If interaction, fill histograms with Npart, Nbc
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
8Mapping NH- to Npart
- Map means bin-by-bin
- Parameterize (pol2 fit)
- Address Fluctuations later
Avoid peripheral region
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
9Particle Production Scaling Model
- Simple assumptions to map b-NH-
- Mean (bin-by-bin)
- Dispersion
- Statistical Model (Gaussian2)
- Parameter a!
Cross section given by integrating over impact
Npart with proper weighting.
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
10Optical Glauber Results
- Restricted to 60 or less centrality gt Npart gt
35 - Use a1.2
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
11Error Analysis
- Sigmapp41-1 mb gt less than 1 effect
- Npart vs Ncoll MC distribution gt less than 4
effect - Deformation gt less than 1 effect
- 5 Uncertainty in total cross-section 17 in
most peripheral bin, .5 in most central bin
Jiggle bin boundaries, calculate change in Npart
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
Centrality () ltNpartgt ltNcollgt
0-5 345-2 (lt1) 1054-7 (lt1)
5-10 286-4 (1) 818-15 (2)
10-20 221-6 (3) 568-21 (4)
20-30 149-7 (5) 338-23 (7)
30-40 97-8 (8) 191-20 (11)
40-50 61-7 (10) 99-17 (17)
50-60 35-6 (17) 46-11 (24)
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
STAR Analysis Meeting (5/01)
- Pluses
- No scaling hypothesis
- Fluctuations well described with one parameter
- Quote Npart gt 35
- Error on Npart lt 17
- Errors driven by vertex finding inefficiencies,
trigger inefficiencies, theory estimate on
cross-section - Minuses
- Limited to 60 most central bin
- Dependent on Glauber differential cross-section
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)
15Click here
Glauber Working Group (7/19/01)