Title: A Discussion Of The Application Planning
1Retain, Upgrade, Or Replace Your CIS
- A Discussion Of The Application Planning
Decision Making Process.
Phoenix, Arizona
May 19, 2005 945 am to
1045 am
2An Approach to the Application Planning Process
3Planning Project Approach
- The following diagram provides a high-level view
of TMG Consultings Application Planning approach.
Project Management Administration
Industry Analysis (How does this compare to
industry best practices, costs, etc?)
GAP Analysis (What is the difference
between current and target?)
Alternative Analysis (What are viable ways to
achieve target?)
Business Analysis (Cost, Benefits, Risk,
Design Blueprint A Blueprint for Success
Customer Education Path
4Application Plan Project Activities Schedule
1. Project Management
Ongoing Project Administration
2. Gather Information
5. Formulate Target
6. GAP Analysis
7. Alternative Assessment
8. Business Analysis
3. Current Assessment
4. Requirements Analysis
9. Blueprint For Success
5Project Work Activity 1
- 1.1 Project Management
- Complete contractual documents.
- Establish project web site.
- Arrange for project participants.
- Finalize organization and reporting.
- Finalize project calendar and timeline.
- Develop detailed work program.
- Confirm invoicing and reporting.
- Confirm other project management requirements.
- 1.2 Project Administration
- Administer the website.
- Administer the work program.
- Provide team direction and manage project
resources. - 1.3 Project Kickoff
- Prepare kickoff materials.
- Schedule kickoff meeting
- Conduct kickoff to introduce and formally launch
the project.
TMG CUSTOMER EXAMPLEAn example of project
activities spanning project weeks and total work
6Project Work Activity 2
- 2.1 Conduct Interviews
- Identify individuals to interview.
- Schedule and conduct interviews.
- Document interview results.
- 2.2 Conduct Surveys
- Distribute survey for comment.
- Update survey as required.
- Announce survey and activate.
- Compile survey results.
- 2.3 Gather Materials
- Provide Client with a list of material to be
provided. - Client to gather and provide material.
- 2.4 Conduct Walkthroughs
- Conduct facility and operational walkthroughs as
required. - 2.5 Review Current System
- Conduct a workshop to review the current
system(s) under evaluation.
TMG CUSTOMER EXAMPLEThe following is an excerpt
from a survey of over 300 user participants.
19) Your overall satisfaction level with CIS?
The average response...
Not Applicable 26 responses or 6
Excellent 32 responses or 7
Failing 32 responses or 7
Above Average 121 responses or 25
Unsatisfactory 87 responses or 18
Average 176 responses or 37
- Observation
- The majority of participants (69) indicate the
current CIS is satisfactory to outstanding. Only
31 believe CIS is unsatisfactory, failing or
have no comment.
7Project Work Activity 3
- 3.1 Business Analysis
- Strategy, structure, offerings, configuration,
process, data, staff and systems. - 3.2 Customer Analysis
- Customer interaction, service, reading, billing,
payment, collection and revenue. - 3.3 Application Analysis
- Product technology, data design, functionality,
usability, and scalability. - 3.4 Technology Analysis
- Including the database, operating system,
server, network, desktop, and cooperative
environment. - 3.5 Financial Analysis
- Business costs, IT costs, vendor costs, and
contract commitments. - 3.6 Delivery, Operation, Support Analysis
- Services associated with delivering, operating,
and supporting the system. - 3.7 Risk Analysis
- Identifies areas of exposure and level of risk.
TMG CUSTOMER EXAMPLEThe following business
analysis is an excerpt from a recent CIS
- Additional staffing required throughout the
organization. - High turnover in new hires (night shift in
particular). - Dependence on key staff increases risk.
- Workload and system problems contribute to low
morale and loss of confidence in system.
- Systems being implemented with little
consideration to CIS integration, e.g. the Outage
Management System should use CIS for customer
information and not replicate.
