Title: INEW2334 Advanced Web Page Programming
1COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals II First
- Orientation
- Student Introduction
- Website
- Objectives
- Course materials
- Course work
- Grading policy
- Academic honesty
- Class format, activity, and rules
- Development tools
- Book coverage
- Q A
5COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIWebsite
- About me http//www.engr.sjsu.edu/hphan
- Web http//www.engr.sjsu.edu/hphan/st
- syllabus
- updates
- latest grades
- presentation slides
- other updated course or administration
information - Email hoangpv_at_saigontech.edu.vn
- Office Hours on syllabus
6COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals
- Java Language
- Syntax
- Data Types
- Keywords, Operators, Expressions
- Problem Solving
- Algorithm
- Control Structures
- Data Structures
- Array
- Sorting
- Searching
7COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals
- Object Oriented Programming
- Abstract Data Types
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Object Oriented Modeling
- Real-world Modeling
- Applications
- Software Engineering
8COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IICourse
- Textbooks
- Java How to Program, Deitel Deitel, Fifth
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
9COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IICourse
- 3 in-class tests close-book, multi-choice,
simple application/statements programming - 4 lab programming projects
- 1 midterm exam multi-choice, short app
- 1 final exam multi-choice, short app
10COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIGrading
- Grade percentage
- In-class tests 21
- Lab projects 20
- Mid-term 25
- Final 25
- Class participation 9
11COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIGrading
- Final grade
- 90 - 100 A - Excellent
- 80 - 89 B - Good
- 70 - 79 C - Fair
- 60 - 69 D - Minimal
- 0 - 59 F - Failure
- Curve-up policy
12COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIAcademic
- The Academic Honesty Policy
- Students are expected to complete all materials
(exams exercises) on their own. This does not
prevent the student from seeking assistance from
the instructor or other students. Copying of
assignments or cheating on exams will result in
dismissal from this course and the student may be
expelled from HCCS. - The Honesty Code
- I will be honest in all my academic activities
and will not tolerate dishonesty. - No honesty or/and integrity F, suspension
13COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIClass
- Session format
- due lab project assignment
- reading material highlight
- discussions
- assign reading material
- assign lab project
- in-class tests.
14COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIClass
- Class activity
- student participation (70)
- raise, debate, and close on issues
- instructor moderator (30)
- keep issue on focus
- explain subject highlight if necessary
- select students for sit-in/on-the-board answer
- lab practice
- on-site exercise
15COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IILab
- Lab activity
- Teaching assistant (40)
- review concept
- assign in-class programming practice
- hand-on technical support
- assign in-class exercise
- Student work (60)
- participate in class discussion
- perform programming practice with support
- perform in-class exercise
16COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIClass
- Rules
- Attendance on-time (MUST)
- Mobile devices off
- Private discussion no
- Internet search/chat no (screen turn-off)
- Exams no make-up (unless special cases)
17COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals
IIDevelopment tool
18COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIBook
coverage Java How to Program
- Control Statements Part 1 (Ch 4)
- Arrays (Ch 7)
- Object-based Programming (Ch 8)
- OO Programming Inheritance (Ch 9)
- OO Programming Polymorphism (Ch 10)
19COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIBook
- Self-review Exercises
- test knowledge with available answers
- Exercises
- knowledge review
- in-class tests, lab project assignments
- reference for mid-term and final exams
20Q A
22COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals IIStudent
- Survey Self-introduction
- Student ID Email List
- Seating layout
- Class coordinator