Title: DataAccess%20Layer%20Class%20Diagrams
1DataAccess Layer Class Diagrams
Matt Hinds Paul Lagasse Matt Menard CS509 4/11/
2Retreiving Orders from the Database
This sequence shows how the BusinessLogic Layer
(BLL) receives open orders from the DataAccess
Layer, and how that event propagates to the
database. First, the DataAccess object receives
an event from the BLL to get open orders. Next,
the DataAccess Layer creates a Get request
using the information supplied by the BLL. That
request is sent to the DatabaseAccess object,
where it uses the request to retreive the
information from the database. Finally, the
DataAccess object packages the information up
into an Order object, and returns it to the BLL.
3DataAccess Class
These are the methods that the BusinessLogic
Layer will use to communicate with the DataAccess
4Menu Class
Both the BusinessLogic Layer and the
DataAccessLayer will use this class. The
DataAccess Layer will construct this object when
the BusinessLogic Layer requests to receive a menu
5MenuItem Class
Both the BusinessLogic Layer and the
DataAccessLayer will use this class. The
DataAccess Layer will construct this object when
the BusinessLogic Layer requests to receive a
menu. The MenuItem class will be part of the Menu
6Order Class
Both the BusinessLogic Layer and the
DataAccessLayer will use this class. The
BusinessLogic Layer will pass this to the
DataAccess Layer to create an Order, and the
DataAccess Layer will pass this to the
BusinessLogic Layer when the BusinessLogic Layer
requests an order
7CustomerOrder Class
Both the BusinessLogic Layer and the
DataAccessLayer will use this class. A list of
CustomerOrders will be embedded in the Order
8Database Schema
9Database Schema (cont)
ItemID Price Description
Small Pizza 9.99 Comes with cheese
Pepperone .50
Medium Coke 1.25
Large Salad 5.25 Comes with house dressing
CustomerOrderID MenuItemList
JDoe1 Small Pizza,Pepperone,Sausage
JDoe2 Medium Coke
JDoe3 Large Salad
JQPublic1 Small Pizza
OrderID CustomerOrderList OrderStatus Delivery Mode
JDoe JDoe1, JDoe2, JDoe3 Open Pick-up
JQPublic JQPublic1 Open Delivery