Title: Physics%20Division%20Safety:%20The%20Need%20for%20Renewed%20Diligence
1Physics Division SafetyThe Need for Renewed
- Jim Siegrist
- 23 January, 2006
2A Strong ESH Performance is of Paramount
Importance to LBNL
- Several recent events at LBNL have called into
question with DOE how well our Integrated Safety
Management program is working - Superglue in the eye accident
- Three radiation shielding incidents in a row at
the ALS - Radiation Work Authorization violation at the 88
3ESH Performance is Paramount
- Physics Division has a strong science mission. We
pursue our science mission in a safe and
respectful workplace. - ISM integrates safety into all work that we do
and holds the management line accountable for
ESH performance. - The most important reason we strive for
excellence in ESH performance is that we want to
protect the people that work here the most
valuable asset in the Division.
4High Priority Areas for Attention
- Two groups of hazardous situations require
special attention - One group consists of routine relatively
low-hazard tasks that we perform many times a
day/week - The other group is contains high hazard
activities that are performed less often but can
result in serious injury if they go wrong - Almost all injuries at LBNL are slips, trips,
falls, sprains, cuts which often occur a familiar
task that suddenly goes wrong
5Hierarchy of Injuries Courtesy Dorfan
1 Serious Injury
1 Serious Injury
29 Minor Injuries
29 Minor Injuries
??? Near miss or property damage (we dont track
these accurately)
300 Near miss or property damage
H.W. Heinrichs Model For expected injuries
classified according to severity
SLAC Contractors F 05 to DateActual injuries
classified according to severity
6Pay Attention
- We come to take for granted the safety of our
routine activities even though this is where most
injuries originate. - The only way to avoid these sorts of accidents or
injuries is to have our attention focused on
performing work safely. - We are the only ones who can ensure our own
safety and the safety of our coworkers only if
we are all paying attention. - Integrated safety means that acting safely in
work performance has to become second nature. - We can only get to this level of
performance by training - and paying
7Why Is ESH Important?
- Prevents injury, loss of limb or life
- Shows caring and respect
- Prevents interruption of work
- Protects and sustains the environment
- Enables us to be good neighbors
- Safeguards taxpayers investments
- Ensures sponsorship and funding from DOE
- Enhances our reputation as a safe place to work
- Improves operations and saves money
8Accidents Cost Money
- LBNL FY04 Total Worker Compensation Dollars
- 643K Total Medical Expenses
- 207K - Temporary Disability (wage replacement)
- 455K - Permanent Disability Compensation
- (for those with permanent partial or total
disability) - 75K - Retraining
- 83K - Claims Management Administration
- Total cost approx. 1.5 million
- An Ergonomic Claim (including medical, physical
therapy, lost time) - FY03 Approximately 24K/claim
- FY04 - 35K/claim
- Your research dollars pays these cost through
9The Commitment to Safety Starts at the Top
We have a collective responsibility to work
safely. Â If we work together and help each other
we cancontinue on our path of great science
performed safely every day. --Steven Chu