- Growth strategy increasing current base from
250,000 to 500,000 is difficult to support. - Core business of delivering power and billing is
not being supported.
B7. Staff
B8. System
B1. Strategy
- Data integrity issues exist.
- Lack essential information to manage the
business. - Reports provide conflicting data or no data.
B2. Structure
B6. Data
- Provides essential offerings for wires company
and energy company. - Difficult to implement new programs such as EBPP.
- Difficult to operate extended capabilities for
wires and energy company.
B3. Offerings
B4. Configuration
B5. Process
- No issues identified. Rates and rules of service
understood and configured.
- Business process redesign work occurred however
it was not embraced by staff. - Staff not working to standard practices.
- Processes continue to evolve without effort to
document and retrain staff.
8Project Work Activity 4
- 4.1 Define Functions Features
- TMG Consulting will gather available
documentation on business requirements. - TMG Consulting will incorporate these
requirements into its 2,500 item CIS baseline
requirements checklist. - This checklist reflects industry best practices
and the work completed over the past 12 years
across numerous utilities. - TMG Consulting will conduct a half-day
introduction to the CIS baseline function and
feature checklist. Based on this introduction
the team will identify key users participants and
develop the review schedule. The baseline will
be published for pre-review. - Conduct work sessions across a minimum of 5 days
to review, modify and weight the CIS baseline
function and feature checklist. - Publish the checklist for final review and
consideration by the user community. - Use the checklist to evaluate the current CIS
9Project Work Activity 5
- 5.1 Senior Management Workshop Vision
Strategy - Conduct a work session to identify business
vision and strategy regarding waves of
innovation and risk, customer centric position,
core and extended customer service, customer
perception of value, customer value package,
customer marketing strategy, market drivers, and
business system drivers. - 5.2 Target Business Workshop Direction
Objectives - Conduct work session to identify target business
objectives (e.g. retain full service walk-in
locations), business activity outsourcing, scope
of products, services, and programs, external and
internal contact or touch points, and business
life-cycle considerations. - 5.3 Target Technology Workshop - Direction
Objectives - Conduct work session to identify target
computing environment, application environment,
and related development, support, operating and
maintenance environments. - 5.4 Target Integration Workshop - Application
Interfaces - Conduct a work session to identify customer
application architecture, interfaces, and
integration points.
- Customer Billing
- Complex Billing
- Unbundled Billing
- Third Party Billing
- Customer Growth
- Use technology to optimize Staff
- Support an aggressive acquisition strategy
7. Customer Billing
1. Customer Growth
The Customer
- Customer Offerings
- Branding
- Competitive launch period of 4 to 6
months - Offer retail products services
- Offer utility services
- Offer city services
- Offer communication services
- Offer home entertainment services
- Must bill to have a new product or service
- Customer Marketing Sales
- Focus on Potential Customers
- Focus on Existing Customers
2. Customer Marketing
6. Customer Offerings
3. Customer Care
5. Customer Choice
- Customer Interaction
- Numerous paths to interact
- A single point of contact
- Ultimate customer self-service
- Customer Relationship
- Know your customer when they call
- Customer Service
- Provide exceptional levels of customer service
- Customer Life-Cycle Mgmt
- Provide comprehensive services from registration
through termination
4. Customer Revenue
- Customer Choice
- Customer acquisition
- Customer enrollment
- Forecasting scheduling
- Risk management
- Commodity management
- Data collection
- Data communication
- Customer Revenue Stream
- Older technology ultimately impacts revenue
stream - Older technology ultimately impacts vision and
recognition of revenue
10Project Work Activity 6
- 6.1 Identify GAPS
- Review and understand the current environment.
- Develop and document the target environment.
- Identify GAPS between the current as is and
target or to be environments. - Identify critical GAPS or minimums to be
TMG CUSTOMER EXAMPLEThe identification of items
considered to be in scope based upon identified
11Project Work Activity 7
- 7.1 Develop Alternative Solutions
- Identify potential CIS scenarios.
