Title: Strategic Directions for Cos Cob School
1Strategic Directionsfor Cos Cob School
- PTA Meeting
- Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2Before we begin
The CMTs are only a piece of the puzzle
This evening we are looking at the CMT results
sharing our instructional response and strategic
improvement plans
3The BASICSMathematicsScienceWritingReadin
4Overall Mathematics PerformanceGrades 3-5
Student performance is reported by
levelAdvanced Goal Proficient Basic
Below Basic
5(No Transcript)
6Mathematics Performance by Grade Level
Reminder Grade 3 current grade 4 Grade 4
current grade 5 Grade 5 current grade 6
7Combined Performance Grades 3 - 5
8Grade 3 Math
9Grade 4 Math
10Grade 5 Math
11Current grade 6
Current grade 5
12Grade 5 Science
13Grade 5 Science
14Grade 5 Science
15Grade 5 Science
16Grade 5 Science
17Science Grade 5
18Breaking down the WRITING componentDirect
Assessment of Writing (the prompt)andEditing
and Revising
19Direct Assessment of Writing
- Students given 45 minutes to respond to prompt
- Scored holistically on scale of 1-6 by two
trained scorers (final score 2-12) - Grades 3 and 4 write narrative piece
- Grade 5 writes expository piece
- 60 of total writing score
20Editing and Revising
- Composing/Revising Skill Categories
- Content, organization and tone
- Revision Syntax
- Revision Word Choice
- Editing Skill Categories
- Capitalization
- Punctuation
21(No Transcript)
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23Overall WRITING PerformanceGrades 3-5
Student performance is reported by
levelAdvanced Goal Proficient Basic
Below Basic
24Grade 3 Writing
25Grade 4 Writing
26Grade 5 Writing
Up from 76 as 4th graders!
27Current grade 6
Current grade 5
28Breaking down the READING component Reading
Comprehension and Degrees of Reading Power
29Overall Reading PerformanceGrades 3-5
Student performance is reported by
level Advanced Goal Proficient
Basic Below Basic
GPS Benchmark
30Reading Performance by Grade Level
- Reminder
- Grade 3 current grade 4
- Grade 4 current grade 5
- Grade 5 current grade 6
31Reading Comprehension
Strand 1 Forming a General Understanding
main idea/theme characters problems setting
s events relationships summarize prediction
s unknown words
Sample questionWhat is the main idea presented
in the article?Use information from the article
to support your answer.
32Reading Comprehension
Strand 2 Developing Interpretation
authors use of structure or patterns draw
conclusions about authors purpose for choosing a
genre, including or omitting details use
stated or implied evidence to draw or support
Sample questionWhat type of person do you think
____ was? Use details from the passage to
support your answer.
33Reading Comprehension
Strand 3 Making Reader/Text Connections
make connections between text and outside
experiences and knowledge select,
synthesize and/or use relevant information within
the text to write a personal response to
text use stated or implied evidence to draw or
support conclusion
Sample questionWhich part of the story do you
think was most important? Use information from
the story and your own life to explain why you
chose that part.
34Reading Comprehension
Strand 4 Examining the Content and Structure
analyze and evaluate the authors craft
select, synthesize and/or use relevant
information to extend or evaluate the text
demonstrate awareness of an authors or
characters values, customs and beliefs
included in the text
Sample questionHow does the author show that
_____ is important to him/her?
352005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
36Grade 3 Reading
Grade 3 Reading
37Strand Analysis
38Grade 4 Reading
39Strand Analysis
40Reading Grade 5
41Strand Analysis
42Current grade 6
Current grade 5
43Degrees of Reading Power (DRP)
Single-objective test measuring how well
students understand the surface meaning of
what they readComprised of a series of Cloze
passages Entirely nonfictionOnly part of the
CMT that is nationally norm- referencedDRP
scores are reported in terms of P-values, or
percent of comprehension (grades 3 and 4 at
p.70 and grade 5 _at_ p.75)
44DRP SampleFrom 985 A.D. to about 1500 A.D.
Scadinavian settlers lived in Greenland. For 300
years, their farms flourished. By 1578, however,
the settlements had vanished. No survivors were
found. What is the explanation? Why did the
people _________?a) delay b) obey c) forget
d) disappear
45DRP grades 2-5 Spring 2009
46(No Transcript)
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49Overall Data Points Related to the GPS
Improvement Plan
50Looking for more data?
- www.ctreports.com
- Looking for more sample test items or
- explanations related to subtests?
- www.sde.ct.gov
- In this order, click on
- 1. Student Assessment
- 2. Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT)
- 3. CMT Resources and Publications
- 4. Fourth Generation - CMT Handbooks
- (Select Language Arts, Mathematics, or
51But the CMTs are only a piece of the puzzle
52Now what?Cos Cob School Strategic Improvement
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55 The comprehensive Cos Cob School Strategic
Improvement Action Plan is also posted on the
school website.