Title: Standards and Trade Development Facility STDF
1Standards and Trade Development Facility(STDF)
A joint initiative of FAO, OIE, the World Bank,
2(No Transcript)
3Strategic aims of the STDF
- Enhance developing countries expertise /
capacity to analyze / implement SPS standards - Vehicle for coordinatingSPS-related technical
4STDF Operating Plan
- Coordination
- Information dissemination
- Project development
- Project funding
- Thematic workshops
- Trade, SPS and climate change (22-23 September
2009) - Economic analysis (30 October 2009)
- Research on impact and development of indicators
- Link between SPS and trade facilitation
- Multi-stakeholder response to fruit fly in West
Africa donor workshop (29-30 September 2009) - Regional STDF consultations (A4T)
6Information - dissemination
- Working Group (Partners / donors / beneficiary
representatives) - Website (www.standardsfacility.org)
- Tri-annual newsletter and briefings
- Development of DVD
- Workshops / presentations / meetings / WTO
training activities - SPS Committee
7Collaboration between STDF and EIF
- Project development stage (PPG mechanism)
Turn SPS needs outlined in DTIS into budgeted
proposals. - Project funding SPS priority needs
outlined in DTIS can obtain funding from either
the EIF TF of the STDF TF. Future possible
areas of collaboration - STDF research on
indicators and link with the EIFs ME
framework. - Preparation of SPS desk reviews for
DTIS and their updates. (SPS capacity evaluation
tools FAO, OIE, others)
8Collaboration between STDF and EIF
- Governance LDC representative in STDF Working
Group - Secretariat Continued sharing of staff
resources in Geneva and on mission
9SPS and the DTIS variable coverage
Madagascar Lesotho
Uganda, Tanzania, Laos, Cambodia
Niger Malawi
10 Project development (PPGs) 30,000
Project funding (PGs) up to 600,000
- 14 out of 36 Project grants have benefited LDCs
- Eligible entities
- Public sector entities with responsibility for
SPS measures - Private sector entities
- Regional or international organizations or NGOs
with expertise in SPS area
- 21 out of 33 of approved Project preparation
grants have benefited LDCs
- elaboration of projects from good concept
- revision of projects of interest to Working Group
- synergy with EIF and A4T
- mobilization of funds
11STDF Projects and PPGs benefitting LDCs
12- Next Meetings
- Trade, SPS and climate change (22-23 September
2009) - Economic analysis (30 October 2009)
- Multi-stakeholder response to fruit fly in West
Africa donor workshop (29-30 September 2009) - STDF Working Group and Policy Committee 10-11
December 2009 (tentative date) - Deadline for submission of project proposals and
PPGs is 10 September 2009.
13More information on STDF
- STDF SecretaryWorld Trade Organization154 Rue
de LausanneCH-1211 Geneva - fax 41 22 739 57 60
- tel 41 22 739 66 30
- E-mail STDFSecretariat_at_wto.orgWebsite