Title: Fractions - zlomky
1Fractions - zlomky
We divide a whole into identical parts
The picture is cut into 9 identical parts
One ninth
How many parts is the picture divided into?
Dividing into quarters means to divide something
into four identical parts.
- A fraction is a part of a whole
- The top number tells us how many parts you have
and the bottom number tells us how many parts the
whole was divided into
6Expanding Fractions
Expanding a fraction by a number different from 0
means multiplying the numerator and also the
denominator by this number.
The value of the fraction is the same!
Equivalent fraction
We divided each part into 2 parts only.
7Expanding Fractions
Expanding by the number 2 (dividing a sheet of
8Expanding Fractions
Expand fractions by the number 4
9Count on the interactive board
Expand fractions by the number 3
Expand fractions by the number 5
10Cancelling Fractions
Cancelling a fraction means dividing the top
number (numerator) and the bottom number
(denominator) by the common factor.
The value of the fraction is the same!
Equivalent fraction
11Cancelling Fractions
Cancel fractions by the number 4
12Count on the interactive board
Cancel fractions by the number 3
Cancel fractions by the number 5
13Try it yourself!