Title: Tips for Successful Service-Learning
1Tips for Successful Service-Learning
- Dr. Alice W. Terry
- Kennesaw State University
2Tip 1 Give Students Choice and Voice
Choice and Voice...
- help to insure commitment
- shows the students that their input is respected,
meaningful, and valued. - encourages development of leadership planning
skills, and personal responsibility.
3Tip 2 Take an Awareness Walk
4Tip 3 Organize with Group Plan Books
5Tip 4 Pick a Name
- Acronym Anyone?
- Group identity and unity is furthered by
encouraging students to choose an acronym for the
group and/or the project - RIPPLES, SWaMP Kids, Backstage Crew
6Tip 5 Design T-shirts
- A team T-shirt is fun for the students to create
- It can unify the students as well as advertise
the service-learning project - Wear the t-shirt on any project outing or
presentation - The design should be connected to the project
- topic and/or the project goals
7Tip 6 Wear your T-Shirts
8Tip 7 Design Logos for T-shirts using
computer technology
9Tip 8 Design Logos for Stationary
10Tip 9 Get Help from Experts
11Tip 10 Got a dime? Make a call!
12Tip 11 Attend Community Meetings
- Have a student call ahead for the group to be put
on the agenda - Select a spokesperson to represent the class
- Prepare a complete, concise, and creative
presentation - Let the spokesperson present the ideas with
others providing support
13Tip 12 Find Support
14 Tip 13 Design Programs
15 Tip 14 Brochures Work!
16 Tip 15 Write a Grant!
17Tip 16 Be Creative!
18Tip 17 Use Star Charts to motivate and
19Tip 18 Seek Out Celebratory Activities
20Tip 19 Be Creative in Fund Raising
21 Tip 20 Blab about Your Success!
22Tip 21 Artifacts are Fun!
23Tip 22 Press Releases Work!
24Tip 23 Write the articles, send the pictures
25Tip 24 Stay in the News
26Tip 25 Have a Press Conference!
27Tip 26 Aim High! Syndicated Columnists Love
Good News
28Tip 27 Take Photographs Videos
29Tip 28 Seek out organizations that support
your efforts and notify them of your activities
30Tip 29 Employ the Cognitive Apprenticeship
Model (Brown, Collins,
Duguid, 1989)
- Four elements that lead to learning
- Scaffolding
- Modeling
- Coaching
- Fading
- Teachers role facilitator
- Student-run, student-focused class
31Tip 30 Use Cooperative Learning Strategies
- Cooperative Groups and Jobs
- Project Facilitators - elected
- Press Secretaries
- Video Coordinators
- Photographers
- File Clerks
- Journalists
- Scrapbook Coordinators
32Tip 31 Use the Creative Problem Solving
Process (Osborn, 1963
Parnes, 1967)
- Identifying problems challenges
- Recognizing and stating the important
- problem
- Producing alternative solutions
- Evaluating alternative solutions
- Planning to put solutions into use
(Torrance, 1995)
33 Tip 32 Use Brainstorming
- Have students brainstorm possible problems on a
Jot Board - problems discovered during fact-finding
- problems the students may encounter while trying
to effect change in the community. - Narrow the brainstormed challenge ideas to five
or six. From among this list, select an
Underlying Challenge by identifying the most
significant issuethe problem on which that the
class feels it can have the most impact and
34(No Transcript)
35Tip 33 Just Do it!
- The RIPPLES Gang beginning restoration work on a
dilapidated building in their decaying downtown
in 1984.
The building now houses a thriving clothing
36TIPS for Successful Service-Learning
- Seek Out Celebratory Activities
- Be Creative in Fund Raising
- Blab about Your Success!
- Artifacts are Fun!
- Take Photos Videos of project
- Press Releases Work!
- Write the articles
- Stay in the News
- Have a Press Conference!
- Aim High! Syndicated Columnists Love Good News
- Seek out organizations that support your efforts
and notify them of your activities - Employ the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model
- Use Cooperative Learning Strategies
- Use the Creative Problem Solving Process
- Use Brainstorming
- Just Do it!
- Give Students Choice and Voice
- Take an Awareness Walk
- Organize with Group Plan Books
- Pick a Name (Acronym)
- Design T-shirts
- Wear your T-Shirts
- Design Logos for shirts, stationary, fund raisers
- Get Help from Experts
- Attend Community Meetings
- Find Support
- Design Programs for Presentations
- Brochures Work!
- Write a Grant!
- Be Creative!
- Use Star Charts