Title: Final Year Job Search Programme Session 2
1Final Year Job Search ProgrammeSession 2
- Ann Doris
- Careers Placement Adviser
- for the School of Computer Science
- Thursdays 10-11am
- Room 209 Peter Froggatt Centre
- Weeks 3,5-10 S1 2003/04
2Final Year Job Search ProgrammeContact Details
- Ann Doris
- Careers Placement Adviser
- for the School of Computer Science
- Tel 028 90 335513
- Email a.doris_at_qub.ac.uk
- Website http//www.cs.qub.ac.uk/yearout
- http//www.qub.ac.uk/careers
3Making Applications Part 1Session 2 Overview
- Targeting Employers
- Curriculum Vitaes
- Covering Letters
- US Resumes
4Targeting Employers
5Targeting EmployersGuidelines
- ? Identifying Potential Employers
- ? Most companies, particularly small and medium
sized enterprises have at least one project that
needs attention, but lack the resources to
tackle it. - ? Managers are usually fully stretched in
their day-to-day business operations and have
little time to think far ahead. - ? The organisation may not have the sorts of
skills that undergraduates already have,
particularly in IT, language, technical areas
and marketing.
6Targeting EmployersGuidelines
- ? Work experience students can undertake jobs
that might not otherwise be done within the time
and resources available. - ? Bright and enthusiastic students can
therefore contribute significantly to the
organisation's performance at rates the company
can afford. - Both employer and student have the opportunity
to see whether they would like to make the
arrangement a permanent one, without committing
themselves immediately. - ? Work experience can lead to a full time job
on graduation.
7Targeting EmployersGuidelines
- Research the company you are contacting to find
out - what they do - the name of their Chief
Executive or MD
8Targeting EmployersGuidelines
- ? Prepare a targeted CV with covering letter,
addressed to the Chief Executive or Managing
Director to ensure they understand- why you
are interested in them- why you are interested
in getting work experience - what you have to
offer them, in terms of technical skills such as
IT and personal qualities- the benefits to
their company if they take you on, e.g. a
completed task or project- the relevance of
your course of study, and any other experience-
don't forget that your choice of hobbies,
voluntary work and interests can also assist in
determining your suitability for the job.
9Targeting EmployersGuidelines
- ? Follow-up all letters with a telephone call one
week later if there is no response. - ? Always be positive - it is important to sound
enthusiastic and to show you have something to
offer - ? Be pro-active - suggest a meeting/ interview to
discuss the job further
10Curriculum Vitaes
11Curriculum VitaesOverview
- Curriculum Vitaes
- What is a CV?
- CV Content Layout
- Personal Statement
- Career Objective
12Curriculum VitaesOverview
- To help employers make an objective assessment
- most will search CVs against very specific
criteria. - These are always job related and will include
evidence of appropriate knowledge, experience,
interests, skills and achievements
13Curriculum VitaesCV Content
- Must contain
- Personal Details
- Education Qualifications
- IT/Technical Skills
- Work Experience
- Activities Interests
- Referees
- Optional
- Personal Profile
- Career Objective
14Curriculum VitaesCV Layout
Page 1 Personal Details Career Objective /
Personal Profile Education Qualifications IT
/Technical Skills
Page 2 Work Experience Achievements Activities
Interests Referees
15Curriculum VitaesSamples
Refer to Overhead Projector
16Curriculum VitaesGuidelines on Compiling a CV
- Your CV should be word processed so that it can
be tailored for individual employers. Use good
quality white paper. - Try to keep your CV concise, two pages is the
norm. Your CV should be structured with clear
headings to make it easy to find what the
selector is looking for. - Allocate space in accordance with the importance
of the information - normally your degree the
best place is in the middle of the front page
and your work experience the best place is in
the top of the second page .
17Curriculum VitaesGuidelines on Compiling a CV
- Avoid wide margins and over-spaced text
- Use a header or footer with your name on it so
that - should the pages become separated it will be
clear - to whom they belong eg CV Ann Doris
- Avoid fancy fonts, computer graphics, colour,
white - on black etc. Your CV will be photocopied so
- clarity is important
18Curriculum VitaesGuidelines on Compiling a CV
- Consider using bold to highlight the names of
- well known employers in your Work Experience
- section.
- Try to include active verbs when describing your
- activities
- eg achieved, arranged, contributed,
established, implemented, initiated, negotiated,
organised, persuaded, planned
19Curriculum VitaesGuidelines on Compiling a CV
- Avoid gaps. Dont discuss academic failure on a
CV. Include exam marks for Level 1 Modules. - Use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
- be aware that some words have more than one
- correct spelling eg driving licence not
license. - Target your CV to the job specification
- Be sure to include a covering letter
20Covering Letter
21Covering LetterGuidelines
- When you are sending a CV to an employer it
- should always be accompanied by a covering
- letter.
- The purpose of the letter is to make sure your
- application is
- seen by the relevant person
- to draw attention to key points on your CV
- to highlight your suitability for the job
22Covering Letter Structure
- Paragraph 1
- Introduce yourself
- Identify the job you are applying for
- How you found out about the job
- Explain what other documents you are enclosing eg
CV - Paragraph 2
- Explain why you are attracted to the job and
organisation - How your qualifications match up
23Covering Letter Structure
- Paragraph 3
- Show your knowledge of the company, its culture
and ethos and how you can relate it to your own
interests - Paragraph 4
- Thank the employer for taking time to consider
your application - Mention when you are available for interview
24Covering Letter Guidelines
- Appearance is critical
- Use an A4 envelope and good quality white paper
- Use a suitable font e.g Times New Roman min 10
point - Keep it short and to the point - one A4 page
- If possible, send it to a named individual
- Use the letter to personalise your application
and tailor it to the company - End on a positive note
- Proof read it spelling and grammar checks
25Covering Letter Samples
- Refer to Overhead Projector
26Job AdvertSample
- Refer to Overhead Projector
27US Resumes
28US Resumes Overview
- Much more summarised and key point fashion than
CV - One page in length
- Always word processed
- A job objective is usually included in US resumes
as a matter of course eg
To obtain a position with a major software
developer which will utilize my educational
background and develop my expertise in web
29US Resumes Overview
- Proceed with caution when including personal
details such as age, date of birth, sex and
family status or to include a photograph
contravene States laws on employment rights - In America the focus is very much on your work
experience as opposed to UK CV starts with
educational qualifications. Begin with your most
recent work experience and work backwards.
30US Resumes Overview
- Indicate US equivalent of educational
qualifications eg A-levels equate to High School
Diplomas. Only include actual grades if they are
As or Bs - Check your resume for mistakes that will make it
look unprofessional
31US Resumes Overview
- Always include a covering letter as a matter of
course as it allows you to make a better sales
pitch than the resume alone. The covering
letter should be brief, clear, direct and follow
a logical structure e.g.
? Why you want the job show what you know
about them ? What qualifications and experience
you have highlight the most relevant
sections of your resume ? How you would measure
up to the requirements of the position
32Useful Books
- 1. The Perfect CV
- Tom Jackson and Ellen Jackson
- Ref No 014.065
- 2. The Global Resume CV Guide
- Mary Anne Thompson
- Ref No 014.066
- Available at
- Careers Service, 14 Malone Road, Belfast