Title: Fractions
2From AIMS Education
3Name ____________________________________________
____________________ Part I Part II
- Look around your table
- Write five fractions and statements about your
group and draw pictures - depicting them.
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
4Strand Number Operations Standard 1
Number Sense 2nd - 3rd grade
Fractions Word Puzzle
Words Made With Fraction Sense DIRECTIONS As
manipulatives, use the small sticky notes on the
desks. Write each letter of the given word on a
note and move them around, as needed. Use your
fraction skills and the clues to figure out the
Start with the first 1/6 of school.
Add the last 3/4 of know.
Add the first 2/3 of fly.
Add the last 4/8 of cupcakes.
5Strand Number Operations Standard 1
Number Sense 4th 5th Grade
Fractions Word Puzzle
Words Made With Fraction Sense
Start with the first 6/8 of base.
Add the last 1/2 of market.
Add the first 2/14 of balance.
Add the last 6/8 of fall.
6Strand Number Operations Standard 1
Number Sense 5th 6th grade
Fractions Word Puzzle
Words Made With Fraction Sense
Start with the last 20/50 of table.
Add the first 4/24 of anyone.
Add the first 1/3 of velvet.
Add the first 5/15 or the last 7/21 of sis.
7Space Words Scavenger Hunt
Use sticky notes to write the words with each
letter on a separate note. Pick them up, move
them around and make the new word. Write it
down. When you have finished all seven words
combine them into a message at the bottom. Then
go find your prize.
- Clues
- 1. The last 2/5 of Earth the last 1/5 of
space. 1._________________ - The first 2/7 of missile the first ¼ of
lift the first 1/7
of Kennedy the last 1/7 of
Kennedy. 2._________________ - 3. The first ¼ of work the last 2/3 of
ray. 3._________________ - 4. The third seventh of science the first
1/3 of sun. 4._________________ - 5. The fourth and fifth sevenths of landing
the - first 3/7 of recover the fifth and sixth
sevenths - of shuttle the last 1/7 of galaxy.
5._________________ - 6. The first ¾ of belt the second ¼ of
moon - the first 1/5 of wings. 6.________________
_ - The first 2/5 of thrust the second 1/6 of
meteor. 7._________________ - The first 5/9 of Earthling. 8._______________
__ - ______ ________ _________ ___________
_________ _________ _________ ___________
Fraction Man
9- With the 4 colors of paper fold on the lines,
cut, and punch holes, as shown below.
Punch holes on sides
Punch holes on bottom
Punch holes on top bottom
11The matching colors of his limbs add up to his
body, which represents 1 whole. What fractional
part does each color represent?
12Capacity (gallon, quart, pint, cup)
1 gallon 4 quarts 8 pints
16 cups
13The matching colors of Nollags limbs add up to
his body, which represents a gallon. What
quantity does each color represent?
14Springtime Fractions
Spring Blossom Tree Trace your arm and use
colored pop corn to make this neat tree full of
blossoms. Materials Needed Large Piece of
Paper Crayons Glue Powdered Tempera Paint
Plastic Sandwich Bag Popcorn InstructionsOn
the large piece of paper, trace your hand and
forearm all the way up to your elbow. Make sure
your fingers are spread apart. The tracing of
your forearm will be the tree trunk and your
fingers will be the branches! Color it in with
brown crayons (you can also use paint or
markers). Place a couple or teaspoons of red,
pink, or yellow powdered tempera paint into a
plastic sndwich bags. Put a couple of handfulls
of popped popcorn into the bags and shake it so
the popcorn is colored. This will be colorful
blossoms for the tree. Read the following
Springtime story and glue the blossoms as
directed. Glue the colored popcorn onto the tree
branches to make the blossoms.
15The blossoms and leaves have just begun to sprout
on the spring trees. But the spring wind often
blows the new blossoms and leaves to the
ground. This tree has more blossoms on the tree
than on the ground. If 6 are on the tree and 3 on
the ground what fraction are on the tree?
_________________ What fractional part are on
the ground? _______________ Glue the correct
number of blossoms where they belong. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt
gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt There are lots
of little green leaves. One-fourth of them are
on the ground. What fraction of the leaves are
on the tree? ____________ If there are 12 leaves
all together, how many are on the
ground_______________? How many are on the tree?
______________ Glue the correct number of leaves
where they belong. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt
gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt Butterflies love the new little
blossoms. There are three butterflies flying by
the tree. Two-thirds of them land on the tree.
How many are on the tree? ____________ The
remaining land on the ground. What fractional
part of the butterflies are not on the tree?
_____________ Glue the correct number of
butterflies where they belong. gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt
16 Find the fractional value of the Pattern
Blocks Draw and color each of the items
listed below on triangle paper and record the
values. 1. A hexagon has a value of
1. 2. What is the value of a green triangle? 3.
What is the value of a blue rhombus? 4. What is
the value of a trapezoid? 5. Build a design
using one of each yellow, blue, red, and green
blocks. Find the value of your design. 6.Build a
design using five or more yellow, blue, red, or
green blocks in any combination. Find the value
of your design.
17 Can you solve these Pattern Block
fraction puzzles? Working with a partner,
use Pattern Blocks to solve each of these
fraction puzzles. Puzzle 1 Build a
triangle that is one- fourth green and
three-fourths red. Puzzle 2 Build a hexagon
that is one-half red, one-sixth green and
one-third blue. Puzzle 3 Build a parallelogram
that is three-fourth red and one-fourth
green. Puzzle 4 Build a parallelogram that is
one-half blue and one-half green. Using triangle
grid paper, record, color, and number
each of your puzzle solution.
18 Can you solve these Pattern Block
fraction puzzles? Working with a partner,
use Pattern Blocks to solve each of these
fraction puzzles. Puzzle 1 Build a
triangle that is one- third green and
two-thirds red. Puzzle 2 Build a triangle
that is two-thirds red, one-ninth green and
two-ninths blue. Puzzle 3 Build a parallelogram
that is three-fourths blue and one-fourth
green. Puzzle 4 Build a parallelogram that is
two-thirds blue and one-third green. Using
triangle grid paper, record, color, and number
each of your puzzle solution. The
Super Source Pattern Blocks Grades 5-6
19(No Transcript)
20Equivalent Fractions
Same Name Frame
Investigating Fractions on a Number Line
Equivalent Fractions
Between Zero and One