Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension


Radon Theorem. Definitions: Convex set. Convex hull: conv(S) Theorem: ... d 2 points T can be shattered. Use Radon Theorem to find S such that. conv(S) conv ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension

Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension
  • Definition and Lower bound
  • Adapted from Yishai Mansour

PAC Learning model
  • There exists a distribution D over domain X
  • Examples ltx, c(x)gt
  • use c for target function (rather than ct)
  • Goal
  • With high probability (1-d)
  • find h in H such that
  • error(h,c ) lt e
  • e arbitrarily small.

VC Motivation
  • Handle infinite classes.
  • VC-dim replaces finite class size.
  • Previous lecture (on PAC)
  • specific examples
  • rectangle.
  • interval.
  • Goal develop a general methodology.


The VC Dimension
  • C collection of subsets of universe U
  • VC(C) VC dimension of C
  • size of largest subset T ? U shattered by C
  • T shattered if every subset T?T expressible as
  • T ? (an element of C)
  • Example
  • C a, a, c, a, b, c, b, c, b
  • VC(C) 2 b, c shattered by C
  • Plays important role in learning theory, finite
    automata, comparability theory, computational

Definitions Projection
  • Given a concept c over X
  • associate it with a set (all positive examples)
  • Projection (sets)
  • For a concept class C and subset S
  • PC(S) c ? S c ? C
  • Projection (vectors)
  • For a concept class C and S x1, , xm
  • PC(S) ltc(x1), , cxm)gt c ? C

Definition VC-dim
  • Clearly PC(S) ? 2m
  • C shatters S if PC(S) 2m
  • (S is shattered by C)
  • VC dimension of a class C
  • The size d of the largest set S that shatters C.
  • Can be infinite.
  • For a finite class C
  • VC-dim(C) ? log C

Example S is Shattered by C
VC A combinatorial measure of a function class
Calculating VC dimensionality
  • The VC dimension is at least d if there exists
    some sample S d which is shattered by C.
  • This does not mean that all samples of size d
    are shattered by C. (Three point on a single
    line in 2d)
  • Conversely, in order to show that the VC
    dimension is at most d, one must show that no
    sample of size d 1 is shattered.
  • Naturally, proving an upper bound is more
    difficult than proving the lower bound on the VC

Example 1 Interval
C1cz z ? 0,1 cz(x) 1 ? x ? z
Example 2 line
C2cw w(a,b,c) cw(x,y) 1 ? axby ? c
Line Hyperplane VC dim gt 3
VC dim lt 44 points can not be shattered
Example 3 Parallel Rectangle
VC Dim of Rectangles
Example 4 Finite union of intervalsAny set of
points can be covered Thus VC dim
Example 5 Parity
  • n Boolean input variables
  • T ? 1, , n
  • fT(x) ?i?T xi
  • Lower bound n unit vectors
  • Upper bound
  • Number of concepts
  • Linear dependency

Example 6 OR
  • n Boolean input variables
  • P and N subsets 1, , n
  • fP,N(x) (? i?P xi) ? (? i?N ? xi)
  • Lower bound n unit vectors
  • Upper bound
  • Trivial 2n
  • Use ELIM (get n1)
  • Show second vector removes 2 (get n)

Example 7 Convex polygons
Example 7 Convex polygons
Example 8 Hyper-plane
C8cw,c w??d cw,c(x) 1 ? ltw,xgt ? c
  • VC-dim(C8) d1
  • Lower bound
  • unit vectors and zero vector
  • Upper bound!


Complexity Questions
  • Given C, compute VC(C)
  • since VC(C) ? log C, can compute in O(nlog n)
  • (Linial-Mansour-Rivest 88)
  • probably cant do better problem is LOG
  • (Papadimitriou-Yannakakis 96)
  • Often C has a small implicit representation
  • C(i, x) is a polynomial-size circuit such that
  • C(i, x) 1 iff x belongs to set i
  • implicit version is ?3-complete (Schaefer 99)
  • (as hard as ?a?b?c ?(a, b, c) for CNF formula ?)

Sampling Lemma
Lemma Let W X be chosen randomly such that W
eX. A set of O(1/e ln(1/d)) points sampled
independently and uniformly at random from X
intersects W with probability at least (1-
d) Proof Any sample x is in W with probability
at least e. Thus, the probability that all
samples do not intersect with W is at most d
e-Net Theorem
Theorem Let VC-dimension of (X,C) be d 2 and 0
e ½. e-net for (X,C) of size at most O(d/e
ln(1/e)). If we choose O(d/e ln(d/e) 1/e
ln(1/d)) points at random from X, then the
resulting set N is an e-net with probability d.
Exercise 3, Submission next week
A polynomial bound on the sample size for PAC
Radon Theorem
  • Definitions
  • Convex set.
  • Convex hull conv(S)
  • Theorem
  • Let T be a set of d2 points in Rd
  • There exists a subset S of T such that
  • conv(S) ? conv(T \ S) ??
  • Proof!

Hyper-plane Finishing the proof
  • Assume d2 points T can be shattered.
  • Use Radon Theorem to find S such that
  • conv(S) ? conv(T \ S) ??
  • Assign point in S label 1
  • points not in S label 0
  • There is a separating hyper-plane
  • How will it label conv(S) ? conv(T \ S)

Lower bounds Setting
  • Static learning algorithm
  • asks for a sample S of size m(e,d)
  • Based on S selects a hypothesis

Lower bounds Setting
  • Theorem
  • if VC-dim(C) ? then C is not learnable.
  • Proof
  • Let m m(0.1,0.1)
  • Find 2m points which are shattered (set T)
  • Let D be the uniform distribution on T
  • Set ct(xi)1 with probability ½.
  • Expected error ¼.
  • Finish proof!

Lower Bound Feasible
  • Theorem
  • VC-dim(C)d1, then m(e,d)W(d/e)
  • Proof
  • Let T be a set of d1 points which is shattered.
  • D samples
  • z0 with prob. 1-8e
  • zi with prob. 8e/d

  • Set ct(z0)1 and ct(zi)1 with probability ½
  • Expected error 2e
  • Bound confidence
  • for accuracy e

Lower Bound Non-Feasible
  • Theorem
  • For two hypoth. m(e,d)W((log 1/d)/e2 )
  • Proof
  • Let Hh0, h1, where hb(x)b
  • Two distributions
  • D0 Prob. ltx,1gt is ½ - g and lty,0gt is ½ g
  • D1 Prob. ltx,1gt is ½ g and lty,0gt is ½ - g
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