Title: Executive Branch
1Executive Branch
- 2.02- Explain how the United States Constitution
defines the framework, organization, and
structure of the three branches of government at
the national level. - 2.03- Explain how the US Constitution grants and
limits the authority of public officials and
government agencies.
2Use your book to find notes on the Executive
- Qualifications of a President in the Constitution
(3) - Presidential Term
- 1. President who served more than 2 terms-
- 2. When term requirements were set-
- Vice President
- 1. Qualifications-
- 2. Powers given in Constitution-
- 3. I am VP. In this I am nothing, but I may
become everything.- what does this mean? - Presidential Succession
- 1. Presidential Succession Act-
- 2. 25th Amendment-
- E. Powers mentioned in Constitution
- F. Roles of the President (7)
- G. Foreign Policy (what, how, why)
- H. President Gets Help (who, what, how)
3A. Qualifications of a President in the
- 35 years old
- Native-born citizen
- A resident of the US for at least 14 years
NO! born in Austria
B. Presidential Term 1. President who served
more than 2 terms- Franklin D. Roosevelt (4
terms) 2. When term requirements were set- 1951
With the 22 Amendment terms
4- Vice President
- 1. Qualifications-
- 2. Powers given in Constitution- Preside over
the Senate and - 3. I am VP. In this I am nothing, but I may
become everything.-. - Presidential Succession
- 1. Presidential Succession Act-
- 2. Amendment- If Prez dies, VP takes
place chooses new VP w/approval of both houses -
same as the President
vote if there is a tie.
No powers as VP, but in an instant can gain all
the powers of a President
Prez, VP, Speaker of House, President Pro
Tempore, Secretary of State and other cabinet
5E. Powers mentioned in Constitution
- passed by Congress
- Or reject laws
- Call Congress into session
- Commander in
- Accommodate leaders
- Make
- Appoint key figures ( , executive
agencies) - Pardon convicted
Execute Laws
6- E. Roles of the President
- Chief Executive-
- 2.Chief Diplomat-
- 3. Commander in Chief-
carrying out laws in charge of 15 cabinet
dept. others who work for fed. Gov appoint
judges to the Supreme Court grant pardons (free
from punishment), reprieves (delay punishment
until reach higher court), amnesty (pardon for a
decisions on foreign policy (treatment toward
other countries)
In charge of army, navy, air force,
marines, and coast guard only he can order
soldiers into battle War Powers Resolution
prez. MUST notify Congress in 48 hours and home
w/in 60 days unless approved
7E. Roles of the Pres (Continued) 4. Legislative
Leader- 5. Head of State- 6. Economic
Leader- 7. Party Leader-
wants to see own legislation passed, pass or
veto bills passed by Senate
Greets visiting foreign leaders and ceremonial
functions (medals Christmas tree)
Plan federal governments budget (taxes,
spending, paying off debts), unemployment,
Promote own political party (speech, raise money)
8- G. Foreign Policy
- What-
- Why-
- 3. How-
nations overall plan for dealing w/other nations
national security keep country safe from
create treaties (agreements), appoint
ambassadors, foreign aid (money, food, military
assistance), trade (what how) ,
9- H. President Gets Help
- Executive Office of the President (EOP)
- 2. Cabinet
- 3. Federal Bureaucracy
prepare reports, help write bills, check on
different agencies
presidential advisors (state, treasury, defense,
justice, interior, agriculture, commerce, labor,
health human sources, housing urban
development, transportation, energy, education,
veteran affairs, homeland security)
turn laws into action (how to apply law),
day-to-day (mail, taxes, checks, border, national
parks, etc), regulate activities (unions, banks,
airlines, power plants, etc.)