Title: Leader Observatory Seminar
1Leader Observatory Seminar Leader in the New
Member States13-17 November 2006 - Tihany,
HungaryMini-plenary session Institution
building Organisation of the management of the
programme (Group 1)
European Commission
- Salla Rossi
- Senior Officer, Ministy of Agriculture and
Forestry MA
LEADER action group POMO action group ALMA
action group Objective 1, Northern Finland
action group Objective 1, Eastern
Finland action group Border of Objective
3Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAPA)
Data system
LAG work group
Selection of LAGs
Regional TE-centre (delegated MAPA)
Indicative Funding and Annual budget (EU and
State 80)
Local strategies
Final decision
Local Action Group (NGO)
Board 1/3 representatives of municipalities 1/3
local associations and enterprises 1/3 rural
Funding 20
Project selection
Advice, formal checks
Payment of municipality funding
Project application
Payment selection
Private funding (tot. bud. 30 apx.)
Ideas, goals, needs
Activation, information
local people, enterprises, farms and residents
4Institution building Organisation of the
management of the programme Finnish experience
year 2004 year 2005
year 2006
National level (Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry, LAG work group, several working groups
and committees)
Information by letters
15.12.2005 applications
Final applications 29.9.2006
Comments for Finland Continental Rural
Development programme
Comments for National Strategies Finland
Continental Rural Development programme
Call for tender Leader LAG 2007-2013. telling
selection criteria
Selection of Leader LAGs
Seminars - discussions
Seminars - discussions
Feedback of local strategies
Local actions groups (local people, local and
regional administration)
5Institution building Organisation of the
management of the programme Finnish experience
- More information of Finnish experience from
www.maaseutuplus.fi and www.mmm.fi/lag web pages
and form national network unit.