Title: Climate division @ EGU
1Climate division _at_ EGU
- 1. Welcome by the Division President
- 2. Agenda
- 3. Scientific Programme of the EGU 2007
- 4. Structure of CL
- 5. News, Ideas
- 6. Division Awards and Medals
- -Milankovic Medal
- -Oeschger Medal
- 7. Climate of the Past
- 8. Any other business
- abstracts 925
- posters 606 66
- orals 319 34
abstracts 10729 posters 6566
61 orals 4163 39
3CL PC Oral Timetable
Day Block 13 (F1) 14 25
MO 1 CL29/CL46 CL40
2 CL0 CL2 CL40
3 CL0 CL2 CL24
4 CL0 CL20 CL24
TU 1 CL28 CL23 CL36
2 CL28 CL23 CL31
3 CL28 CL21 CL22/CL35
4 CL26 CL38/GI12 CL22/CL35
WE 1 CL25 CL13/CL39
2 CL25 CL13/CL39
3 CL25 CL16/GD14 CL1
4 CL7 CL16/GD14 CL1
TH 1 CL10 CL8 CL17
2 CL18 CL6 CL17
3 CL18 CL34 CL15
4 CL18 CL11 CL15
FR 1 CL19/CL14 CL32/CL9 CL12/CL41
2 CL19/CL14 CL4 CL12/CL41
3 CL19/CL14 CL12/CL41
4 CL30/CL3
How to make a program
4Division on Climate Past, Present, Future (CL)
Division on Climate Past, Present, Future
President Gerrit Lohmann ltGerrit.Lohmann_at_awi.degt
Vice-President Denis-Didier Rousseau
ltDenis.Rousseau_at_gm.univ-montp2.frgt Team Martin
Beniston Martin.Beniston_at_archi.unige.ch Bryan C.
Weare bcweare_at_ucdavis.edu Denis-Didier Rousseau
ltDenis.Rousseau_at_gm.univ-montp2.frgt Elsa Cortijo
Elsa.Cortijo_at_lsce.cnrs-gif.fr Sonia Isabelle
Seneviratne ltsonia.seneviratne_at_env.ethz.chgt Tors
ten Bickert ltg05e_at_mailhost.zfn.uni-bremen.degt
Climatology climate diagnostics, terrestrial
marine records, climate modelling (global
regional), data-model intercomparison
- In general it worked well
- 5. 6. block reserved for posters
- Some overlap seems to be inherent
- CL with BG, SSP, NP, OS, CR, HS
- Not enough abstracts Merging, pure poster
sessions, to Open session CL0
6More orals
Soft Earth (CL, AS, OS, BG, ) 5 days
Solid Earth (GD,MPRG,) 5 days
2 days overlap
7News, Ideas
8News, Ideas
- YSPA Sonia Seneviratne
- Sponsoring, Exxon
9News, Ideas
- YSPA Sonia Seneviratne
- Sponsoring, Exxon
- Special topic in the climate division (2008IPY)
- Convener
- Double talks
10Milutin Milankovic Medal This medal has been
established by the Division on Climate Past,
Present Future in recognition of the scientific
and editorial achievements of Milutin Milankovic.
This medal is reserved for scientists for their
outstanding research in long term climatic
changes and modeling. Medal committee A. Berger
(chair) L. Bengtsson J.Cl. Duplessy G. Lohmann
Hans Oeschger Medal This medal has been
established by the Division on Climate Past,
Present Future in recognition of the scientific
achievement of Hans Oeschger. It is reserved for
scientists for their outstanding achievements in
ice research and/or short term climatic changes
(past, present, future). Medal committee J.
Jouzel (chair) A. Berger G. Boulton DD Rousseau
Outstanding Young Scientist Award lt 35years
11Climate of the Past
Denis --------------------------------------------
----- Ideas email list for conveners Extra
posters for CL close to the rooms ---- Rotation
of conveners, avoid double talks Ray
Bradley Session continue? Thanks Merge? Medals Uni
on session polar perspective