Title: Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skel Files
1Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skel Files Update
Mgt Data Files
- Step by Step Procedure
- for State Level Staff
2Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skels
- What is a Skel file?
- Answer It is a management file originally
created in RUSLE2 in a stripped down format that
allows it to be converted for use in WEPS. It
contains only the basics. - Dates of the management operations
- Operation Names
- Crop Names
- None of the RUSLE operation, vegetation or
residue parameter data comes over, only the names
3Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skels
Not very exciting!
4Converting RUSLE Mgt files to Skels and then to
WEPS Mgt files
- Files can be converted one at a time or
recursively for a complete directory. - Management Templates have been created in RUSLE2
by State Agronomists, coordinated by the CMZ
Leader in each CMZ, and sent to the National
Database manager to be posted to the RUSLE2
Website. - These files are locked to assure consistency
between users in the same CMZ and to insure that
they are not edited locally. - We have converted all 24,000 of these Management
Templates for use in WEPS through a two step
RUSLE2 to Skel and Skel to WEPS process.
5Converting RUSLE Mgt files to Skels and then to
WEPS Mgt files
- These RUSLE2 Skel files are now also being posted
on the RUSLE2 Website. - The WEPS Management files resulting from the Skel
to WEPS conversion will also be posted by CMZ on
the WEPS website. - In the future, as new CMZ sets of RUSLE2
managements are sent in for posting, the files
will also be converted and posted both as Skel
files on the RUSLE2 website as well as WEPS
managements on the WEPS website. - State level staff can, when trained, convert
additional RUSLE2 files to Skel files, convert
these Skel files into WEPS managements and send
them to the FO for use in the WEPS model.
6Convert RUSLE Mgt to Skels
- Lets start the process by opening up RUSLE
- Open the Mgt Editor in RUSLE (yellow tablet on
the main tool bar)
Find and Select the Mgt file you want to convert.
We will use Corn, CMZ 34.
7Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skels
Now Click the File, Export, Current management to
NRCS format .
8Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skels
RUSLE now ask you where you want to save the
converted file. I like to place it in the WEPS
skel subdirectory.
9Convert RUSLE Mgt to WEPS Skels
Use the black down arrow to click your way up and
then back down to the WEPS skel subdirectory.
When you have the correct subdirectory
highlighted, click the save button.
10Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- Close RUSLE and open WEPS
- Open MCREW (it does not matter if there is a
management loaded or not). - Click Tools, Convert NRCS XML Mgt to WEPS format,
and select individual files
11Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- WEPS now asks you which skel file do you want to
convert to a WEPS management file. - Pick the Corn, CMZ 34.skel file we just made from
Now Click the Select Files button.
12Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- Now WEPS will ask us where we would like to save
the converted file. Since we have a directory
called CMZ 34 we will use that one. - Click CMZ 34 and Choose Directory
If we did not have a CMZ 34 subdirectory, WEPS
allows us to create one using the folder icon.
13Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- If all has gone well WEPS will return a message 1
WEPS Management File Created. - Click OK
14Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- What do you do when good things go bad?
- Not all the same Crops (vegetations) and
Operations that exist in RUSLE2 are built in
WEPS. In these cases, the operation or crop is
linked to a slightly different crop or operation
using a translator. - Some operations call in a crop called no crop
15Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
WEPS brings up this window when it hits something
that needs to be fixed before it can make the new
management file. By the name of the is file we
see that alfalfa should be the next crop growing,
or in this case released. Lets see if we can
find a WEPS alfalfa file representing a crop
released after harvesting a nurse crop.
16Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
We were able to find a crop to add to the file
called Alfalfa, released growing crop. RUSLE2
files that used a Begin growth operation or an
operation other than a planter or drill that
called in a new vegetation, will need to have
crops added to the WEPS management file because
of the difference between RUSLE and WEPS. Click,
OK to continue.
17Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
Sometimes WEPS will not find any file to match
to. In this case Flower, seed is not in the
current WEPS crop file.
18Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
You have several options. You can skip this file
altogether and not convert it. You can stop and
have the wind erosion specialist build a file for
you, or you can pick a similar crop to match it
to. In this case we will match it to Onion seed
production using the black down arrow pull down.
Click the OK button to go to the next record.
19Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- If you covert a file from RUSLE to WEPS that
already exists in the subdirectory you have just
chosen, then WEPS will give you some options - You can choose to overwrite the existing file.
- You can rename the new copy you are making
- Or you can skip the file.
20Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- You may have to wait for WEPS to finish. There
may not be any sign on the screen that WEPS is
doing anything. - If you ask WEPS to convert one file you will see
the box below. It tell you there was only one
file converted. The name and directory to the
file is listed.
21Convert Skels to WEPS Mgt Files
- Summary
- If you need operations, and or crops that are not
listed, call your National Technology Support
Center Agronomist - If they are not available, and the need is
urgent, call the National Wind Erosion
Specialist. Currently that would be Mike Sporcic
at 817-509-3213, Fort Worth, TX
(Michael.Sporcic_at_ftw.usda.gov) - Once a new operation or crop is developed,
reviewed and approved, it will be added to the
official NRCS WEPS Crops or Operations Database
and posted to the WEPS website where it is
consistently available to all WEPS users.
22Updating WEPS Management Files
- Update Mgt Files is similar to a RUSLE update
database file in that it contains different data
for operation and crop files that have been used
in management files. - The difference is that WEPS has actually saved a
copy of the operations and crop files in each
management while RUSLE saves only the link or
pathway to each dependent record. - The idea here is to update your management
template files with the new operation and / or
crop files. - Updating the management template files when new
operations and crops data is available is
critical to keeping WEPS answers consistent from
office to office.
23Updating WEPS Management Files
- During this first year of rollout many things
will change as we improve the model. - As with RUSLE2, the databases will be frequently
updated and added to. - As edits are made in the national WEPS crop and
operations databases, State IT and Technical
staff will be asked to update part or all of the
WEPS Crop and Operation database files. - Eventually we want to automatically push
database updates out to all WEPS users using the
SMS process. - You may then want to run the Update Mgt Files
routine in MCREW to finish up the process of
adding these new files to the managemets in your
24Updating WEPS Management Files
- Here is how to do it.
- First, copy in all the changes and updates in the
crops and operations databases. - Second, open up the mgt editor and click tools,
Update WEPS Management files, select directory
(recursive) on the toolbar.
25Update Mgt Files
- This takes you to a screen that will allow you to
select the subdirectory you want to update with
the current crop and operation files. - BE CAREFUL, once you update a template management
directory it can not be undone. - You may find it handy to archive the current set
of managements to a dated subdirectory before you
do the update.
26Update Mgt Files
- If you click Choose Directory, WEPS will run
though all management file in the c\Program
Files\USDA\WEPS\WEPS 1.0 (beta 20b)\db\man\NRCS
directory. - You can use the file up and or the down arrow to
move around in the directory system.
Whatever is highlighted is the directory that
will be updated (all file in it)
27Update Mgt Files
- And then comes that serious warning I mentioned
earlier. - Say no and back up (copy them) your current
records to another location if you need to, then
come back and make the update.
28Update Mgt Files
- You may have to select a different operation or
crop as when we converted the skel files the
screens look the same. - When you finish there will be a message that
tells you how many files were updated.
29Update Mgt Files
- Summary Update Mgt Files
- Until we have a better way to update, each state
will have the responsibility to keep current on
the changes that come along. - Until we have the ability to push database
updates out with SMS, the National Wind Erosion
Specialist will notify State Agronomists or State
Erosion Specialists when new operations and crops
have been posted to the WEPS website and it is
time to update the database on all workstations. - Once the new operations and crops are loaded,
then the Management file update can be performed
as well.
30Update Mgt Files
- Summary Update Mgt Files, cont.
- Nationally, the official set of WEPS management
templates will also be updated with the current
operations and crops and reposted to the WEPS
website. - The National Database Manager will notify the
State and Regional Specialist that there is a new
CMZ update as new rotation are added an converted
to WEPS format. - The field can then download the appropriate CMZ
sets and update the local database or the State
Specialist can download them and forward the
appropriate CMZ sets to the Field Offices with
the instructions to place them in the S drive or
common shared drive.
31Update Mgt Files
- Summary Update Mgt Files, cont.
- Eventually we should be able to push these CMZ
sets of management templates to an established
location on the S drive using SMS.