Title: The Korean Way of Tea
1The Korean Way of Tea
- Growing Tea
- Drying Tea
- Brewing Tea
- Loving Tea
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22Grades of Korean (green) tea The day known as
Gok-u (Grain-rain) usually falls on April 20.
The tea picked before this date, the first
budding, is known as Ujeon (before rain). Ipha
falls on May 5 or 6, and tea gathered between
Gok-u and Ipha, mostly the second budding, is
known as Sejak. Tea gathered after Ipha is
known as Jungjak.
23The Main Types of Tea
- Caked tea (brick tea)
- Powdered tea (milled tea)
- Leaf tea
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32Main Varieties of Korean Tea
- Green tea
- Sparrows tongues (Chaksol-cha)
- Bamboo dew (Chukno-cha) etc
- Yellow tea (Hwang-cha, Paryo-cha)
- Red tea (Hong-cha)
- Caked tea (Ttok-cha)
33Varieties of Chinese Tea
- White tea
- Green tea
- Yellow tea
- Oolong teas
- Red (black) tea
- Puerh tea (brick tea)
34Varieties of Japanese Tea
- Sencha (roasted tea first steamed, then rolled
and dried) - Many varieties
- Matcha (finely powdered tea)
35The most ancient Chinese character for tea was ?
tu (the bitter-tasting sow-thistle). Then Lu Yu
in his Classic of Tea (Cha Ching) written in
780 created ? by removing one horizontal bar
from ?. It is pronounced cha or chai throughout
almost the whole of China, but in Fujian
province, around the port of Amoy, a 't' took the
place of the initial 'ch' and so we find the
pronunciations ta or tai. The earliest suppliers
of tea to the Dutch and English traders in
Indonesia came from Amoy and taught them the name
with an initial t. Hence the West European
pronunciations with t as in tea, while
Russians, Indians and Portuguese use a version
with ch (chai etc). In Korea the form ta is
often used (as in tabang tea-room) but Koreans
say nok-cha for green tea and the more correct
form is cha. The Way of Tea should be
pronounced cha-do in Korean
36The History of Korean Tea
- A.D. 384 the earliest Buddhist temples,
Bulgap-sa (in Yonggwang) and Bulhui-sa (in Naju). - 544 Hwaeom-sa (in Gurye).
- 828 King Heungdeok (ruled 826-36) received tea
seeds from Tang China which he sent to be
planted on Jiri Mountain.
37Korean Tea Drinking
- Honcha tea offered to Buddha
- Royal tea prepared for the King
- Sonbi-cha enjoyed by scholars
- Hermits tea enjoyed by monks
- Charye tea offered to ancestors
- Medicinal boiled to cure coughs
38Korean Tea Revivals
- 19th century
- Venerable Hyejang (1772-1811)
- Jeong Yak-yong Dasan (1762-1836)
- Cho Ui (1786-1866)
- Kim Jeong-hui Chusa (1786-1856),
- 20th century
- Ven. Hyodang Choi Beom-sul (1904 - 1979)
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45From the Hymn in Praise of Korean Tea (Dong Cha
Song) by the Ven Cho-Ui (1786-1866) If I
drink one cup of Jade Flower, a breeze rises
beneath my arms, my body grows light and I ascend
to a state of supreme purity. The bright moon
becomes my candle, my friend, a white cloud
becomes my cushion, my screen. The sound of
bamboo oars and wind in pine trees, solitary and
refreshing, penetrates my weary bones, awakens my
mind, so clear and cool. With no other guests but
a white cloud and the bright moon, I am raised to
a place far higher than any immortal.
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47From the Rhapsody to Tea by Hanjae Yi Mok
(1471-1498) Now I will sing for joy Born into
this world, when winds and waves are fierce, to
preserve my health, what could save me if I
abandoned you? I cherish you, frequent you, drink
you, you keep me company, on mornings when
flowers bloom, on moonlit evenings, I am happy,
no complaints. In my heart always there is fear
and care Life is the origin of death, death is
the source of life. Keep control of your inward
heart, for outward things wither and fade. . . .
Does that mean a wise person must enjoy water, a
benevolent person live in the mountains? But if
one ponders deeply the way in which inner and
outer are made one by tea, even without seeking
that kind of pleasure, it gradually arises. That
is precisely what is meant by My hearts tea.
How should I ever again go seeking outside of my
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