- At a minimum each scenario will include a brief
description, positive and negative points,
resource requirements, installation costs,
ongoing costs, development timeframe, and project
risk. - 7.2 Evaluate Alternative Solutions
- Refine evaluation criteria and assign weight
based upon criticality. - Perform a comparative analysis of each scenario
based upon the defined evaluation criteria and
associated weights. - Document results of the alternative analysis.
- Present the ranking of alternatives and agree on
the scenario to be further refined and supported.
TMG CUSTOMER EXAMPLEA description and diagram of
an alternative to retain the billing system.
12Project Work Activity 8
- 8.1 Develop Costs
- Refine installation and ongoing costs.
- Develop a disbursement schedule.
- Identify cost allocation.
- Identify incremental cost per customer.
- 8.2 Develop Benefits
- Develop tangible cost savings.
- Develop tangible cost reductions.
- Develop tangible revenue enhancement.
- Develop intangible benefits.
- 8.3 Complete Cost/Benefit Analysis
- Formulate the cost / benefit and identify return
on investment.
13Project Work Activity 9
- 9.1 Prepare Draft Blueprint
- Compile project material and develop report
draft. - Issue report draft for review and comment.
- Review and incorporate changes into draft report.
- Conduct iterative review process.
- 9.2 Conduct Presentations
- Prepare presentation materials.
- Conduct formal and informal presentations as
required. - 9.3 Deliver Final Blueprint
- Update the report draft to reflect needs or
changes identified during the various
presentations. - Deliver the final report and close the project.
14Understand Assess the Current Environment
15Application Decision Model
- TMG Consulting utilizes the following decision
model to determine optimum application direction.
Q1. Maintain CIS
Q2. Enhance CIS
Q4. Replace CIS
Q3. Migrate CIS
16Application Decision Model Categories
- The TMG Consulting decision model requires
assessment of the following two areas - 1. Business PerspectiveHow does the existing
customer system address current and planned
business needs? - 2. Technical PerspectiveHow is the existing
technical foundation, environment, tools, and
application design viewed?
17Application Decision Model Grading Scale
- Within each category, evaluation criteria is
defined and a grade assigned indicating project
position and outlook for successful completion or
impact. - Grading is subjective based upon material
provided, interviews conducted, and industry
experience. All grades begin at a C and are
incremented or decremented based upon the
assessment. In the event insufficient
information was available, the grade defaults to
a C. Variations in the grade definition are
detailed within each of the evaluation categories.
18Business Assessment Average Grade
- How does the existing customer system address
current and planned business needs?
19Technology Assessment - Average Grade
- How is the existing technical foundation,
environment, tools, and application design viewed?
20Application Decision Model Results
Technical Fit
A A A- B B B- C C C- D D D- F
- Q1. Maintain CCIS
- 1. Status Quo
- Q2. Enhance CCIS
- 2. Major Upgrades
- 3. Re-front Scrapper
- 4. Common Front-end
- 5. New User Interface
- 6. Data Warehouse
- Q4. Replace CCIS
- 9. Custom Development
- 10. Managed CIS (COTS)
- 11. Hosted CIS
- 12. Outsourced CIS
- 13. ASP CIS
- Q3. Migrate CCIS
- 7. Re-host
- 8. Re-engineer
A A A- B B B- C C
C- D D D- F
Business Fit
21Review Industry Divers
22A Strategic Customer Focus
The customer is the center of the world.
Employees surround the customer to establish and
manage the relationship.
- Strategy identifies what the organization is
trying to accomplish in terms of the customer and
generating customer value
- Systems are the manual and automated processes
which affect the customer and their perception of
- Structure deals with organizational
considerations which affect the customer and
their perception of value.
