Title: Latvias electronic communications sector: accelerated development and barriers
1Latvias electronic communications sector
accelerated development and barriers
Prof. Edvins Karnitis Public Utilities Commission
of Latvia Commissioner Baltic Sea Region
Communications Forum 20 September 2004
2Electronic communications market preemptive
Share of electronic communi-cations sector in GDP
Growth rates
3Development of national economy and fixed
telecommunication network Correlation in Latvias
4Normative environment 2004 zoo
- Strategic baselines for electronic communications
sector 2004 2008 (CM, March 2004) - do not cover long-term developmental strategy
- tactic activities vs strategic issues
- Electronic communications law (CM, April 2004)
- not fully compatible with baselines
- should be approved by Saeima, more than 200
proposals, sometimes directly conflicting - lack of secondary legislation, indetermination on
validity of previous regulations - uncertainty on transition period
Premature implementation of EU 2002 regulatory
framework (16 months after market
liberalization) Market has not been prepared for
EU framework 2002
5Institutional environment imperfection
- fragmented regulation (MoT, PUC, TSI) quality,
transparency, predictability, openness is it
achievable? - involvement Competition Board and Consumer
Rights Protection Centre - institutional separation of informatics and
telecommunications - reorganization of Telecommunications State
Inspection - more activities taken from regulator (quality of
services, numbering) - baselines and law reorganization in public
agency - submitted proposal in CM commercial undertaking
6Competition and prices
Regulated prices, August 2004 (2000 100)
Cable TV Telia MultiCom Baltkom 15-20 price
7Interconnection price regulation still in process
- Lattelekoms end users tariffs approved
(0,5 tLTK tINT) - interconnection tariffs movement to cost-based
tariffs, normative problems
Interconnection tariffs 2004 (2003 100)
8Scarce resources rational and effective usage
- numbering partial shortfall
- 8-digit numbering
- who will say YES? (CM, MoT, PUC)
- number portability fix-fix (zone- or
countrywide?), mob-mob, data base (TSI) - payment
- frequencies
- tendering
- payment for frequencies
- secondary frequency market
- national frequency plan reservation for
determined purposes
What will be usage of collected fees?
9Market share of Lattelekom in fixed
telecommunications (2003) the first year after
market liberalization
10Market share of the incumbent in first year after
liberalization (local and national
calls) Comparison with the most successful EU15
11Penetration of main lines () trend
12Lattelekom financial tendencies
13Lattelekom unanswered questions
- government (the major owner) has not defined its
basic interest - high profit and dividends
- general availability of advanced services for
minimum price - tariff rebalansing vs high profitability
- darkness in the courts decision is the Umbrella
Agreement valid today? - network modernisation 30 (15?) Mln LVL in 3
years - too long term
- increased tariffs?
- universal service?
14The second fixed network is it topic for
national strategy?
- baselines common use of infrastructure (VITA,
Latvijas Dzelzcel, Latvenergo, State Radio and
TV Centre), competition with Lattelekom - Lattelekom will not be privatized government
will compete with himself - Lattelekom will be privatized government once
more is becoming businessman - investments 15 Mln LVL to decrease tariffs
owner can decrease them today - who will invest public budget?
- cost allocation problems for shareholders
15Penetration of mobiles () trend
16Mobile market growing profitability
17Mobile communications hot topics
- third GSM full scale operator what is the
strategic goal? - UMTS when it will be implemented
- national roaming
- subsidized mobile handsets
- crossubsidies
- destruction of markets
18Internet penetration and development of country
Integrated regulation vs governance
19Internet development
- competition increases
- capacity of international connection increases
- prices decrease
- penetration increases, but zoo instead of
statistics - more broadband connections
Internet users (thousands)
20Broadband penetration rate ( to population)