Title: SU2 U1 and the nature of light
1SU(2) U(1) and the nature of light
COSMO 2005 31 August 2005 Bonn
Ralf Hofmann Universitäten Frankfurt/Heidelberg
hep-th/0504064 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20, 4123
(2005), hep-th/0507033 hep hep-th/0507122,
hep-ph/0508176, hep-th/0508212
3Motivation for
SU(2) U(1)
4WMAP 1-year release of temperature map
5temperature-polarization cross correlation at
large angles
power spectrum of TE cross correlation excess
compared to primordial prediction ! (reionization
versus mobile electric monopoles at
6more motivation
- Universes equation of state
- (slowly rolling Planck-scale axion)
- nontrivial ground state physics related to
- physics of photon propagation?
- (invisible
ether) - intergalactic magnetic fields ?
- (condensed, electrically charged monopoles)
7SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics, nonperturbatively
8 SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics
at large temperatures spatial coarse-graining
over both
topological fluctuations (large, topology
changing quantum fluctuations, calorons)
plane-wave fluctuations (small quantum
fluctuations, perturbation theory)
- induce magnetic monopole constituents in calorons
- induce interactions between monopoles
- after coarse-graining
- pure-gauge configuration
- provide spatial correlations to resolve the
infrared catastrophe - after coarse-graining
- inert adjoint scalar with dependent
modulus - quasiparticle masses by Higgs mechanism
Polyakov 1974,Nahm 1980, Lee Lu 1998, Kraan
van Baal 1998, Brower et al. 1998, Diakonov et a.
2004, Ilgenfritz et al. 2005,
9 SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics phase diagram
ground state CVL condensate
(spin-1/2) excitation
single and self-intersecting CVLs
ground state monopole condensate plus
collapsing, closed magnetic flux lines (CVL)
excitation massive, dual mode apparent
gauge-symmetry breaking
ground state short-lived (attracting) BPS
monopoles and antimonopoles (
) plus dilute, screened
BPS monopoles and antimonopoles (spin-1)
excitations two massive modes one massless
mode apparent gauge-symmetry breaking
2nd order
10 microscopics of ground-state dynamics
deconfining phase
inert adjoint scalar after spatial
pure gauge after spatial
11 quasiparticle excitations after spatial
Yang-Mills scale
quasiparticle mass
effective gauge coupling
12 one-loop evolution of with temperature
monopole condensation, decoupling of
magnetic-charge conserving atrractor
magnetic charge of isolated monopole after
monopoles mobile close to phase transition CMB
gets polarized at large angles !
mass of isolated monopole after screening
quasiparticle mass
13 pressure at one-loop
14 energy density at one-loop
small correction to dark-energy content of the
Universe (Planck-scale axion)
15 electric-magnetic coincidence
electric coupling , magnetic
coupling (dynamically stabilized)
- free photon gas (no screening,
decoupled ) - 2. (i) not yet a coupling of the photon to the
monopole condensate - (ii) photon massless,
- (iii) rest-frame of heat bath not visible in
single photon propagation (invisible ether), - (iv) superconductivity of ground state
(intergalactic magnetic fields ?) barely visible -
(neither dynamical magnetic charges (screening)
nor condensed electric charges (photon mass)
16CMB fluctuations at large angles as radiative
dominant diagram
subject to compositeness constraints
(plane-wave quantum fluctuations softer than
, harder fluctuations integrated out into
radiative corrections to pressure at most 0.2
Herbst, RH, Rohrer 2004
17dominant correction
dipole contribution in temperature map of CMB
(computed with upper bound for modulus when
! )
18kinematical plus dynamical generation of dipole
anisotropy ?
- solar system moves w.r.t. CMB rest frame
- km/s
Peebles Wilkinson 1968 - horizon-volume of solar system moves into
regions which, - formerly, were causally disconnected
19Summary and Outlook
Universe today possibly dynamically stabilized at
boundary between deconfining and preconfining
phase of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory of scale
invisible ether structureless condensate of
electric monopoles
(electric-magnetic concidence)
after jump to preconfining phase Universes
ground state
visibly superconducting
monopole condensate small correction to
Universes dark-
energy content
large-angle part of CMB power spectra radiative
corrections in
phase of
(mobile and dilute
20Summary and Outlook
future work
- computation of two-loop correction to pressure
in an FRW background - at low
- computation of various thermal two-point
correlators in Minkowski - space and FRW background with or without axion
background - polarization power spectra and CP
violation - rate of axion rolling necessary for jump to
preconfining phase - (violation of thermal equilibrium)
21(No Transcript)
22Typical situation in thermal perturbation theory
taken from Kajantie et al. 2002
taken from van Baal Kraan 1998
24Does fluctuate?
quantum mechanically
No !
compositeness scale
No !
25Thermodynamical self-consistency
pressure (one-loop)
however Higgs-induced masses and ground-state
pressure both - dependent
- derivatives involve also implicit dependences
relations between thermod.quantities
26Relaxation to the minima