The Customer
- Customer Centered Organizations
- Think Like Customer (TLC)
- View Customer as Primary Asset
- Focus on Customer Satisfaction
- Focus on Long-Term Relationships
23Core Extended Customer Service
How would you rate in providing exceptional
levels of service to customers? (may want to
segment by customer type)
Customer Grade Outstanding A Exceeds
B Satisfactory C Unsatisfactory
D Failing F
Focus on Caring Customer Service
Acknowledge - Appreciate - Affirm - Assure
Focus on Core Customer Service
Provide Basic Products, Programs, Services
Discount Your Customers
Impatient - Rude - Sarcastic - Ignore - Blame
24CIS Market Drivers
- Customer Billing
- Complex Billing
- Unbundled Billing
- Convergence or Third Party Billing
- Customer Growth
- Use technology to optimize Staff
- Support an aggressive acquisition strategy
7.Customer Billing
1.Customer Growth
The Customer
- Customer Offerings
- Branding
- Competitive launch period of 4-6 months
- Offer retail products services
- Offer utility services
- Offer city services
- Offer communication services
- Offer home entertainment services
- Must bill to have a new product or service
- Customer Marketing Sales
- Focus on Potential Customers
- Focus on Existing Customers
2.Customer Marketing
6.Customer Offerings
3.Customer Care
5.Customer Choice
- Customer Interaction
- Numerous paths to interact
- A single point of contact
- Ultimate customer self-service
- Customer Relationship
- Know your customer when they call
- Customer Service
- Provide exceptional levels of customer service
- Customer Life-Cycle Mgmt
- Provide comprehensive services from registration
through termination
4.Customer Revenue
- Customer Choice
- Customer acquisition
- Customer enrollment
- Forecasting scheduling
- Risk management
- Commodity management
- Data collection
- Data communication
- Customer Revenue
- Older technology ultimately impacts revenue
stream - Older technology ultimately impacts vision and
recognition of revenue
25CIS Market Drivers
26CIS Market Drivers
27Functional Fit Requirements Definition
28Scope of Functions
The following diagram represents the major
functional categories.
Customer Choice
Customer Service/Care
Customer Management
Account Management
Credit Collection Management
Portfolio Management
Rates Management
Financial Management
Service Address Management
Billing Management
Service Point
Service Order Management
Inventory Management
Usage Management
System Mechanics
29Checklist Example
30Requirements Weighting
Number of Items
assign weights to each category.
The most critical features which are the primary
drivers for this replacement effort.
Features which are mandatory, the system must
provide for within the base automation.
Required But Flexible
These features are required now however, the
utility is flexible in how the system implements
the feature (automation / manual workaround).
Future Need
These features will be required at some time in
the future and can be provided as a future
product release.
Nice To Have
These features are nice to have but are not a
required component of the new system.
31Vendor Checklist Response
The vendor will respond to each item with
Current Base
The function is provided in the base product. No
modification is required
Planned Base
The function will be provided in the next planned
release of the product. No modification is
Roll Into Base
The function will be developed and placed into
the base product during installation activities
at no cost.
Other Base
The function can be obtained from another
customers enhancements or a joint effort with
another customer.
This requires a customer specific enhancement to
be developed. Following implementation the
customer enhancement may or may not be rolled
into the next planned product release.
scores will be developed to assess functional
32Review Schedule
33Scope of Functions Account Management
Account Management An account is created to
reflect the establishment of a financial
agreement for the provision of a product or
service. The account is the primary path for
accessing and viewing customer account related
information. An account can be defined as a
single account, a master account, or a temporary
account. It reflects available and installed
service offerings, product offerings, equipment
offerings, and program offerings. It supports a
wide array of account views into account
transactions, consumption, payments, billings,
adjustments and account specific notes.
34Scope of Functions Billing Management
Billing Management Support of cycle driven, date
driven and event driven billing schedules. The
process will input time based and volume based
consumption and will provide for consumption
validation and estimation algorithms. The
process will identify appropriate contract
clauses and utilize associated rate schedules and
pricing plans. The billing process will provide
for flexible billing periods and accommodate
proration. In addition to batch billing the
system will provide for on-line account billing
for what-if analysis and adjusted billing.
