Title: Okuma Becerisinin Gelistirilmesi
1Okuma Becerisinin Gelistirilmesi
2Okuma Becerisinin Gelistirilmesinde Temel Amaçlar
- Dogru, sürekli ve anlayarak okuma becerisi
kazanmak - Okumadaki amaci (belirli bir bilgiyi edinmek,
eglenmek gibi) saptayarak uygun okuma yöntem ve
stratejilerini kullanabilmek - Sözcük hazinesi gelistirmek
- Okumanin bilgi ve deneyimi artiran bir beceri
oldugunu kavramak - Metinde yer alan kültürel ögelere iliskin
farkindaligi gelistirebilmek - Metinleri okuyarak anlatim gücünü gelistirmek
- Okunan metne iliskin yorumlari, elestirel
düsünceleri, kisisel degerlendirmeleri ifade
edebilmek - Okumayi zevkli bir aliskanlik haline getirmek
3Amaçli Okuma
- Okunan metnin türünün ve iletisimsel amacinin
4 Newspaper Letter
Wonder Pills Sir, My wife has been prescribed
pills. According to the accompanying leaflet,
possible side-effects are sickness, diarrhoea,
indigestion, loss of appetite, belching, vertigo,
abdominal cramps, dizzines, stomach ulcers,
bleeding from intestine, or bloddy diarrhoea,
ulcerative colitis, sore mouth and tongue,
constipation, back pains, inflammation of
pancreas, mouth ulcers, skin rashes, hair loss
. . . Should she take them? Yours faithfully,
5 Please convey my thanks to Lucy Pinney for
telling me the ending of The English Patient
(Diary, April, 12). I had planned to see it
soon, and she has saved me the time and
expense. I was also planning to see The
Mousetrap one day. If she could just let me know
who the murderer is I can avoid a trip to
London. Yours sincerely, M. Tudball, 6 Fair
Field, Romsey, Hampshire
6Yazili metin ile etkilesime giren okur
- Yazili metni algilar
- Dilsel yapilari tanir
- Iletilmek isteneni tanimlar
- Iletiyi kavrar
- Iletiyi yorumlar (elestirel düsünce yardimi ile
bireysel yanit gelistirir)
7Signs and Notices
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12Etkili Soru Sorma
- Metnin amaci nedir ?(uyari/ yasak
bildirme/tehdit) - Metnin alicisi kim?
- Metindeki dil kullanimini etkileyici buldunuz mu?
- Ayni mesaji alisilagelmis bir dil kullanimi ile
verebilir misiniz? Ayni etkiye sahip mi? - Ülkenizde bu tür isaret ve levhalara
rastlayabiliyor musunuz?
13(No Transcript)
14Etkili Soru Sorma Stratejileri
- Metin ile etkilesime girme
15Kavrama SorulariÖrnek Metin
- Yesterday I saw the palgish flester gollining
- begrunt the bruck. He seemed very chanderbil,
- so I did not jorter him, just deapled to him
- quistly. Perhaps later he will besand cander,
- and I will be able to rangel to him.
- 1.What was the flester doing, and where?
- 2.What sort of a flester was he?
- 3.Why did the writer decide not to jorter him?
- 4. How did she deaple?
- 5. What did she hope would happen later?
- Ur,P. 2006, A Course in Language Teaching .
Cambridge University Press,Cambridge, 143.
- Yesterday I saw the new patient hurrying
- along the corridor. He seemed very upset, so
- I did not follow him, just called to him gently.
- Perhaps later he will feel better, and I will be
- able to talk to him.
- What is the problem described here?
- Is this event taking place indoors or outside?
- Did the writer try to get near the patient?
- What do you think she said when she called to
him? - What might the job of the writer be?
- Why do you think she went to talk to the patient?
17Farkli Soru Türlerinden yararlanma
- Knowledge eliciting factual answers
- (Define, tell, identify, Who, What, Where, When)
- Comprehension Interpreting
- (summarize, state in your own words, outline)
- Inference forming conclusions
- (How? Why?, What did . mean by?, What
conclusions can you draw from?) - Analysis relating parts to the whole
- (Compare, contrast, What is the relation
between?, classify) - Synthesis combining elements into a new pattern
- (compose, combine, What would happen if?, How can
you improve?) - Evaluative making a judgement of good bad/
right wrong - (Judge, Which is more important?, defend)
18Yavuz, K. (1998). Caricatourism.
19- What meaning does the caricature convey?
(inference) - What is being shown as reflecting Turkish
Culture? (analysis) - Do they really represent Turkish culture?
(evaluative) - Do I share the views conveyed by the artist?
(evaluative) - Is it really the way tourists see us?
(evaluative) - Did you like the caricature? (evaluative)
20- If you were a tourist, What would you have done
in this situation? (synthesis) - Do you think the tourists in other countries have
similar experiences? (synthesis) - How would you like your culture to be
represented? (evaluative) - If you are to tell about your own culture in an
intercultural context, what will be your choices?