35Define Document Alternatives
- TMG Consulting uses the following industry model
as the basis for defining possible alternative
scenarios. The following model presents four
quadrants representing general software scenarios
to consider regarding CIS options in support of a
CIS replacement initiative. Client example
provided below.
37Alternative Scenarios
- A series of alternative scenarios are identified
including status quo which is the baseline.
Client example provided below.
38Alternative Scenarios
- A profile is developed for each scenario. Client
example provided below.
Installation - Development
Target Hosted
Customer/1 CSS
Utility 1 x
Utility 1 x
Utility 2 x
Utility 2 x
2. Convert
Utility 3 x
Utility 3 x
Utility 4 x
Utility 4 x
1. Upgrade
Utility 5 x
Utility 5 x
39Assess Alternatives Identify the Optimum
40Analysis of Alternatives
- Assessment criteria is used to evaluate each
alternative scenario. The following are possible
evaluation criteria.
41Assessment Criteria
- Assessment criteria is developed for each
assessment category in order to score the
alternative scenarios. Client example provided
- The solutions are evaluated using the assessment
categories and evaluation criteria. Client
example provided below.
43Assessment Summary
- The assessment is summarized and total award
points identified. Client example provided below.
The following table summarizes the grade or fit,
weight, award points and total award for each of
the alternatives across the 10 evaluation
categories. The translation into this table from
the previous pages is as follows A 2, B 1, C
0, D -1, and F -2.
44Summary Recap
- A recap of the scenarios and their assessment is
provided. Client example provided below.
45Recommended Course of Action
- The following matrix presents the alternative
solutions ranked by positive to negative return.
Client example provided below.
46Develop a Business Case for the Optimum Solution
Client example provided below.
- A detailed assessment of benefits did not occur
as part of this process, however, TMG Consulting
offers the following rapid cost benefit analysis
for consideration.
Client example provided below.
- Cost Reduction The possibility of reducing the
current IT operational chargeback from 2.34 to
1.50 for a savings of 0.84 per customer/month - Cost Avoidance TMG Consulting conservatively
assumed a 10 increase in user efficiency would
occur as the result of improvements brought about
by a new core CIS with extended capabilities
geared to a retail company. All 225 positions
were used to calculate this efficiency. From an
IT perspective, TMG Consulting used current
support services fees and said conservatively
there would be no efficiencies or avoided costs. - Revenue Enhancement Within the open retail
environment the utility must compete for new
customers and retain existing ones. A simple and
conservative method to assign value to the
customer was to take the year 2001 revenues
estimated at 500 million and divide by the
563,000 customers to assign an average revenue
figure of 888.10 to each customer. Assumed 5
of the customers at any point in time were at
risk for leaving for another retailer or the
value of obtaining another customer in the open
market represented additional revenue of 888.10,
and that a 5 increase in number of customers
through switches was anticipated. Additional
product revenue of 50 million annually is
anticipated. The ability for the utility to
improve the time to market for a new product or
service by 90 days is worth the time value of
money. - Estimated Costs The one time capital cost of 18
million and the ongoing annual cost of 10
million is placed into the worksheet. - Summary of Costs and Benefits The following
table summarizes the core CIS costs and benefits
for a 5 year operating period.
49Investment Measurements
- TMG Consultings rapid cost/benefit analysis
utilizes the following 4 investment measures.
Client example provided below.
50Investment Measures
Client example provided below.
- As a result of this rapid cost/benefit analysis
TMG Consulting suggests the utility will receive
sufficient return on its investment to justify
pursuing this initiative. The worksheet has been
provided for modification by the utility to
perform additional analysis.
51Thank you for your attention. TMG
Consultingwww.tmgconsulting.com 9210 Honeycomb
Dr. Austin, Texas 78737 Greg Galluzzi
gregg_at_tmgconsulting.comp. 512.288.2655 f.